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Could Booth be Killed off?



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( *scoffs*)Yeah right and my dad's the president. They wouldn't kill Booth unless the show is suicidal.
posted over a year ago.
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I agree with you. The only reason I watch the show is because of their relationship, take that away and you've got nothing.
posted over a year ago.
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Cladra said:
Boreanaz says he wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not brought back for next season. Hopefully, Booth will at least get to finally sleep with Bones before he’s killed off.

Plans may even be in the works to ease in David’s replacement

right. I'll stop wathching Bones if they kill of Booth
posted over a year ago.
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It Wont Work If You Kill Of Booth!!!
I Only Started Watching Bones Because Of David Boreanaz!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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vann said:
they can't kill him...90% of the people would stop watching the show if Booth dies...

posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Cladra said:
posted over a year ago.
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Phenny said:
What??? OH my God!!! Are they serious? They want to kill Booth? They want to replace David Boreanez?? Ok, I am seriously gonna click to this link! Oh, for fuck's shake, are they crazy??
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Kaidi said:
no no no , that is a very bad choice !!
you kill Booth and this loose its magic !
I think I'm not going to watch it if Booth won't be in it !!
posted over a year ago.
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Phenny said:
Ok, I read the article and it still makes no sense to me...And it's not like it is a current article, it's 2 months old.... I don't think it's true...
posted over a year ago.
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It's a dodgy site.
posted over a year ago.
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I highly doubt they would kill him off, unless he said he wanted to go. So its probably a load of crap!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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This article is a couple of months old, and I've heard nothing about it. Much of the quotes attributed to Boreanaz are from the National Enquirer, and we all know how credible that is. Plus, it sounded to me like he was saying he understood why they did t, but he's just annoyed.

And Bones' viewership is starting to rise. Killing Booth would kill the show.
posted over a year ago.
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kalik said:
Pffffft no way they would kill him off, David was like the first person cast for this show right o,o; Im not buying this lol

and WTH
"Unfortunately, neither show is all that good. Fringe has no spark like The X-Files or Lost, and Bones jumped the shark with last season’s finale making Zack a psycho, and jumped it again with the lame season premiere with Bones and Booth in Britain."

LAME?!! that was NOT lame |:< Im disliking this site *burns it*
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Just to make it clear to everyone, I don't think this is true or that it should happen and I think that it is dodgy. I just thought I'd post it so that it's not a shock to everyone IF it did happen.(Highly Unlikely).

I only watch the episodes to see how their relationship unfolds, I'm not really interested in the cases.
posted over a year ago.
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atari said:
I wouldn't take this article too seriously. Things people said are probably taken out of context.
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
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Booth dies and the show dies with him....
posted over a year ago.
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Oh, it could be referring to Booth dying at the end of s3....?
posted over a year ago.
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I saw that, too, kalik! The show did NOT jump the shark, or if they did, they're back again!

*burns site with kalik*
posted over a year ago.
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ebathory said:
Phht... Not gonna happen, sounds like an awful lot of hearsay and conjecture to me :)
posted over a year ago.
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ermmm... guys i havent read the spoiler thing but the comments mention booth dyin @ de end of season 3 but here's the thing...we're on season 4 now!
posted over a year ago.
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renrae said:
Ehh! They are bashing our show! Season premiere was not lame, and the Zack thing is almost resolved. *is mad* *burns site, also*

No, they wouldn't kill Booth. They aren't idiots. That would probably ruin it, and everyone (the characters) would have to be all mopey. Plus they would need a new FBI agent character person... nope, not gonna work.
posted over a year ago.