Bones The Critic in the Cabernet, Was anyone surprised?

Councilman posted on May 11, 2009 at 11:26AM
I find it rather strange that a program with 4375 fans has no one commenting on the this episode with so many revelations going on all at one time. Bones wants a baby and booth to be the Father. He's conflicted until he comes to his senses and decides if he's going to be Dad he wants to be a full time Dad. We then find he has a brain tumor could die and even Sweets is very concerned, even more then a normal Doctor patient relationship. Bones is seemly having feelings for Booth she's having trouble suppressing.
We see that next episode that Booth & Bones are being shown in bed. Is it real or is it another of Booths hallucinations while under the knife or is it real?
Will they actually fall in love or will they acknowledge that they have been in denial of the love they both have felt for some time? If any of this comes to pass will it gradually change Bones into a more sensitive caring less blunt person worthy of Booth? Or will the reintroduce FBI Agent Payton Perotta and force Booth to choose.
I just found that Zack Addy will be back and bones finds the perfect father for her baby. If it's Zack I'm done with Bones. Even in real life he's not a good choice for such a mission. Oh yea he's a suspect in the next murder. How he gets out of custody is something else.

Bones 5 replies

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over a year ago Phenny said…
I would advise lay down until you feel it's over... Then, get up-watch the show-have all of your questions answered-go on with your life... I mean, I asked myself what's the deal with the finale or any other episode, but who cares? It' just a show...
over a year ago Councilman said…
I disagree with your assessment. That would make all TV a waste of time kind of like making a big deal out if the number of fans here is to me. But try to look at it from the stand point of someone who for one reason or another uses television programs as way to make up for no longer being able to go outside and play for example, or someone who is ill so they maybe able to loose themselves for a short time in the story to make up for all they can no longer do for real. It's easy to when you're very young to overlook why people do as they do because you can do just about anything you want any time you want. But some day things will be different than the way they are today will have to give way to what you can still do, and you will make the most of it to avoid spending all your time thinking about the past because you know the future is short.
That's why I ask questions and try to look into why things that don't really matter are the way they are and speculate about what they could be if. It easy to get lost for a short time in a fantasy because reality is not much fun to face some times.
So it's not just a show to some and some do care. And may be it's the little things like TV shows that matter most to others.
I came here to ask if anyone else wondered how Bones knew who Stewie was? She doesn't seem the type to know.
over a year ago spirited_away said…
I'm inclined to agree with you, Councilman. Although it is just a show, as Phenny said, it is kinda fun to analyse it and have a guess at whats going to happen next. Who can honestly say that they're not excited to see whether the finale is real or not? Or whether Hodgins and Angela will get back together? Etc

Back on topic, I think that the majority of the episode may be a hallucination, because I don't think that they would convert the lab into a nightclub, even for the purposes of an investigation. And particularly get Motley Crue in. Or have a band called Gormogon, for that matter.

The sex part i think will be real, perhaps after Booth is let out of the hospital to recover at home. I reckon he'll invite Bones round, or she'll turn up, and they'll finally admit their feelings for each other. On a similar note, I highly doubt that she'd choose Zack as the father of her child. It just wouldnt happen; she loves Booth too much, though she won't admit it.

At the time it never crossed my mind that Bones wouldn't know who Stewie was, but thats probably because i'm a fan of Family guy...I would imagine she's heard of it or something. My mum knows who Stewie is and she hates Family Guy with a passion! Who knows?!
over a year ago Councilman said…
spirited_away, Thank you for that. And I couldn't agree more about Zack besides I thought he was in for life with no possibility of parole. There's no way it could be anything but a hallucination. The FBI would never let this bunch go undercover for a minute. It's risky every time Booth takes Brennan on an investigation she lacks any semblance of social skills. I'm not being harsh it's just the way they wrote her to be.
I think Agent Payton Perotta will be back to work on any real case because Booth has to have time off to recover. Besides I think she's a cutie and I love the tension she creates with Brennan by being obviously attracted to Booth.
over a year ago Phenny said…
Oh no, that wasn't me! That was my evil twin; she's way too rational sometimes :p Anyway, I was a little cranky the other day, and with lack of sleep for two days due to studying-I hate exams, hate them-hate them-hate theeeeeeem!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAH

Well, now that this is out of my system... You know... I mean, yes I can get all analytical and I wonder about things that occur on the tv-series that I watch, I observ stuff and ask myself what the hell all means anyway... But it's my defense mechanism to not let myself get really into shows otherwise I get too psyched and jazzed, simply about everything that happens... So... And you know, I kinda feel really bummed when everything doesnt turn out to be the way I was hoping to... So, yeah... I have to keep telling myself that "it's just a show and nothing more". I mean, even if I wonder about stuff, I get no answers, dude! And taht pissed me off! I mean, where the hell is Sid and Goodman? And Brennan said her grandpa took her out of the foster system, but her father said that they told them, they didnt have a family... His only family was his wife and the kids, so I assume that it must have been a maternal grandpa... And Brennan has aunts, but have we seen them yet? Noooooo!!!! Anyway, there are questions that need to be answered, and I am tired of waiting it, so from now on I'll take everything as it comes and try not to get into the show... Because If I let myself, I could get really pissed on the writers because this season I was like "This is Bones, right?"... And I am also done speculating about the finale, as long as they do it, it's fine by me if its hallucination or a dream, or an alternate reality in another universe, or how their life will be in 10 years...


Oh, and believe me when I say that I myself have limited amounts of time to have an hour for myself... And I yes, I am young but it happens that I know how cruel life can be, believe me...