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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

Hey I'm writing an article on vampire folklore fans! Answer these questions? PLEASE DON'T WRITE ONE WORD!!! EXPLAIN!

1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?
2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?
3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?
4. How did you get into Buffy?
5. Who is your favorite character any why?
6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic?
7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real?
8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like?
9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer? Be honest (:

 wilderme posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

x-missmckena-x said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?
wow difficuilt there are a number of differnt thing, the development of characters form high school to adulthood, the relationships but mainly the fantasy side of it all you know ith vampires witches warewolves, i can hojnestly say that it would make life more interesting if life was like that.
2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?
buffy and angel were the first but since then ive grown to love most vampire fiction. i love true blood and how differnt it is to buffy and angel, and then i love the twilight film
3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?
havent read it but seen the movie and i did love it mainly becasue i love comparing difeernt types of vampires and becasue it reminds meof early bangel
4. How did you get into Buffy?
my best mate years ago was a massive fan and i was a massive britney fan so we agreed to try out each others loves and well now shes more of a britney fan and i woiuld say im more of a buffy fan lol~!
5. Who is your favorite character any why?
cordelia, what can i say i love the bitches, actually charisma is just aweomse i idolised her for being able to just stick up for herself no matter how physically weak she was like in homecoming and also her figure is the type of figure that i would want to have its like a proper womans!
6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic?
with some of its stories yeah like parts of buffy are metaphor eg sleep with your boyfriend and he turns evil lol!
7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real?
i really would love to but i dont know if i do becasue then ill have to beleive all tv shows and they all conflict!
8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like?
season 6 and the spuffy storyline it just didnt happen it a realistic way for me, also i dont like buffy herself sometimes, she can just be an utter bitch for no reason sometimes!
9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer?
yeah babay!! that would be so cool if i was!
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posted over a year ago 
laurabaybie said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?
I love Buffy. The reason why is because i love how she cares about people, the way she responds to difficulties in life. She is very strong and powerful and she would rather die then let her friends die.

2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?
Blade1/2/3. I love Blade, but it is totally different to Buffy. Blade is half vampire, half human. He was born a vampire. He has all of there strengths but none of there weeknesess but the thirst. Other vampires call him the daywalker.

3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?
I haven't read the book, but i've seen the movie on a website. I don't like it that much, because every other vampire movie, vampires cant go in sunlight, where this film they can. I think they're trying to be different but i dont think its worked. (well to the people who think vampires cant go in sunlight as a rule).

4. How did you get into Buffy?
My friend was into it and i watch the whole of the last season first soo i knew how it ended, but after that i was hooked.

5. Who is your favorite character any why?
I have 2. Buffy and Spike. I choose Buffy for the same reason as the first question. And Spike, well what is there not to like. He's sexy, funny and he's strong. And he would do anything for Buffy and Dawn.

6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic?
Yes of course. Its very real!

7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real?
Yes, hahaa. I believe anything is real. If you believe in it, then its real.

8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like?
Nope. Thats all i can say.

9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer? Be honest (:
Yes. I would kill to have that much power and to save the world. I would love to be anything like Buffy.
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posted over a year ago 
Rainbeau said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?

To be honest for pretty simple reasons; Buffy is great fun, love the sense of humor, and I like the dark-fantasy aspect. I've been "attrected to" Vampires since I was six

2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?
I didn't see much vampireshows and movies (I like to read their stories, though, especially the East-European folklore), but if I did, those vamps were mostly really animal-like (the episode in Xena, some in Van Helsing), those in Buffy are way more humane, like Anne Rice's. Her stories were pretty cool too! I like it both for a Vampire to have humane traits or to be more animal-like.

3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?
I read it, and hated it... Vampires all getting shiny in the moonlight... Please get a grip... I'ts embarassing...

4. How did you get into Buffy?
Just started watching when I was totally bored one day... Normally I don't watch television that much... But I was immediately addicted!

5. Who is your favorite character any why?
I love Darla most! But since she's more on Angel I don't know if this is a right answer. I like her because she's adorable in a cruel and bad way. She's had a lot of trouble, but she mostly seems like a pretty stable person who's at ease with her life. She isn't wining and complaining all the fucking time. She's a strong character. Besides all that, she has something mysterious and sexy, as a Vampire should have...
On Buffy I liked Glory and Spike most, because they're dark in a likeable way. Spike's sarcasm kicks ass, and Glory is just... plain stupid in a cute way, which makes her somehow a little innocent as well. I mean... "going home" as a masterplan?! She's more like "I want this so badly and if people die because of it... well, that's too bad" If she could go home without harming anyone, I think she would

6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic?
Yeah, I bump into Vampires every other night... The (emotional) responses in the show are realistic yes.

7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real?
Yeah, and you would too if you've met my family ;) No I don't believe in real Vamps...

8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like?
One thing... But it is in one of the comics, not on the In one of the comics, they are talking about Lilith as if she's a demon, (probably they got that idea from early-Christian folklore) but in my opinion and more scientists share that opinion Lilith wasn't a demon. She was even better than Adam and Eve, because she could fit in the change were Adam couldn't (I know this sounds lousy for people who don't know the stories, but those who do, will understand).

9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer? Be honest (:

I would like to have the power, yes... But I'd hate the responsibillity

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posted over a year ago 
Mermaid-Tail said:
1. I like lots about Buffy, I'll try to keep the fan ramble to a minimum. It's well written, one of the few shows aimed at younger people that didn't talk down to them. It's funny and entertaining but still had enough depth and intelligence to keep fans debating about it years after it's finished. It had a good feminist message without the female characters being 2-dimensional & without feeling the need to put down the male character to achieve it.
2. I like most vamp fiction. The Buffy vamps are my favourite, they have all the vampire mythology I like and the vamps are the bd guys & pose a real threat but are still fleshed out as characters. While the Buffy version's my favourite I've liked lots of other vampire fiction.
3. I hate Twilight, no offence to the fans is intended by the following. I think it's very poorly written (before reading the book I saw a sample online and seriously thought it was a parody. that's how corny & bad I found the writing, I thought it was a joke) Bella is pathetic and I find her relationship with Edward unhealthy, controlling &obsessive, I think Bella, in fact the whole book is a bad influence for young women (seems like an overreaction till you see the amount of young women whose view of relationships was altered by the book) The characters lacked depth, Edward for example was so blandly 'perfect' that I felt the whole thing read like a fanfic by a 14yr old. It also had none of the vamp mythology I like, the vamps were so unvampiric I don't see why the author bothered calling them vampires.
4. As soon as I heard about Buffy I watched as I've always liked vampires.
5 Either Buffy or Spike. Buffy is funny, likeable, strong & compelling, Spike had some great lines and his journe & character development were interesting.
6. With what the characters go through taken as a metaphor for what real people go thrugh, yes very. I've known many people who have gone through things where they could relate to characters on the show, and people who have traits in common with characters. Take as a metaphor rather than at face value I find it very realistic.
7. Nope, never have.
8. Some episodes & characters annoyed me, and I think Buffy apologised or forgave her friends too easily when they were at fault, but that's all.
9. Depends. Being the only slayer would mean giving up all my normal life, if I had to I think I'd adapt, but given the choice probably not. Unless it was after s7 when there were many slayers. Then I'd love it. getting to save lives but without the weight of the world on your shoulders.
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posted over a year ago 
kalik said:
1. The storyline (which isn't lameass like Twilight) the characters (especially Angel, Spike & Xander <33) and ofcourse a girl who kicks ass :D + The looks of the vampires are really cool too :)
2. Yep, Angel(duh), Queen of the Damned & Blade. The storylines are appealing, aswell as the actors and overall look. And Blade is just pure kickass and awesome :D
3. No, never read it, saw a bit of the movie and totally hated it.. I think it's WAY overrated. The storyline is lame and the vampires are not believable.
4. I watched it when I grew up along with Angel, I don't remember how I came across it, all I know was that I got hooked from the moment I saw it.
5. Angel :D Firstoff because he's sexy, other than that I like his background story. Second fave is totally Xander. He always tries to light the air with his witty comments and stupid actions, he's awesome ♥ Show wouldn't be the same without good ol Xander :)
6. Nope, but a show doesn't have to be realistic to be awesome :)
7. Nope lol.
8. Uhhhhmmm wellll... not really XD
9. Who wouldn't want to be the girl that kicks every guy's ass? Ofcourse I'd love it, apart from your friends and family being killed off LOL :D
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posted over a year ago 
jighooligan101 said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you? Because it deals with very real issues in a very unreal way. A great escape method and the very main reason I first started watching SMG is hot. (What do expect im a 17 year old male.)
2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare? Not really. Ive never been that big into vampires Ive seen Dracula (the Gary Oldman one) and a few others but Buffy just kinda trancends that because its about much more.
3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not? No. Twighligh never appearled to me. Its not really original ,lets face it niether were Buffy and Angel but that was pulled of greatly because of the talented writing staff.
4. How did you get into Buffy? My sisters were minding me (I was young) and at the time i=I was big into watching horror movies when I wasnt supposed to and The Master scared the crap outta me so I kept tuning in.
5. Who is your favorite character any why? This changes on a daily basis. But its consitently
#1 Anya Simply because I love her blissful ignorance and that speech in the body gets me every time.
#2 Andrew Comic relief and he was the voice of the fans and the Andrew centric comic was great.
#3 Faith Who doesnt love a good redemption story?
#4 Tara Her innocence, pure innocence. She was fantastic.
6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic? In many ways. Not the whole vampires and what not but what the monsters the stood for was very realistic.
7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real? No I dont.
8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like? Although Im not a fan of some season 4 and 6 episodes Ive never truely disliked anything in the show. I understood everything even if I wasnt fond of it at the (see Spuffy...dont hurt me Spikes_Girl lol)
9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer? Be honest (: Well it would mean changing gender so ...maybe just for an hour or two:D

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posted over a year ago 
cecig said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?
I love Buffy (character)because she is funny, strong she cares their friends, she protect the world and she sacrificed for it.She crossed for very bad moments and it was able to persevere, she is a real heroine.
The storyline is awesome, I love the characters, the action, drama and comedy. And love the vampires like Angel, Spike and Dru.

2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?
I like Interview with a vampire, I love the book and I like the movie. What I like is that it happens in another time(1791)like the Angelus, William, Dru and Darla flashbacks, like in Amends, Becoming,etc.
And it shows the same way of sired vampires that in Buffy.

3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?
No, I don't, but for what I see( trailers, and a few scenes, it's a piece of shit, sorry:)),I don't like the idea that the sunlight can't kill the vampires, and those vampires are just lame, pathetic(Edward, and the others), Edward and Bella is a copy of Buffy and Angel relationship.

4. How did you get into Buffy?
My sister watched it, and one day I watched it with her and I love it. I love the action, the drama and the comedy.Is the best show ever!!!I still watched, here in Argentina they transmit it every day.

5. Who is your favorite character and why?
Is Buffy, she is awesome, she kill vampire and demons,she make mistakes like the other people, and the same reasons that the first question.

6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic?
Yes,(not the supernatural part), but the relationships, the drama is all about the real life, the love,the friendship, face the death, the school.

7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real?
Yes, I believe in aliens, the Devil, the Ghosts, and I believe in witches, but I don't believe in vampires.

8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like?
I love all about Buffy(the character),but about the series what I don't like much is the relationships between Willow and Kennedy and the Xander behavior sometimes(like in Becoming part 2), and the potencials,but no matter this, I love all about Buffy .

9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer? Be honest (:
Yes!! I will love to be a Vampire slayer, I love kick ass, and will like to fight with vampires and demons, but it would be very hard to balance my personal life with hunting demons.

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posted over a year ago 
adwbuffy said:
1) Buffy Anne Summers she was the strongest slayer and main character on the show. She makes hard decisons that involves danger or her life. Puts things behind her and rebuild new memories with her Friends and sister. Buffy is a role model for me that women can change the world.

2) Yes, True Blood. The hot HBO series that does have similarites to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A human with impath abilties and fallen in love with a vampire. There is my answer relationships with Vampires/Humans.

3) I had read the whole series. And I don't like that whole storyline was to different and wicked wrong for the vampire chronicles. I mean it did ruin it. Buffy vampires and True Blood vampires are way better.

4) My favorite actress Sarah Michelle Gellar who became a female ass-kicker, that slays vampires and fallen in love with vampires. Vampires have souls. The show gave me interest with life at High School & College (Graduating June 2010)

5) Buffy Summers all the way, she influenced me to stand up yourself in school like being bullied and make new friends by chatting and getting along with them. Her relationships are wicked hott Angel & Spike. But Spike was hot with his relationsip with Buffy such chemistry between the two.

6) Can be realistic, but no, I wish

7)No, but it would cool.


9)Hell Yeah! LOL :D
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posted over a year ago 
churgles said:
1. It's mainly all the different plots that go on episode to episode. The writing is really great, so the episodes don't drag on and that keeps me watching.
2. I haven't watched many movies (besides, Twilight...) or shows other than Angel. Angel has nothing compared to Buffy.
3. Yes, I've read it. No I absolutely hated it! I knew what was going to happen even when I wasn't finished with the book. It was such a stereotypical love story. It bored me.
4. The only reason I really got into Buffy was watching the Willow/Tara storyline. After watching a couple episodes, I couldn't stop watching!
5. Willow and Anya. Willow is my favorite character mainly because I can see myself in her. I am the geek/weird-o at my school and I babble, a lot. And I like Anya because the comment's she makes are so sassy, arrogant and too darn funny!
6. Define realistic: If you're looking at it from "the show started almost 10 years ago so the graphics are cheap" then, no... it's not very realistic. But if you're looking at it from a "teenage girl moves from L.A. to some small town, makes friends with a witch, librarian, and ordinary guy, falls in love with a vampire(s) and a commando-dude, and continually saves the world from demons and whatnot", then yeah, it's kinda realistic.
7. No, sorry.
8. Not really... other than the not so good season 7, everything is awesome!
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posted over a year ago 
brosis101 said:
1.i love Buffy i reckon shes great because of her personality and her cool fight moves.

2.The movie van helsing was pretty good but no movie could compare to Buffy except angel. i havent read twilight but ive watched the movie uncle got me into buffy when i was 7 years old and i still watch the series over and over again with my brother. i am in love with it.

5.angel because 1.hes hot 2.his a vampire and has a soul 4. hes a brooding vamp 5.he has a dark past.

6.yes definetly because of her life situations especially in college and looking after dawn etc. but the only thing which is not realistic in the world is dating vamps with a soul.

7.yeah... i believe they used to exist and maybe still do. not really

9.yes and no... yes because of the power and feeling when you slay yourself a vamp ...and no because of the commitment and the chance that you could day.

hope that answers all your questions fully

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posted over a year ago 
rosanna122 said:
1. Buffy has a great mix of drama, love, action, super natural and comedy rolled into one show. the show it's self is addicting, i've never been able to exactly describe why I like it so much but I do.

2. I've seen the Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie, it was ok but was pretty cheesy compared to the series. I eventually want to watch HBO's True Blood, but have yet to do so.

3. No I have not read Twilight. I plan on eventually reading it.

4. I was bored and I saw it at the video store, and rememberd hearing such good things about the show. So I picked up the first disc of season 1 and I had about the entire series watched in 2 months.

5.Buffy is my favorite, but shes kind of a given favorite. I really like Willow, shes changed from season 1 through out the show. from a geeky girl that hacks computers and has a crush on her best friend; to a skilled witch that shows exactly how much power she has in her hands (also a lesbian, but that doesn't make a big difference in my opinon).

6. Buffy the character or Buffy the show?
I think Buffy as a character is somewhat realistic, as she really does go through alot of things most ppl her age(s) do. She is also unrealistic, because very few women have the kind of physical strength she does and still look so little.
The show isn't real realistic. Some of the things they show on TV are completely science fiction. While again, they still have things that are very common in life (high school, graduating, college, etc).

7. Nope, I do not.

8. My only gripe is some of the customs look pretty bad (werewolf custom for example)and the show can get confusing at times if your not paying all your attention.

9. No, I think the slayer responsibilities are way to much for anyone to handle.

Note: One thing I don't like about the series is that they could've easily had it last at least 2 more seasons.
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posted over a year ago 
destuctogirl said:
1. I enjoy the Buffy series because if the wonderful witty writing. The tone of the show is the most entertaining thing I have ever seen. The show is not just about vampires and demons but some real life struggles that everyone has to survive.

2. I have enjoyed many of the vampire genre movies and/or books. Blade, Angel, Interview with a Vampire, Dracula, etc. Each are difference and enjoyable in their own way.

3. I have not read the book, but have watched the movie. I was late learning about this and decided that I would watch the movie and if it peaked my interest I would read the books. I am glad I didn't waste my time. I am not against human/vampire love stories but this was horribly done. The characters were weak and the dialogue was nonexistent.

4. I never watched while it was on the air. It wasn't until I was watching Bones with DB that I thought to look into the Buffy/Angel shows. I am truly glad I did.

5. My favorite character is Buffy because she is the center of the show and to me is very realistic. I love her relationship with Angel, always felt there was a genuine connection there.

6. I believe that the show was fairly realstic under the circumstances, the interpersonnal relationships seemed to have a realistic basis, we all fight with our friends and we all have personal issues that come up. The Hellmouth as a disclaimer was a great idea, afforded writers with easy excuses.

7. Our history is filled with references to demons and vampires, I truly believe that demons do exists, whether they are the walking down the street with horns type, I doubt. I would like think that there are these beings, it adds to my sense of whimsy.

8. There wasn't much I did not care for, granted I didn't enjoy the show as much once the Buffy/Angel thing ended, but I am hopeless romantic that was. Even after Angel had his own show there was still enough strength of character to make sitting through the Riley debacle okay.

9. Emphatic No. I just couldn't do that, Buffy has had to sacrifice every drop of happiness in her life to her calling. I would not be prepared to do that.
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posted over a year ago 
tinkymel said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?
    Well there are many reasons why I LOVE BTVS, but I think the main reason has to be Joss. The stories, plots, and dialog of the show were done very well. With all the pop culture references and the witty dialog it appealed to young and old, male and female. This show also found ways to deal with socially important issues in a very fictional way. It never felt like the writers were sitting on a soapbox and preaching at you. They dealt with school violence and addition in a way that was very entertaining and helped people understand it. All the characters were flawed in ways and fell at times. No character on the show was perfect or had it all. These aspects made the characters seem more real then others. The other thing that helped is that the majority of the cast were attractive in some way. The dealt with evil of all kinds, including the evil that lies in oneself. This show is just so dynamic that it is hard to really put into words why it is so good or appeals to me.

2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?
    Well Yah, of course. I have loved Vampire books and movies for a long time. I must admit I haven’t seen the older ones, but I do like some of the more recent classics. I can’t compare them to each other because it would be like comparing an Apple to a T-Bone Steak. I have watches many movies, (Eg. Lost Boys, Innocent Blood, Ultra Violet, and Night Watch), TV Shows (Moonlight, Forever Knight, Blade), and read many books (Twilight, House of Knight, cassandra palmer series, and the Blood Ties series). I love them all. I feel like Vampire media is like Pizza, Even when it is bad it is good.

3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?
    Yes I have read the Twilight series. I have read all four books twice. The first time I read them I loved them and wanted all my friends to read them. Then I read them again and realized that the main characters are way to unrealistic. Edward is Too perfect. He has no real flaws, which is the classic approach to creating a great hero/protagonist. And don’t get me started on Bella, can we say whiny, needy, and weak. I want to see women portrayed as strong and not needing a man to make them “complete.” Like Pink says,”Whatever happened to the dream of a girl president.” Not the dream of a weak whiney girl chasing a boy around that is dangerous. They are good books, but they are very flawed to me. I still like them, but they bug me. The other thing that bugs me how over populated the media is with them. Magazines constantly writing about the movies, book publishers publishing books that are pretty much the same book (Can you say Evernight). It is just sad, get a new idea already.

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posted over a year ago 
4. How did you get into Buffy?
tinkymel posted over a year ago
No. First off you die young. Second they aren’t real, and I like being real. Third, hello thankless no paying job.
tinkymel posted over a year ago
Just to let you know my opinion on these questions, it feels like you are writing an article on Vampires in pop culture, or the modern take on Vampires. I wouldn’t call it a look at Vampire Folklore unless you are actually going to go back farther then the 1990s. That is just my thought though. It also seems like you are very focused on BTVS, and not vampires. I thought I would hellp anyway. I will read your article and judge it fairly. Also sorry about all the comments, but my answers were too long and this is the only way I could answer all your questions.
tinkymel posted over a year ago
SpanksU said:
1. The script writing is amazing - it's humorous, dramatic, action packed etc... Also the re watch value of the show is unbelievable.

2. Nothing like Buffy, I enjoyed the movie interview with a vampire but something about the Buffy verse that is really amazing.

3. I have not, and I have no desire to get into that series.

4. I started watching it years after it had ended my sister insisted that I borrow her first season - and I've been hooked ever since.

5. Giles is my favorite, he's a very well rounded character who is strong and flawed.

6. I don't think Buffy is realistic to our world, but I do think that it remains consistent within it's own universe.

7. No I don't think they are real.

8. Some of the character *ahem*Dawn-Kennedy*ahem*, I am not a fan of Spuffy *ducks from various items being thrown at her*, and I don't like how it every in season seven continued to mention that "in order for one of them to be Slayer Buffy would have to die.", even though the show had already shown that if Buffy were to die another Slayer would not be called.

9. I think I'd prefer to be witch.
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posted over a year ago 
SweetPea2007 said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?: I find it very entertaining and addictive. It is corny but in a good way and i like the humour/drama mix about the whole show.

2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?: I did like Shadow of the Vampire cause it made me laugh,but in a different way from Buffy and the Blade movies were okay but i Like Buffys light over the top/slightly dark humour better.

3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?: have not read but have seen the movie. It was okay but once again i like the humour of Buffy better.

4. How did you get into Buffy? Just started watching it one day and became hooked.

5. Who is your favorite character any why?Spike is my favorite character. I love his sarcastic smooth humour and layed back attitude. I also find him highly attractive and intriguing.

6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic?: well no not really, that is one of its many charms. I watch it to get away from life and realism. I want fantasy and dark/sarcastic humour (and a lil supernatural romance) to take me away from the "real" world everyonce in a while.

7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real?: well not really, but hey you never know.

8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like?: well buffy herself gets on my nerves quite a bit. she is a lil too whiny and naieve for my tastes, but hey that is just her character and i don't necesarily watch the show for just her anyway.

9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer? Be honest (: : not really...too many hard decsion would have to be made and it could get very time consuming. And then there is all the training and stuff...i would rather be the sidekick or a witch...that might be interesting.

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posted over a year ago 
bailes_roxs said:
1.Buffy is like my own sister. when she gets hurt i get hurt. watching buffy makes me feel differant.
9. i do wish i could be a vampire slayer. it would be so much fun. and you get to date a cute vampire. sometimes i think it would be fun.
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posted over a year ago 
clanbillr said:
1. Why do you like Buffy so much-- what appeals to you?
Because Buffy is a blonde that does not afraid and will take care of herself not play the damsel in distress. Like slayers are suppose to be loners but she has friends. She actually has a life and family! Even Giles says he lets her do what she wants because he can't change her.
2. Have you ever liked another vampire show/movie? How did they compare?
The old time vampires like Blade, Queen of the damned, Dracula or Boris Collins. But I love the fact of Angel a vampire with a soul who fights evil, Darla and Dru. They don't compare because vampires are evil with no souls but Angel is truly the best!!
3. Have you read Twilight? Did you like it-- why or why not?
I have read Twilight and have seen the movies. I liked them because they fill my like for vampires. I like how she added more things to being a vampire. I liked how Edward describes himself as a vampire!! But if it came down to another buffy and Angel season I would without hesitation go back to them!!!
4. How did you get into Buffy?
A friend of mine asked if I saw this new show about Buffy, that I would like it.. I did see the movie but I hadn't heard of a TV series. I loved it because of Sarah Michelle Gellar. She was awesome blonde and beautiful and I loved the writing from Joss!!!
5. Who is your favorite character any why?
I would say right off the bat Buffy because the show is about her. But I do like Angel a bit more because he's a vampire with a soul and that's totally new for me!!!
6. Do you think Buffy is very realistic?
That's so funny. Buffy is mystical and sifi not real!!!
7. Do you believe vampires/demons are real?
Oh my two funny ones in a row!!! Let's see mystical and sifi again. But I do believe that some people are evil because they do very evil things.
8. Is there anything about Buffy you don't like?
After awhile you can only do so many demon's and vampires. Part of me wishes that they kept Buffy dead after she gave Dawn the gift of life. But I know what its like to be a fan and what more from your hero's!!!
9. Do you wish you could be a vampire slayer? Be honest (:
Let's see slayers are only girls. So, I would like to be the offspring of a slayer and vampire with a soul. I could be a male and have all the powers of both of them. I guess I have an imagination and sometime on my hands to even think about that!!!
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posted over a year ago 
bonesfan-222 said:
1. i dont know i geuss its the hole blond girl fights back thing that i love not realy
3.i never read it but iv seen the movie and i dont like it
4.i was just in jb hi fi ond i saw angel and i wached the season and found that i ddent under stand it so i got buffy
5.willow cus shes into copmurers shes a witch and shes gay but still has so much respect from her friends cus if there were monsters like that life would be like in the episode when cordi wishes that buffy never came to sunnydale
7.i hope not that are onley cool when i know thay wont hurt me i love it so much i wouldent like having my loved ones in danger all the time
p.s i have all the seasons of buffy and angel i love it soooo much
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posted over a year ago 
grapecandy said:
1. I like Buffy because the show has a lot of depth to it as well as the fact that its entertaining in all aspects (funny,romantic,deep,lots of action) but what drew me to the show a lot (besides the whole vampire theme) was its whole feministic views of a female slayer who is independant and strong and cares about her friends, in short buffys character as well as other strong female characters such as Willow, Tara, Anya, Cordi etc.
2. yes, im actually really into the whole Vampire theme but i think buffy beats most of my other interests in vamp fanfic. BTVS is what got me into vampires and so it will always be my favourite.
3. Yes, i have read twilight and i think if you overlook some of its flaws you may find youself enjoying the book. Although i am definatly not a 'twi hard' and agree that the books are pretty badly written and do send out the wrong message to female teenagers. I prefer anne rice.
4. My sister got me into buffy as she had all the season on DVD. ive been obsessed ever since she made me watch the first episode.
5. My favourite character no doubt would be Spike as he was always there for Buffy dispite the fact that she treated him like shit at times. I love that even before he got his soul back he still had so much emotion in him as well as love (unlike all other vamps i.e Angel) i love his style and the fact that he was introduced as a bad ass vamp who wants to kill the slayer and during the end falls in love with her and sacrafices his life for the world. everything about his character draws me to him. so ultimately, Spike 4eva!
6. Yeah, if you overlook some of the drastic supernatural stuff in it and look futher into some of the emotional parts i can usually find myself conecting to the characters. So yes to a certain extent is is realistic.
7. I do believe that there is something out there whether it be vamps, demons etc but there is something. There is more to this world than just what humans think they know what is real (if that makes sense lol)
8. It was annoying when the scoobie gang kept treating spike like trash even after he had proven himself loyal. And also the part when all of buffy's friends besides Spkie turned their backs on her after all she had done for them and the world just because of one mistake. I really did not expect that from them.
9. I think there would be some cool parts i.e the power, ability to save people but i don't know if i could spend my whole life with such a huge burden on my shoulders. But i guess if i had the scoobie gang to suport me as well as spike i could do it.

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1. I like Buffy because the show has a lot of depth to it as well as the fact that its entertaining in all aspects (funny,romantic,deep,lots of action) but what drew me to the show a lot (besides the whole vampire theme) was its whole feministic views of a female slayer who is independant and strong and cares about her friends, in short buffys character as well as other strong female characters such as Willow, Tara, Anya, Cordi etc.
2. yes, im actually really into the whole Vampire theme but i think buffy beats most of my other interests in vamp fanfic. BTVS is what got me into vampires and so it will always be my favourite.
3. Yes, i have read twilight and i think if you overlook some of its flaws you may find youself enjoying the book. Although i am definatly not a 'twi hard' and agree that the books are pretty badly written and do send out the wrong message to female teenagers. I prefer anne rice.
4. My sister got me into buffy as she had all the season on DVD. ive been obsessed ever since she made me watch the first episode.
5. My favourite character no doubt would be Spike as he was always there for Buffy dispite the fact that she treated him like shit at times. I love that even before he got his soul back he still had so much emotion in him as well as love (unlike all other vamps i.e Angel) i love his style and the fact that he was introduced as a bad ass vamp who wants to kill the slayer and during the end falls in love with her and sacrafices his life for the world. everything about his character draws me to him. so ultimately, Spike 4eva!
6. Yeah, if you overlook some of the drastic supernatural stuff in it and look futher into some of the emotional parts i can usually find myself conecting to the characters. So yes to a certain extent is is realistic.
7. I do believe that there is something out there whether it be vamps, demons etc but there is something. There is more to this world than just what humans think they know what is real (if that makes sense lol)
8. It was annoying when the scoobie gang kept treating spike like trash even after he had proven himself loyal. And also the part when all of buffy's friends besides Spkie turned their backs on her after all she had done for them and the world just because of one mistake. I really did not expect that from them.
9. I think there would be some cool parts i.e the power, ability to save people but i don't know if i could spend my whole life with such a huge burden on my shoulders. But i guess if i had the scoobie gang to suport me as well as spike i could do it.
posted over a year ago 
ksmonkey202 said:
1 all of it the drama the story is jst awesome
2 no
3 ya idk
4 my mom
5 willow she is jst great in every season spike 2
6 tes it could be
7 yes yesyes
8 not realy i did not lilke riley
9 yes and no it would be awesome but the presser
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posted over a year ago 
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