Bleach Anime Bleach RP

IchigoShirosaki posted on May 19, 2010 at 09:31PM
hello. IchigoShirosaki here, i was bored and with the free time that i have today, i decided to do Bleach RP, anyone who wants to can join, i know their are some Create your own bleach character forums, you can use those as a reference for your character info. simple rules, spelling does not count.

Bleach Anime 137 replies

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over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
@Randomfan: Read from the beginning and you'll find out.
over a year ago jlazlo said…
As Matteo goes back his apartment he is caught off gaurd by Ace. While running along with Matteo, "So what you up to Matteo?" Matteo answers back hesitantly "Uhmm, im gonna train- By myself" Ace not really believing in the truth, "Are you sure you're gonna be by yourself? And if you are can i tag along?" Matteo waits to reply then says "Well...."
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo and Ace reach the Captain's apartment and stop. "Listen Ace, it's not like I want to leave you out of the loop. I just don't want to tell you because what I'll be doing is dangerous."

Ace retorts, saying, "But didn't you used to do dangerous things when you were a Lieutenant?"

Matteo looks down at the Lieutenant. "What I am going to be doing is life-threatening, Ace. I cannot tell you what it is because if I do, I would have to kill you. That is as much as I am going to say and I am ordering you, as a Captain, to not tell anyone about what we have spoken about."

Trying to brush off Matteo's comments, Ace continues to pester him. "Matteo, you can trust me with anything. I swear on my soul that I won't tell anyone."

For the first time in a long time, Matteo brings out his intimidating side. "If you ever say anything about this to anyone...I'll kill you without remorse. Understand?"

Ace just nods his head slowly.

"Alright, I am going to be training with Captain Kuroshirou in a couple of hours. The kind of training that we will be doing is considered unorthodox but I am considering it an experiment, due to my position as the Captain of Squad 12. Like I said before, you cannot tell anyone about this, even Sensei. If he found out, Reiku and I will be as good as dead."

Ace looks down and says, "Alright, I won't tell anyone."

"Even Sensei?"

"Yeah, I won't tell Gramps."

Matteo smiles at him. "Good, now you get back to Sensei's home and get some rest. You will need to keep your strength up." Ace says goodbye and goes on his way. Matteo stands there thinking, "I hate it that I had to scare him like that, but I didn't have a choice."

Matteo enters his apartment to find Nemu, sitting in a chair waiting for him. "Hello Matteo, how did your day go?"

Still shocked by her appearance, all that he can get out is, "It went pretty good."

Nemu gets up and walks over to him and hands him a file. "This is a list of all the experiments that had to do with both human souls and shinigami souls. They have all been destroyed, as per your request."

"That's good news. Did you get a hard time over the loss of these experimentation departments?"

Nemu turns around and walks back to her chair. "There were a few protesters to the idea, but they were soon quelled by the other members of the Institute." She sits down and bites into an apple sitting on the table. "There was also some progress made in our study on Hollowfication."

Matteo looks up at her, thinking, "This is too convenient but I'll take it." "What progress is that?" he asked.

"We've discovered that the process can actually take less time than Shinji Hirako informed us of. It can actually be sped up to about fifteen minutes."

Matteo rushes over to the table. "How did you find this out?!"

"It was because of a few simple calculations that were done by Rin. I triple checked them myself and they check out correctly." She pulls out the papers from the pocket on the inside of her cloak that Matteo gave her.

Matteo reads over the notes and finds that what Nemu is saying is true. "This is absolutely astounding, and the timing was impeccable. Thank you, Nemu."

Nemu looks up at him and asks, "Why are you so happy about this development?"

Matteo freezes exactly where he is standing. He thinks to himself, "Damn! Did I say all of that out loud?.......Yep, sure did."

"You can tell me, Matteo. Just trust me."

Matteo, knowing that he is cornered, asks Nemu, "Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I swear to you on my life."

Matteo then tells her of his plans with Reiku. She sits there and is astounded by his willingness to help Reiku. "Why do you want to help her in this? What do you have to gain?"

Matteo sits down. "I found out that she and I have shared similar fates and she really desires to do this. I have also realized that my nightmares are stemming from my own inner hollow and will attempt to master mine along with her."

"I see..." Nemu pauses for a moment. "How much do the two of you have in common?"

Having already figured out what Nemu is hinting at, Matteo looks into her eyes. "Not as much as I have in common with you." He kisses her on the cheek. "Now I have to get going. I'll be back later; I promise." Matteo then gets up and walks out the door.

Nemu sits there thinking, "Did he kiss me for the same reason that I kissed him? Hmmmm......"


Reiku is standing outside the entrance of the Squad 12 Barracks, waiting for Matteo. All of a sudden, she feel a tapping on her shoulder and turns around to see him. "Why didn't you just show up in front of me?"

"Be quiet and stay in the shadows," said Matteo.

They walk for several miles and exit the Seireitei. They continue walking until they come to an open field.

"This is your training area?" asked Reiku.

"No, just stay quiet." Matteo walks over to a tall tree and bends down to it's roots. He puts a hand over the small area and says something that Reiku can't hear. Suddenly, an opening in the ground appears. "Come on, get over here."

Reiku walks over to the opening and jumps into it with Matteo. When they land, Reiku can see that they are in a deep cave. "You made this place?! How did you keep it a secret?"

"It was easy, I never showed it to anyone before now.....Don't worry about a thing. Now that we are in here, no one can sense us. Even Sensei would have a greatly difficult time finding us."

"Alright then, let's get ready."
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Kiyomi walkinging out of squad 2 barracks and sees Ace(doesnt have a crutch)

Kiyomi:O,hey Ace-runs up to-

Ace looks back looking at her

Ace:Oh,hey Kiyomi

Kiyomii:Ummmm....So i heard you became lieutenant.Congrats.

Ace:Oh,thanks-smiles-And i heard you dont need your crutch now

Kiyomi:-kicks her feet-yup!Good as new!

-Its been a couple minutes and Kiyomi looks around-

Kiyomi:Hey,have you seen Matteo?

Ace:-has suprised look and gulps-Nope!Havent seen him..

Kiyomi:-stares at-I can see your hiding something.

Ace:Hiding what?Im not hiding anything.

Kiyomi:-sighs-fine,ill just look for him myself-

Ace:Uhh no!How bout u just hang out with me?You know,like friends do.

Kiyomi:-blinks confused-Uh,sure,i guess.But i need to tell Matteo im fine now,he doesnt know yet

Ace:Eh,lets just hang out until we actually see him.

Kiyomi:-sighs again and still looks around-Fine,lets go wherever you wanted to take me
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Ace thinks for a while, "got it, lets go to the lake in Kororo district", She replies "thats pretty far, but okay.." They walk there as they walk Ace thinks to himself: Damn, i need to put on my pokerface its been awhile but i can get used to it.

Ace coughs then asks "so what are your connections to Matteo"

Kiyomi scratches her head "Are you okay with such a boring story?"

Ace knows she doesn't want to talk but says "yea sure, we have all the time"
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
When Reiku says that they should start immediately, Matteo turns around to her. "Hold on a minute. We should go over these notes that the R&D Institute sent to me. They have to do with Hollowfication."

Reiku walks over to Matteo and takes the notes from him. She reads over them rather quickly. "This seems a bit too convenient, don't you think?"

"It might be, but it might be our only chance to get this done quick."

Reiku sighs and reads over the notes again. This time, she pays closer attention to the notes. "Do you really think that we can do this in fifteen minutes?"

This time, Matteo sighs. "I honestly don't know. Like the notes say, we have to first find out where our hollow hole would appear and then stab it with our zanpakuto. Once that happens, I don't know what'll happen. Shinji did not give any specifics on what happens during Hollowfication. We'll have to see what happens."

"Sounds like we are putting a lot of faith into something that is more likely to kill us than strengthen us."

Matteo looks back at her. "You're the one that wanted to do this. If there is any way to do this faster, then I think we should take advantage of it. As Captains, our absence will be easily noticed."

"You're right about that. However, if we do this the fast and easy way instead of the long and right way, then won't it come back to bite us in the end?"

Matteo thinks for a moment. "It is a chance we have to take, Reiku.....Now, do you want to go first or do you want me to?"
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
"hmph, you go frist, to test this theory of yours, just in case." Reiku said still wary about the whole idea of hollowfication in only 15 minutes.

"its gotta work, it will." Matteo said preparing himself.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo nods his head and says, "Alright, I think that would be best anyway. Just give me a moment." Matteo closes his eyes and stands still. By the expression on his face it is easy to see that he is concentrating hard. Two minutes pass until Matteo speaks up. "I've found it. I've found where my Hollow's hole is located."

"So what can you do about that? Your sword is too long for you to stab yourself with," said Reiku with a sigh.

Matteo looks over at her. "That's easy. You are going to have to stab me."

Reiku goes wide eyed for a second, but soon composes herself. "Are you sure about that? I might miss."

"Don't worry, it would be pretty hard to miss it. My Hollow's hole is located in the center of my chest."

Reiku thinks to herself for a minute, "I don't have to worry about missing it, reaching will be the problem."

Already knowing what she is thinking about, Matteo takes her sword from her sheath and places the tip of it against his chest. "All you have to do now is push."

Reiku walks over to him, takes ahold of her sword, and says, "Okay, here goes." She pushes the blade into his chest but is immediately pushed backwards by an explosion of reiatsu that kicks up a cloud of smoke. "What the Hell was that?!"

When the smoke clears, a hollow is seen standing where Matteo was. It is the same height as Matteo, but it's skin is stark white. It is not wearing a shirt at all and has black barb-wire tattoos all over its arms and body. It is wearing the same uniform pants that Matteo was, but his feet have grown and destroyed his shoes. On his shoulders are patches of black and white fur. What was once the hair on his head, is now an ankle-length mane of black and white fur. Finally, the mask is in the styling of a wolf. The eye holes are narrow, a small wolf's nose protrudes about an inch in front of the mask, the mouth of the mask is lined with canines, the top half of the mask is black and the bottom half is white.

"Finally, I'm free of that weakling," said the Hollow in a raspy but deep voice. "That little fool was always thinking that an enemy would be coming at him, when his own worst enemy was himself!" He begins to laugh maniacally until he catches sight of Reiku out of the corner of his eye. "Ah, so it's you. He wasn't that attached to you, but he did consider you a close friend. Perhaps I should eliminate you, so that I can rile him up."

Reiku just stands there with a stunned look on her face. After she hears the Hollow's last statement, she retaliates. "so you are the one that has been giving Matteo his nightmares for the past 180 years. For his sake, I'll hold you off."

The Hollow laughs and says "Let's just see if you can." The Hollow grabs Mangetsu Oogama and forces it into his shikai. He then charges at Reiku and locks blades with her.

While their blades are locked, Reiku recalls what was in those notes in her mind. "The Hollow can sometimes use the shikai of it's owner, but never it's bankai. The process of 15 minute of Hollowfication begins from the point of discovering the location of one's Hollow Hole. The Hollow will be able to speak. Finally if the owner of the Hollow is unable to conquer their Hollow by the end of the 15 minute time period, then both the Shinigami and Hollow will disintegrate."

"You think that you can hold me off, Reiku? You can't even hold me where you are standing!" After the Hollow says this, he charges Reiku 500 feet and smashes her against a wall of the training area. Though she is inside of the wall, the Hollow is incapable of making Reiku submit.

The Hollow continues to dominate Reiku throughout the course of the remaining time, until they are down to 1 minute left. Reiku is covered in slashes and bruises, while the Hollow has only a few scratches. "Is that all that you've got, Hollow?!"

"No, there is one thing that I haven't used yet." The Hollow raises his hand and charges up a white cero. "You, Reiku, will die by the cero of me, Hitteo. Say goodbye!"

With 10 seconds left, Hitteo tries to fire his cero but stops short. Suddenly, there is an explosion where Hitteo is standing and a cloud of dust is kicked up.

Reiku stands there for a moment. "Don't tell me that he couldn't do it. MATTEO!!!!!"

When the dust clears, a figure can be seen. The physical features of Hitteo can be seen and Reiku begins to fear the worst. However, her fears are quelled when Hitteo's skin falls away, with Matteo standing there with his mask on. The mask breaks apart and Matteo says, "I won," before collapsing.

He wakes up an hour later with a rag on his head and Nemu sitting by his side. She looks down at him and asks, "How are you feeling, Matteo?"

He sits up and looks at her. "I feel better than ever, like a weight has been lifted.....Where's Reiku?"

"She's resting and said that she would be ready to get her Hollowfication underway as soon as you were better."

"That's good to hear...She led you down here, didn't she?" he asked.

Nemu has a guilty look on her face. "Yes, she did. Are you angry with that fact?"

"No, not at all. In fact, I'm glad that she did that. But when we start her Hollowfication, I want you to leave. It won't be safe for you here."

She smiles and says, "Very well, I will return in another half-hour to tend to your injuries once again." Nemu climbs the ladder that leads to the exit and gets out of the training area.

Matteo gets up and finds Reiku behind a small rock formation in the training area. "You ready?"

She gets up and says, "As I'll ever be."

They both go back to where Matteo began his Hollowfication, and Reiku attempts to find out where her Hollow's hole is. After 1 minute, she says, "I've found it, it is located in the center of my stomach."

Matteo draws his sword and places the tip at Reiku's stomach. "Are you ready?"

She looks up at him and says, "Yes, I'm ready."

Matteo does not answer, he just thrusts his sword into Reiku's stomach.

When Reiku opens her eyes, she can see that she is in her inner world. Standing twenty feet away from her is a white version of herself, wearing white shinigami robes. "I suppose that you are my inner hollow."

Her hollow replies, "That is correct. I am your inner hollow. I would prefer if you would call me Hieiku." (He-a-koo is how it is pronounced)

"Fine then, Hieiku. What do we do now?" she asks her hollow.

"That it simple, sister. We fight until one of us wins." Hieiku then charges at her counterpart, with her sword drawn. Reiku is able to dodge her attack and jumps out of the way just in time.

"What is going on here?! I'm not as fast as I usually am. Am I unable to move as fast because I am being weakened by you presence on the outside?"

Hieiku replies, "You didn't make Captain for nothing. You are correct, sister. You are weaker because of me, but you will become strong again if you are somehow able to defeat me." She charges at Reiku again and begins slashing at her.

After being slashed seven times, Reiku is able to break away and then begins to slash at Hieiku, hitting the hollow at least 15 times.

"Now you have really pissed me off! I am going to end you, Reiku!" The hollow begins to move wildly around Reiku, who is unable to track her white colored counterpart. By the time that Reiku is able to find Hieiku, it is too late. Reiku's body suddenly erupts in an explosion of blood and she falls to the ground. "How does that feel, sister?" asks the hollow.

Reiku lies there for a moment and begins to think. She thinks to herself. "Is this what I have to face? An impossible odd an somehow be able to come out on top.....If Matteo can do it, then I can too!"

With one minute left to go, Reiku is able to stand up, using her sword as a crutch. However, her hopes soon run in fear, as Hieiku blast away Reiku's sword with a blue cero and then stabs Reiku in the stomach. "It's over, sister. You're through."

Reiku looks down at the sword in her stomach and now notices that it is white instead of black. She then tries something completely unorthodox. She grabs the blade with her hand and pulls it out, snatches it from Hieiku's hands, kicks her hollow counterpart in the stomach, and then slices her across the right side of her chest.

"I can't believe that you did it. After taking all of that punishment, you were still able to beat me with 30 seconds left."

Reiku looks down at the sword in her hand to see that it the color of a normal katana.

"You've done well, sister. Goodbye, for now." Once Hieiku disappears, a white light surrounds Reiku. Once it dissipates, she sees that she is back in the training area, with Matteo standing 30 feet away from her. She takes of her mask and turns it around. It looks like the face of her zanpakuto's dragon form. The difference is that the mask is completely white, except for a horizontal stripe running from one side of the mask to the other over the eyes. The stripe is the same light blue of her zanpakuto's human form. The mask then disintegrates and she blacks out.

About half-hour later, Reiku wakes up with Matteo and Nemu sitting next to her. Nemu asks her, "Are you feeling alright, Captain?"

Reiku answers calmly. "Yes, I am fine. Thank you, Lieutenant."

"That's good to hear," says Matteo. "I was wondering if you were going to be alright. Fortunately, the information that Nemu provided us on the 15 minute Hollowfication was correct. Every thing in those notes was correct and they gave the result that we needed."

Reiku takes a couple of moments to think and then stands up. "I think it is high time that we return to our squads. What time is it?"

Nemu answers her. "It is 3:00 a.m. Upon our return, I will inform Lieutenant Kira that you will be resting the entire day for medical reasons."

"Thank you, Nemu. Now let's go."

The three shinigami leave Matteo's training area and make it back into the Seireitei unnoticed. Matteo and Nemu help Reiku into her apartment in the Squad 3 Barracks and get her into her bed. Matteo stand there next to her bed while Nemu slides a note under Lieutenant Kira's door. "You try to get some rest, Reiku. I have a feeling that you will need it."

"You do the same, Matteo. And I want to thank you for your help. You didn't have to help me, but you did anyway."

Matteo just stands there and smiles. "What are friends for?"

Nemu comes in and says that she and Matteo should be leaving. They both say their goodbyes to the Captain of Squad 3 and then leave her so that she can rest.

Upon arriving back at his apartment, Nemu helps Matteo into his bed and waits for him to fall asleep before she returns to her apartment to get so sleep of her own.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Kira gets up in the morning, after doing his daily routines in the morning after he wakes up, he gets up to find a note that appeared to have been slipped from under his door.

it was a note from Nemu.

Captain Reiku is experiencing minor health issues after servre battle with an extreme amount of hollows in the world of the living and is requested to rest for the day, please take over her duties as well as yours to the best of your ability..
Signed, Nemu, Lieutenant of squad 12'

"huh. i dont remember Captain Reiku ever saying that she was going to the world of the living... oh well.." Kira thought to himself out loud.

he went out of his room to check up on his captain, she was still in deep slumber, sprawled out like a couch potato, with drool running down the side of her mouth.

he chuckled to himself, 'well i guess this could be a good thing, this might be the most sleep Reiku has ever gotten..'

Reiku mutters in her sleep something incoherent, then throws her arm up and swats at nothing, then her arm falls back down on the bed, lifelessly.

he chuckles again, "rest up well Captain, you'll need it.."

with that he gently closed the door and shaking his head once then moving on to go start the morning.

"" Kira stares at the paper stack on Reiku's desk that was taller then him and Reiku combined.

'this is gonna take forever..' Kira thought to himself.

just then Hitsugaya came in, followed by Rangiku who look a little too happy.

"good morning Lieutenant Kira, where's Reiku?" the squad 10 captain inquired when he quickly noticed Reiku's unusual absence.

"she's in her bedroom, recovering for the day, she had spent most of the night fighting off a rather large number of hollows in the world of the living, and Nemu of squad 12 has requested that she is to rest for the day." Kira answered.

"im assuming she wasnt alone?"

"yes, im guessing both squad 12 captian and Lieutenant were with her, and offering thier abilities to assist her."

"hmn. very well then, Matsumoto, help Kira with the paper work."

"huh? why me?" Matusmoto whined.

"because that is an order Matsumoto, do what i say.." he stared at her threatingly.

"yes sir.." she sighed and began to get to work.

"Thank you Captain Hitsugaya.."

"its no problem, now if you excuse me i have some where to be.."

he leaves the room, and starts walking towards Reiku's apartment.

'something is not adding up, i didnt sense any hollow attacks, and there was no warning of hollows attacking the world of the living... Reiku was up to something more orthodox then that...' he thought.

over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Instead of sleeping like he should have been, Matteo wakes up around 10 o'clock in the morning. He gets up and walks slowly to the balcony of his apartment. As he is looking out at the Seireitei, his eyes drift to the direction of the Squad 3 Barracks. "I still can't believe what we have done. If anyone within the Gotei 13 was to find out about our little experiment, then it would be the end of us."

Suddenly, Matteo hears a knocking at his door. He goes over to it, opens the door, and sees Kiyomi standing in the doorway. "Hey Matteo, you feeling okay?"

Matteo pauses for a minute, having expected to see Nemu in the doorway. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just taking a day off. I was a bit busy last night."

"I heard about that. Nemu told me that the two of you did something last night, but she did not go any further than that. Would you care to elaborate?"

Matteo pauses again, trying to remember the lie they had come up with. "Oh yeah, we went along with Reiku to the World of the Living to fight a hollow infestation. We were pretty tired when we got back, so Reiku and I decided to take the day off. Nemu was mainly there to heal our injuries, so she decided that she would perform her duties today.....By the way, I'm glad to see that you are okay. I was a bit worried."

Kiyomi gives a friendly pat to his arm while smiling. "You don't need to worry about me. I'm as fit as a fiddle. Well, see you later." She begins to walk away but turns around. "And congratulations on getting the rank of Captain!" She then disappears.

Matteo heads back into his apartment to get something to eat. While he is doing that, Kiyomi is headed to Captain Ukitake's office to speak with him. When she enters, she finds him sitting at his desk, doing paperwork. "Captain Ukitake, can I have a word with you?"

"Sure, Kiyomi. What is troubling you?"

She sits down in the chair opposite his desk. "It's something Matteo said to me. He said that he and Reiku were out last night in the World of the Living fighting a hollow infestation. But I have not heard any reports of the hollow infestation, nor of Reiku and Matteo leaving the Seireitei. Do you have any idea of what is going on?"

He gives her a concerned look. "I don't know Kiyomi; I simply don't know."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Note:I might wont be able to comment on and after the 19th until school starts :( unless we get wifi for my DSi or a computer So ill write as much as i can :D also IchigoShirosaki,i was friends with Toshiro 2 at rukon district 2 :)(i just wanted to say lol)

Kiyomi:What do you mean you dont know,Captain Ukitake?I thought every captain should know except me becuase of my injuries.

Ukitake:Nope,never heard them going,not even once.I think you should ask other captains,just in case i just havent heard.

Kiyomi:-looks down-i dont want to go to Kenpachi,hes a bastard.

Ukitake:So you dont have to ask him,ask other captains,like captain hitsuguya.

Kiyomi:-looks up and sighs-Fine,Besides,the only one i would go to is Toshiro right now since mainly ive only met you and him.

Ukitake:Okay.I heard he was at Squad 3.Ill ask the other Captains too.

Kiyomi:okay.So mainly Head-Captain Yamamoto,Byakuya,Kenpachi,Unohana,Komamura­,an­d Kyōraku.

Ukitake:Right,and maybe ask the lieutenants.

Kiyomi:Yes,but i already asked Nemu but she said nothing

Ukitake:I see.Maybe we can just talk about it to the Captains at the captains meeting,so we can also tell head-captain.

Kiyomi:Okay.But ill just ask Toshiro real quick,i was going to talk to him anyway.

Ukitake:-smiles-Okay.Just give him this-gets whole bunch of candy and gives to Kiyomi-you can also take some too if you like.

Kiyomi:Hehe...No thanks.Im not a fan of sweets.

Ukitake:Okay then-Opens the door for Kiyomi-goodbye.

Kiyomi:-tries to balance candy and walk out at same time-okay,bye...

Kiyomi:-looks around constantly looking for Toshiro,taking breaks every 5 minutes from the candy-God,how much candy does he give Toshiro?I dont want to imagine how much he actually hets if this isnt as much as he gives him.

-couple hours go by and she finally sees Toshiro walking up to Reikus apartment-

Kiyomi:Finally!!-tries to run as fast as she can with the things she has,which isnt that fast-Toshiro!I got a present and question!

Toshiro:-looks back and stops until she finally gets there-Its Captain Hitsuguya!

Kiyomi:-pants-Finally...This is for you-drops all the sweets that was in her hands-

Toshiro:Umm...-looks at all the candy and looks at Kiyomi again-Thanks...i guess

Kiyomi:Its from Captain Ukitake.

Toshiro:Oh that figures.Anyways,you said you had a question?

Kiyomi:Oh,right.Did anyone tell you that Matteo and Reiku were going to the World of the Living before they went?

Toshiro:Actually-looks back-Lieutenant Kira just told me.i didnt hear anything from before they went,though.

Kiyomi:Ya..-changes the subject-So i see you are going to visit Reiku.Mind if i come?

Toshiro:Sure,i guess.Wont hurt anyone.

Kiyomi:Okay-and they both walk to Reiku's apartment,leaving all the sweets on the ground-
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Jūshirō sits in his office for a few minutes after Kiyomi leaves. He thinks about what she told him. "What could Matteo be doing? It isn't like him to run off without saying something. Perhaps Shunsui and I should pay him a visit."

Jūshirō sends a Hell Butterfly to Shunsui with the message to meet him at the Squad 12 Barracks. One hour later, he meets up with his friend and they proceed to Matteo's apartment. The knock on his door and wait for him to answer.

Matteo hears the knocking and thinks to himself, "Wow, two visitors in one day. Word must travel fast." He reaches the door and opens it. He is surprised to see both Jūshirō and Shunsui. "Make that three."

Shunsui has the same smile he always does and says, "Hey Matteo, mind if we come in?"

"No, come on in. I've got some fresh sake set out on the table that we can share." They all walk over to Ryu's dining table and take seats, as well as cups of sake.

After a few sips, Jūshirō begins to ask his questions. "So, why have you refrained from you Captain's duties today along with Reiku?"

"We were fighting in the World of the Living against a hollow infestation. We won but we got tired out."

Shunsui chimes in. "That's funny, because I did not hear of any hollow infestation being present in the World of the living, nor did I hear about the two of you leaving the Seireitei.

Jūshirō interjects, "What are you up to, Matteo?"

Matteo sets his cup down and looks at them seriously. "What makes you think that I'm up to something."

"Come on, kid," says Shunsui. We know you better than anyone. Therefore, we know when you are up to something. So spill it."

Matteo gets up. "I will have to show it to you, but we will have to leave the Seireitei in order for me to do so."

Jūshirō gets up and says, "That is fine. All we want is an answer."

"Follow me, you two."

Matteo leads his two fellow Captains out of the Seireitei and they come to an opening in a large field. Matteo thinks to himself, "It's a good thing that I have more than one training area."

Shunsui speaks up. "Are we there yet? I'm getting a bit tired of walking."

Matteo responds, "Yeah, we're here. Just hold on a second." Matteo put's his hand on the ground and opens the door to his second underground training area. "Alright, lets go."

They all jump down into the training area and Matteo closes the entrance. Jūshirō says, "Are you going to show us what it is that exhausted both you and Reiku?"

Matteo turns his back. "Yes...I am." With his back still turned, Matteo puts his hand over his face and summons his mask. Jūshirō and Shunsui have looks of shock on their faces as they feel the overwhelming increase in Matteo's reiatsu. They are even more shocked when Matteo turns around and they see his mask.

Jūshirō is barely able to get out, "What is that?!"

Shunsui retorts, "It's pretty obvious isn't it. That is Matteo's hollow mask."

"He is right, Jūshirō. This is my hollow mask. For more than 180 years, I have been haunted by nightmares of my death. It was only recently that I realized that it was a hollow. Also, Reiku has been haunted by a hollow since she was forced to kill her mother. Her hauntings led her to consult me about hollowfication and we both went through it. And we did so last night."

Jūshirō responds, "I see. That would make sense. It is also not a lie."

Shunsui interjects, "Yeah, that's true. You guys were fighting a hollow infestation of your bodies. The only thing that you lied about was going to the World of the Living to fight it."

"We did not want to lie, but we both know that Sensei will have us exiled or worse if he finds out. So, I am going to say this once.....If you go to Sensei and tell him what I have told you, I will have no choice but to fight against the Seireitei. I will not be exiled from my home and I will not allow Reiku or Nemu to be killed for their involvement."

Shunsui walks over to him and puts a hand on Matteo's shoulder. "Don't worry, Matteo. We won't tell Yama-ji about what you did. Jūshirō and I both understand that these inner hollows were natural formations within your bodies. Besides that, you're our friend and we would not betray your trust."

"Shunsui is right, Matteo. We would never betray you."

Matteo takes off his mask. "Thank you, both of you. You're being a bit more supportive than I thought."

Shunsui smiles and responds, "What are friends for?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Reiku sat up in her bed, only clad in her white under robes, her captains robe was siting on a hook on the far wall next to the door, the black robes that goes ontop of the white ones laid folded neatly in a chair, ready for whenever she decided to put them on.

she got up and walked towards her Balcony and leans over to stare out.

she glances down at her bandaged hands, 'so now all i have to do is wait, until i can test out my new ablities, but i should be careful who i do it in front of.'

she heard the door open, she turned and looked to find both Toushriou and Kiyomi.

"hello Captain Kiyomi, Shiro-sama.." she greets them.

"same for you Reiku." Hitsugaya replies.

"hey how come she doesnt have to adress you properly!?" Kiyomi yells, slightly offended.

Hitusgaya sighs, "because she is Superior to me, she's a member of a noble family, i am not. and that doesnt matter right now, what matters right now is the fact of why you and captain Matteo were gone for most of the night, Kira said it was because you and Matteo went to the world of the living to fight off a Hollow infestation, but there was no warning from the head captain of a hollow infestation... so what is going on truely?"

"exactly what Kira told you. nothing more." she sighed rubbing her wrist with her thumb.

"dont lie Reiku, there has to be a reason beyond that."

she sighs, she could never lie to Toushirou, he was a trustworthy person, but Kiyomi, she barely knew Kiyomi, she was planning on telling Hitsugaya, she had sense him coming, but didnt know Kiyomi was with him. she felt slightly uncomfortable to say it around Kiyomi.

she sighs and puts on her black robes, "Kiyomi, if you dont mind, i want to discuss something with Hitsugaya alone, could you please come with me Shiro."


they both flashed stepped and Reiku led Hitsugaya to the place where her and Matteo did thier Hollowfication process.

she helped him down, he looked around, "what is this place?"

"this is where me and Matteo were last night.."

"doing what?"

"this.." Reiku muttered placing her hand on her face and she summoned her mask.

she only forced it out half way, so it was covering half her face but both her eyes were changed to hollow eyes.

Hitsugaya just stared at her, stunned.

"Reiku what is that?"

"that would be half of my hollow mask, me and Matteo performed Hollowfication, you cant tell the head Captain or anyone about this, old Man Yamato would have us both exiled or both of us killed in a heart beat. i went to Matteo because i knew he could help me, even though he had every reason not too." Reiku muttered.

"Reiku..." Hitsugaya muttered softly. "if you wanted help you know you could have asked me.."

she looks down sadly, as she lets her mask disappear. "i didnt want to hurt you, i was afraid i wouldnt be able to conquer my inner hollow and you would get hurt."

Hitsugaya stares at her, then does something unsual, he hugs her.

she is slightly taller then him, she stands there in shock, with to most people would have been slight blush on her cheeks, "T-Toshirou.."
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Jūshirō walks closer to Matteo. "So what are you going to do now?"

Before Matteo answers, he pauses for a moment, having sensed something strange. "I think that I need to go to my other training area."

Shunsui looks up. "Other training area?"

Jūshirō looks at Matteo with a concerned look on his face. "Why is that, Matteo? Is something wrong?"

"Two people have entered it without my knowledge. I need to see what is going on."

They all climb out of the second training area and head towards the original. Jūshirō asks, "Who do you think is in there?"

"I know Reiku is in there but I cannot identify her companion yet. That tells me one thing.....they've never been there before."

Matteo, Jūshirō and Shunsui reach the underground training area and enter it. They surprise both Reiku and Toshiro, but both regain their composure.

"What are you doing here, Ryozuke?" asked Toshiro.

"I could ask you the same think, Hitsugaya. This is my training area after all.....You alright Reiku?"

She looks over at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I want to go on ahead and tell you something, Matteo. I showed Toshiro my hollow mask. Sorry that I didn't talk to you about it sooner."

Matteo responds with a smile. "I was expecting you to say something to him. I actually thought that it wouldn't have taken you as long as it did....By the way, Shunsui and Jūshirō know too."

Jūshirō interjects. "Now that you both have told your closest friends, what do you plan to do."

Matteo answers, "I was thinking that we wait until Aizen sends something our way. Then we take it out. We will keep our hollowfications under wraps for as long as possible...I already have an exit plan, just in case if things go south with Sensei."

"Why do you think that they would?" asks Toshiro.

Shunsui answers for Matteo. "Yama-ji is a hard man, Hitsugaya. If something goes outside of tradition, then he has a hard time accepting or he won't accept it at all. Therefore, Matteo is right to be wary of him."

Matteo stands there for a minute and hears everyone out. "Now that we have all of our bases covered on the basics. Does anyone else suspect anything about us?"

Shunsui answers, "Kiyomi is the only other person. Someone will have to talk to her."

Jūshirō speaks up, "I'll speak with her."

Reiku finally has a chance to speak. "Good, we can't have any loose ends in this. If we do, then Matteo is going to have to put his plan into action."

Matteo chimes in. "Alright, I think this covers everything. We should all return to our respective Squads until the next Captain's Meeting."

"Sounds good," says Shunsui. "I could use a little sake."

"I will return to my squad once I have talked with Kiyomi," says Jūshirō.

With all things said and done, the Captains leave the training area and go about their duties.
over a year ago LunaShay said…
big smile
-Kiyomi is walking to squad 2 barracks after waiting about an hour for Reiku and Toshiro to come back,so shes really pissed.-

Kiyomi:DAMMIT!Who do they think they are?!Making me wait for what,3 hours.They do not no who there messing with!

-as she is talking to herself Ukitake appears somehow behind her and she gets startled and jumps-

Kiyomi:What the hell!?You startled me!

Ukitake:Oh,i am sorry Kiyomi.Anyways,Matteo wanted me to tell you something about what happened about that hollow infestation.

-Kiyomi listens to the captain while they are both sitting on the ground.When he finally finishes,she gets up-

Kiyomi:So let me get this straight,he and Reiku fought there inner hollows and told everyone,


Kiyomi:But im the last one to hear about it?I mean,even Toshiro heard it before me and i was with him and Reiku.

Ukitake:-smile fades away kinda-Dont think negative,think positive,at least you got told..

Kiyomi:True....Captain Ukitake,since i trust you can i tell you something i was going to tell Matteo only?Please dont tell.

Ukitake:-suprised look-sure,i wont tell,i promise.

Kiyomi:...Okay.-looks down-after versing that arrancar,ive been thinking that im weak and need more practice,i even got hurt really bad against a stupid i was going to go visit Urahara(her old tutor)in the world of the living to get more training and i need someone to cover me....-looks back up-If you wouldnt mind,i was going to ask you and Matteo to cover for me.I would really appreaciate it.

Ukitake:-smiles-Sure,i would love to help.

Kiyomi:-has suprised look on her face-So just like that your gonna say yes?Dont you need to think about it?

Ukitake:-smiles-i just did and i said yes.

Kiyomi:-stares-Ummm...okay.Ill go inform Matteo,do you know where he is?

Ukitake:-thinks-nope havent seen him after he left.

Kiyomi:-sighs-Okay.I got 1 more favor.can you tell my lieutenant a lie about something to keep him thinking that.I dont want him worrying.


Kiyomi:-turns and before she leaves she says something-thanks captain

Ukitake:No problem.

-and they both go on to what they are doing-

over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
It takes him some time, but Matteo finally gets back to the Squad 12 entrance. "I guess I am more tired than I realized." As he says this, Kiyomi suddenly appears behind him.

"Hello, Mr. Hollow, how are you today?" asks Kiyomi while trying to sound serious.

Matteo turns around and begins to sweat profusely. "W-Wha-What are y-you talking about, Kiyomi? I am not a Hollow." He smiles nervously.

She smirks. "You can cut the crap, Matteo. Ukitake told me everything."

"Damn, that was quick. Then again, I did walk all the way back here."

Kiyomi responds quickly. "Yeah, I know. I waited an hour for you to get back.....I've only got one question for you though. Why did you decide to go through the Hollowfication process?"

Matteo looks down for a second and takes a deep breath. "I guess because I was tired of having nightmares. I've been having the same one for the past 180 years. I guess that I felt that I needed some relief from it."

"Alright, that's all that I wanted to know. Oh, and I also wanted to tell you that I will be unofficially leaving the Seireitei for a while. Do you think you could cover for me?"

Matteo looks at her and says, "As long as you keep my secret, I'll keep yours."

She smiles. "You've got yourself a deal." She begins to walk away. "Bye."

Matteo stops her for a second. "Where will you be going in the World of the Living?"

"I'll be going to see my old mentor, Kisuke Urahara. Do you know him?"

Matteo starts to laugh. "Do I know him? He used to get me in trouble with Sensei a lot. Me, Kisuke, Yoruichi, and even Tessai would go out an pull pranks in our youth. But Sensei got onto me, so I decided to straighten up a bit...You tell that crazy-ass, blond-headed buffoon that I said hello would you. And tell him that I have his old job, that'll really send him into a spiral!"

Kiyomi smiles nervously. "Will do. Bye!" And she disappears.

Matteo walks into the Squad 12 Barracks and is warmly greeted by his subordinates. He reaches his apartment and opens the door. After he closes it, he turns around to see Nemu sitting at the table.

She greets him with concern. "You know that you should have been resting, right?" She gets up and walks over to him and puts a hand on his chest. "You're not completely healed yet."

He takes her hand into his. "Some of the other Captains found out about what we did. I had to set things straight. Fortunately, everything went just fine."

Matteo then sees tears rolling down her cheek. "You don't get it!" she yelled. "I was worried about you! You left without notifying anyone.....You could have at least said something to me." She continues to cry.

He takes her into his arms and holds her close, just as he did when Mayuri struck her through her stomach. "It is alright now. You're safe and so am I. You have nothing to worry about."

She sniffles a little bit. "Forgive me, I-I am still having some trouble adjusting to this type of life."

"No Nemu, I want you to forgive me. I should have thought about that before I left. I am sorry."

She looks up at him and smiles. "Alright.....I just care about you and don't want you to get hurt. If you died, I don't know what I would do, Matteo. You are the first person to truly care about my wellbeing and that means a lot to me."

"If it makes you feel any better Nemu, I don't know what I would do if something happened to you." He leads her to a lounging chair and he sits in the one opposite hers, still holding her hands. "The entire time that I have been here, everyone has been intimidated by me and they would not speak to me. You are the only one that was not. To tell you the truth, I was taken aback by you. You seemed like you had a good life here and you gave me hope. But then...I saw the way Mayuri treated you. The first Captain's meeting that I was present at, I remember that he struck you out of anger. After everyone else had left, Sensei had to restrain me himself. I was so overcome by anger that I couldn't control myself."

She is shocked by the revelation. "Why would you have been so angry back then? You barely knew me."

He looks down for a second and then looks into her eyes. "Because I guess that I had already fallen for you."

Nemu blushes at the comment. "You were in love with me from that moment?"

Matteo nods his head. "Yes. I knew from the moment that I saw you that I would have no choice but to fall for you."

Nemu does not have time to respond. She has been pulled into a kiss by her Captain.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
"Reiku-Taaaaaiiiiiicccchhhoooo~!"­; Rangiku whined as she clinged onto Reiku's leg.

"no Rangiku." Reiku sighed, trying to break away from the large breasted woman.

"why not?"

Reiku sighed. for the past half hour Rangiku had been whinning to Reiku to join her and her captain to chill and drink some sake, Reiku for one didn't drink for various reasons, reasons she shared with no one, only herself and well her zanpaktou, only cause her zanpaktou was a old pervy and manlipitive giant dragon and knew what would happen if Reiku were to drink, especially aroud a certain short white haired captian.

plus, Reiku had paperwork to do it's not like she wouldn't be busy to begin with, but there was some strange unknown feeling deep in her stomach, telling her to take the chance that was given to her and go for it.

"because one, i don't drink. and second, i have paperwork to do, and tomorrow i have to train the new recruits." Reiku answered plainly.

"so? i'll do your paperwork tomorrow."

this caused the usually calm mannered captain to burst into a fit of laughter.

"HA! YOU DO PAPERWORK!?! THAT'S A LOAD!" she roared with laughter falling over in the process.

"i'm not that stupid Rangiku, i know you wouldn't even dare touch a pen to write with paperwork. you barely even do the work you get from the school in the world of the living!" She laughed at a softer tone, wiping her eyes from the tears that sprang from them.

"i know! Captain will do it!"

"like hell i will!" came the irritated voice of Captain Hitsugaya himself.

Reiku's ears perked up at the sound of Hitsugaya's voice, a light pinkish tinge on her cheeks was visable.

there was always something about Hitsugaya's voice that stood out to Reiku, maybe it was just the fact that her hearing was more sensitive then most shinigami, and his voice was just clearer through her ears then most.

she loved his irritated facial expressions, she had found them to be quite adorable, though she would never admit them outloud, for one Hitsugaya would probably get all pissy and yell at her, or maybe he would just slightly blush like he has done alot of lately around her.

while Hitsugaya was arguing with Matsumoto about whatever, Reiku managed to tone thier arguement out, she took the time given to her to get a good look at said captain.

it's not like she hasn't ever looked at him before, she just never really took the time to get a really good look a her childhood friend.

he was good looking, and he was rather very smart, teal green eyes that seemed to burn through her when he looked at her for awhile.

Reiku huffed then sighed then looked at the orange haired shinigami, "alright Rangiku, i'll have a few drinks, but only if you do all and i mean every single last paperwork if i find one single peice of paper undone, i'll make you clean the entire 3rd squad headquarters from top to bottom, and i'll make sure to hide all the sake in the entire serieitei."

"okay!" Rangiku jumpped glomping Reiku in a tight almost bone crushing hug.

"R-Rangiku, your hurting me.." Reiku groaned from lack of air.

Rangiku let go, Reiku fell over gasping for air, all the while Rangiku ran off, shouting about going to get some Sake.

"damn that woman.." Reiku gasped as she stood up slowly.

she barely took notice that Hitsugaya was still standing there, she rubbed her temples and sighed.

"are you really gonna go through with that?"

"yeah, just so she will shut up. you gonna come to?"

Hitsugaya sighed. "yeah i guess so."

there was a slight tinge of pink on the white haired captian's cheeks, Reiku noticed but acted as if she didn't.

she gracefully turned around on her heels, lifting a hand to gesture her fairwell.

"guess i'll see you around Shiro." she muttered then flash stepped to where ever she was planning to go.

Hitsugaya stood there, a light blush on his cheeks, how he loved the way she called him "Shiro", only Reiku could call him that, other wise he would yell at anyone else, maybe it was because he had reconized her as a superior, she was part of a noble family, compared to him, she was practically royality.

he showed her the upmost respect and aprecation, ever since the day they frist met...


Hitsugaya sat boredly in his seat, staring out the window, not really a care in the world.

"so your Hitsugaya Toroshiro?" came a femine voice, he turned and looked at a fellow classmate of his, he didn't know her name, but he knew she was one the the top students, and that she was a member of one of the noble familes.

"yeah what about it?"

"nothing much, i heard alot about you, your suposeively a Genius, and i was curious to meet you in person."

"well curiousity killed the cat..."

"is that a challange i hear from you Shiro?" she inquired with a smirk.

he had a devilish smirk to match hers, "depends... who are you exactly?"

"the name's Reiku Kuroshirou, heir of the Kuroshirou family."

"pleasure to met you, Neko."


"you called me Shiro, i call you Neko."

she laughed at this. "alright whatever you say, Shiro."

~end of Flashback~

he smiled softly at this memory, ever since they always had this friendly rivalary, but it was quite clear who was the better captain.

she would never understand what kind of effects she had on him, around her he felt indifferent, he felt things like happiness, it was strange yet he had grown acustomed to this feeling he felt.

he was constantly worried about her, especially when she went to the world of the living without him, he tried his best to hide his worry, by busying himself with paperwork, he even did her paperwork, just to pass the time.

and he was very over protective, when they were in the world of the living just walking down the hallway of Ichigo's school, he would glare at any male who looked at her the wrong way, even though he couldn't blame them, seriously, Reiku was a woman of natural beauty, and her in a half buttoned up school shirt and a short skirt that barely came to her knees was just breathtaking.

her breasts did kind of stand out a bit in that uniform, her breasts weren't as huge compared to Orihime and Matsumoto's, but they were fairly sized.

he shook away his thoughts before things got too out of hand, he had to focus, there was no time for nonesense.


Reiku entered the office of the 10th squad headquarters, she was greeted by Rangiku.

"Reiku-Taicho i knew you would come!"

"like i had a choice anyway.." she sighed.

she sat down on the couch with her arms crossed as Hitsugaya came in the room.

"great you all are here, here is some sake, and i'll take this, and i'll be off to do that paperwork for you Reiku-Taicho.."

"hold it Matsumoto.." Reiku spoke.


"leave the sake here.." she ordered in a low venimous voice.

this caused Matsumoto to groan, and dispite not wanting to, but knew better then to disobey someone like Reiku, she placed the bottle of Sake down on the table, and left with a gloomy expression on her face.

Reiku sighed in relief, "peace at last, might as well enjoy it while it lasts right Shiro?" she asked, lifting up a bottle of Sake.

"yeah guess so, this doesn't happen often.." he smiled to himself.

she poured him a cup, then herself one, "to the sernity of peace.."

with that she gulped it down, and poured herself another one.

a few drinks, and several bottles of Sake later Reiku was offically drunk, anyone could tell by the pink tinge on her cheeks, Hitsugaya managed to stay pretty sober for the most part, he took his drink in small quantities, small enough, Reiku found herself gulping it down.

she laid down her cup, and looked at Hitsugaya who seemed a little deep in thought as he calmly drank his drink, his face slightly cringing at the taste.

she hiccuped and stoped herself from drinking anymore, she was drunk, and her best solution? do paperwork.

she noticed the pile of paperwork on his desk, she stood up.

"what are you doing?"

"i'm gonna help you with the paperwork.." she mumbled, she didnt want to admit she was drunk, because she felt ashamed that she ever agreed to do this, someone like her, should have left it go, but she wanted to go, because she wanted to spend time with Hitsugaya.

"let me help you.." he muttered getting up.


she went over put triped on her feet due to her drunkness, she started to fall, Hitsugaya, reacting quickly to this, had tried to reach out and grab her so he could help her balance.

but due to the weight of gravity, he topped over as well, landing on top of her on the couch.

their faces were only inches apart, both of thier cheeks turned a bright red.

just then the door opened and in came Kira, with Haruko following behind.

"captain Hitsugaya i have some more- oh my.." he began to say but stopped once he saw Reiku and Hitsugaya.

both thier faces darkened. Reiku frist spoke up. "this isnt what it looks like Kira..."

"Huh? what's going on?" Haruko asked leaning up on Kira to see past him.

once she saw them, she just kinda stared, she looked at the bottles of sake then back at them a few times, and she made the wrong conclusions. "oh Kira i think we should leave them alone, their kinda 'busy'..."

"its not like that! we tripped!" Hitsugaya shouted.

"whatever you say~!" Haruko sanged.

"GET OUT BOTH OF YOU!" both Hitsugaya and Reiku yelled throwing the bottles at them.

both of them ran for thier lives.

"geez, what a mess.." Reiku sighed laying back Hitsugaya still on top of her.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo and Nemu break their sudden kiss. Matteo looks into her still tearful green eyes. He wipes away her tears and comforts her. "Why are you still crying, Nemu? Is this not what you wanted."

She continues to look at him. "No this is what I wanted. I am just so confused. I feel happy and yet I can barely breathe. I have never experienced this feeling before. Perhaps I am sick."

Matteo pulls her into a hug and says, "You are not sick, Nemu. This sensation that you are feeling is the same one that I have felt around you for's love."

Nemu responds happily. "Then I want to stay this way. I want to keep this feeling."

"Then you and I can be together. It's that simple."

Nemu nods her head in agreement. "It's that simple." She sighs. "We will be together." She slumps in his arms and falls asleep.

"Poor girl," Matteo runs a hand through her black hair. "You've had a very trying time." He picks her up and lays her down in his bed and the covers her up under the blankets. He then picks up a pad and pen so that he can leave her a note, saying that he has gone to the Squad 10 Barracks. He thinks to himself, "I will never intentionally make you worry ever again, Nemu. I promise." He finishes the note and then leaves for the Squad 10 Barracks.

When Matteo arrives at the Squad 10 Barracks, he is surprised to see both Izuru and Haruko there. He walks up to them. "Hey Izuru, Haruko, what brings you here to Squad 10?"

Izuru just stands there and is visibly nervous. "Oh.....nothing special. We just wanted to talk to Captain Kuroshirou, but she is 'preoccupied'."

Curiously, Matteo asks, "What do you mean by preoccupied?"

Before Lieutenant Kira can say anythin, Haruko intervenes. "He means that we caught them together."

Matteo nods his head. "I see. I would not make too much of a fuss over it. There is nothing wrong with being able to be with your loved one.....I think that I will go and speak with them."

The Captain of Squad 12 walks down the hallway that leads to Hitsugaya's office. When he enters he finds that Toshiro is still on top of Reiku. Having seen a fellow captain enter, Toshiro jumps off of Reiku. "No, no, you two don't have to be afraid of anything. I am not going to say anything...In truth, I'm glad to see that I am not the only one admitting love."

Toshiro just stands there with his mouth agape. Reiku looks at him and smiles, saying, "So you finally told Nemu how you feel? It's about time."

Toshiro can only stare at Matteo and ask, "Nemu? But she is so much younger than you!"

"Not really. After I had gotten closer to her, she began to open up to me. One of the things that she told me was that she was created before Mayuri became Captain.....She is, in fact, 177 years old."

Reiku responds, "So, are going to tell anyone about the two fraternizing Captain's."

Matteo gives her a strange look. "Why would I do something like that? You two are responsible and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize each other happiness and well-being. And besides, I won't tell anyone about the two of you as long as you two don't say anything about me and Nemu."

Toshiro and Reiku both blurt out, "You got a deal!"

Matteo laughs for a minute and says, "Well with that said, I will leave the two of you alone." And so he leaves.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jlazlo said…
As Matteo leaves he has a sudden thought, "It's been awhile since i've seen Ace. Where is he?" With that he goes to Commanders house to visit Ace.

Matteo enters the commander's office to stop by and say hi. "Commander? Are you busy?" The commander looks up from paper work. With an ugly raspy voice he answers, "Ahh, Matteo. How are you? I'm quite busy is there anything important you wanna discuss?". Matteo shakes his head, "Well, im actually here to see Ace, where is he exactly?". The commander puts his work down and rubs his head, "Ace isn't well right now, he has gottan sick and very weak. We don't know what's wrong. You can go see him if you want, but please be quiet". Worried Matteo procceds to the room.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo walks up to Ace's door and knocks. Weakly, Ace tells Matteo to come in. Upon seeing his young friend, Matteo is dumbfounded. Ace's skin has become pale, his eyes are void of color, and his face is flushed with fever. "What happened to you, Ace?"

He looks at Matteo. The Captain of Squad 12 appears to be so far away when, in fact, he is only a few feet away. "I don't know why I am so sick. Captain Unohana told me that she has no recollection of a sickness like this, nor of a way to treat it."

Matteo sits down in a chair next to Ace's bed. "Have you had any strange encounters lately? Like someone coming up to you and acting friendly for some strange reason, or have you eaten anything that was strange to you?"

Ace chuckles a little bit. "You sound like a regular doctor yourself, Matteo...No, I haven't had any strange experiences as of late."

Just as Ace says this, Captain Unohana walks in. "Matteo, I am surprised to see you here. I knew that you and Ace were friends, but I did not think that you would risk yourself to disease in order to see him."

Matteo smiles. "You know how I am, Unohana-sama. If my friends are in need, I will do anything that I can to help them."

"Yes, you have always been that way." She looks to Ace. "Even when he was a small boy and had no bearing on his shinigami powers, he would even try to be protective of the Captains."

Matteo's smile then becomes a serious look of concern. "I am very glad that you came in when you did. I was wondering if I could get a sample of Ace's blood. If you can do that for me, I can take the sample back to the R&D Institute and have it analyzed. It is quite possible that Ace's predicament is an isolated incident, or it could be something on a greater scale."

Unohana nods in agreement. "That assumption is most likely accurate. I will draw up the sample personally. Fortunately it won't take long, seeing as we have a special I.V. in him for that purpose."

Matteo looks at Ace, who smiles and says, "I can't stand needles. I don't mind them once they're in me, but I hate getting stuck by them."

While Ace is talking to Matteo, Unohana draws the sample. Once she is done she immediately hands it to Matteo. "This should be enough for you to get a proper analysis of his condition.....I will leave you two to finish your chat."

Ace weakly puts up his hand. "Goodbye, Captain Unohana."

Matteo does not wave, but bows and says, "Farewell, Unohana-sama."

"What is with you calling her Unohana-sama? I did not know that she has noble status."

Matteo laughs a little before answering. "I don't know if she has noble status either, but I have always called her that. She protected me a lot when I was younger.....Since I only knew my real mother for two full years, Unohana-sama became my surrogate mother. She taught me respect, discipline, and the importance of life. Without her help, I would not be the man that I am today."

Ace looks at Matteo with surprise. "Wow, I didn't know that...It seems like you have connections with everyone in the Gotei 13."

"That's what you get for being under the Head-Captain's tutelage for 75 years and then become his Second Lieutenant," said Matteo. "I have worked with every Squad at least once. And, though she would never admit it, I actually saved the life of Former Captain Soifon."

Ace coughs a little bit and Matteo goes to get him some water. While his friend is gone, Ace begins to think about what Matteo said concerning Captain Unohana. "She taught me respect, discipline, and the importance of life.Without her help, I would not be the man that I am today."

Matteo returns to Ace quickly. "Here you go, this should soothe your throat." Ace takes a few gulps of the water, then sets the cup down on his bedside table. "I wish that I could stay longer, but I have to go. I need to analyze this sample of your blood, and Nemu is expecting me back soon."

Ace raises a brow. "Nemu is waiting for you? Did something happen while I was laying here?"

Matteo scratches the back of his head and laughs nervously. "Yeah...I kinda told her that I love her."

Ace chokes on his own inhalation of air and asks, "What did she say?"

Matteo continue to laugh nervously. "She said that she loves me and wants to be together with me."

For the first time since he got sick, Ace begins to laugh heartily. "It's about time that you said something to her! For a while there, I thought that I was going to have to do the talking for you!"

Matteo then gets a strange look on his face. "You mean you knew about my feelings for her?"

"It was painfully obvious. In fact, it was more obvious than the fact that Mayuri was an insane psycopath."

Matteo chuckles at the comment and then pats Ace on the head. "Just don't tell anyone about me an Nemu, alright. It's not exactly smiled upon for Captains to fraternize with their Lieutenants."

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me, free of charge."

Matteo smiles and says, "Thank you, Ace. Goodbye." And he disappears.

"I hate it when he does that!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LunaShay said…
big smile
-While Kiyomi is walking to squad 4 to take a good look at Ace,she sees Matteo running and she stops him by putting a foot out and tripping him-

Matteo:-gets up and rubs his head,relieved he still had the blood sample-what the hell?!Why'd you knock me down?!?

Kiyomi:-smiles-I was going to stop you and ask you how Ace is doing and i knew i couldnt stop you so i decided to trip you.-has a smirk-and i wanted to know about that kissing thing beteen you and Nemu.

Matteo:-blushes-How does the word go that fast?...well ya,i did.

Kiyomi:Awwww,Matteo has a girlfriend and its his lietenant.-does a little kissy face but he ignores it-

Matteo:STOP!-Kiyomi shuts up-Sorry,i just dont like people doing that.

Kiyomi:Oh...So anyways,-looks in his hand-Whats with the blood?

Matteo-lifts up so she can see it better-Its Ace's blood.I was going to go to the R&D institute to see if we can figure out whats wrong with him....-couple minutes go by-You should go visit him while i take this there.You could see the results and talk to him.

Kiyomi:Umm okay-smiles-will do.I really want to see the results.

Matteo:Okay bye-and he dissapears while Kiyomi shunpos to Squad 4 to Ace's room
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo finally reaches the R&D Institute and finds Rin, one of the best analyzers in the Institute. "Rin, I need you to run this blood sample through our database. I want you to see if you can match any of the abnormal components that are in this blood to anything that we have on record."

Rin stares up at him nervously. "Of course, Captain. Right away!"

Before Rin walks away, Matteo places a hand on his shoulder and smiles. "Just calm down, Rin. I'm not going to hurt you if you make a mistake. I just need this blood analyzed as soon as possible."

Rin sighs in relief and takes a deep breath. "Alright, Captain. I should have the results within one hour."

Matteo thanks him and then disappears. He reappears in front of his apartment door and enters. He goes to his bedroom and sees that Nemu is still sleeping. "Good, she needed to rest." He walks over to her and runs a hand through her hair, softly.

Nemu feels the sensation and opens her eyes slightly to see Matteo standing over her. She is able to wake up moments later and then sits up. "How long was I asleep?"

Matteo smiles at her. "Just a few hours, but I think you needed it. You were really worn out." He sits down on the bed.

"I know that I should have tried to stay awake, but I couldn't. I'm sorry."

Matteo moves the hand in her hair down to her cheek. "Why do you keep on apologizing, Nemu? You haven't done anything wrong...You never have."

She sighs and looks up at him. "I just keep on feeling that I should be making you happy in return for what you have done for me."

Matteo chuckles. "Silly girl, you have already done that."

Nemu looks at him quizzically. "What do you mean? I have done nothing that should have made you happy."

He simply replies, "You stayed with me. That is what made me happy." He kisses her on her forehead. "Now let me get us something to eat. I have to leave for the Institute in an hour."

As he gets up, Nemu asks him, "Why do you need to go to the Institute? I thought that you said that I would handle the research."

Matteo explains to her about Ace's predicament and about the fact that he is having some blood analyzed.

"I see. You wish to help your friend because you feel that it is your fault he is sick."

Matteo nods as they both eat their food. "He's just like me, Nemu. Except this time, my role is reversed. I am the Captain and he is the student that needs guidance."

She smiles and places a hand on his shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up over this. I am sure that he will be fine...If he is anything like you, he is too stubborn to give up."

Matteo laughs and says, "Yeah, you're right about that." He looks at a clock on the wall and notices that an hour has passed. "I need to get going. You take the day off; that's an order.....I'll be back later. I promise." Matteo hugs her and then disappears. He reappears in front of Rin, inside of the R&D Institute. "Do you have that information for me?"

Rin replies slowly. "I do, but it isn't good."

Matteo takes a look at Rin's notes and then looks at them again. "Are you sure this is accurate."

Rin nods his head. "I checked over them five times before you arrived. I assure you; they are accurate."

Matteo disappears with the notes and heads for Ace's room. When he arrives, he can see that Kiyomi is sitting by Ace's bed. "Matteo, did you get those result that you were telling me about?" asked Kiyomi.

Ace weakly asks, "Where you able to find out what was wrong with me?"

Matteo looks down and says, "I don't know how, why, or when it happened but your body has been...injected with the black blood of a hollow."

Ace and Kiyomi look on in utter shock, unable to believe what Matteo has said.
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Ace tries to sit up but has trouble doing so "huh, what will happen to me? Will i turn to a hollow, thats something i really dont want to happen. 'coughs'"

Matteo thinks for a while, "Hmm, i really don't know. I doubt it though, since its not you blood hollowfying. It's more of a hollow trying to spread in your body." He pauses then speaks again "We can try expelling it out of your body, I'll explain that later. As of now i need to talk to Captain Unohana"

Matteo turns to leave but is interupted by Ace, "Matteo, if i start to turn into a hollow, i want you to promise me something."

"What is it?", Ace whispers "Promise first.", reluctantly Matteo promises. Ace then states in a weak yet serious manner, "I want you to kill me, if i turn to a hollow or i when i become a threat"

Matteo stands there speechless
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
After waiting a couple of moments, Matteo tries to reassure Ace. "Don't worry, Ace. Unohana-sama and I will come up with something. You just try to rest. Kiyomi, you stay here and watch over him."

Kiyomi nods her head. "You can count on me."

As soon as she says this, Matteo shunpos to Captain Unohana's office. "Unohana-sama, I need to speak with you. It is concerning Ace's condition."

Unohana is sitting at he desk and motions for Matteo to sit down. "What have you discovered?" He tells her about the discovery of Ace's blood. "I see. What do you suggest we do? I have never seen something like this before."

"I was thinking that we should knock him out and then allow my researchers use a new piece of equipment that could save his life."

Unohana gives him a concerned look. "What would this piece of equipment do?"

"It is called Kyūban. It is basically a mechanical leech that can lock onto a poison within a body and suck it out. Instead of having the Kyūban hunt down a poison, we would have it hunt down the Hollow blood inside of Ace's body."

Unohana continues to look at him. "It would appear that we don't have an other choice but to use your Kyūban. However, I want to be present when you use them."

Matteo nods his head in agreement. "I would not have it any other way, Unohana-sama."
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo sends a Hell Butterfly to the R&D Institute, informing them to send Akon and Rin with 4 Kyūban to Ace's room right away. He then walks back to Ace's room to inform him of their plans. "Ace, I have some good news. We should be able to fix you up in no time. The R&D Institute has come up with a leech-like machine called Kyūban. The Kyūban will latch onto a vein and then target the Hollow blood and then absorb it. Once all of the Hollow blood is absorbed from you body, you should be just fine."

Ace looks over at Matteo and says, "Thank you, Matteo. At least you were able to come up with a plan."

Matteo looks down for a moment. "Don't get too happy yet. There is a catch.....Usually you would be knocked out so that you would not interrupt the procedure. However, since you are in such a weakened state, sedating you might kill you. So, we will have to physically restrain you during the procedure, which is excruciatingly painful."

Ace closes his eyes and then slowly opens them. "Any pain is better than dying like this."

Just as Ace says this, Akon and Rin arrive with the four Kyūban. Akon asks Matteo, "Is he prepared, Captain?"

"He is. Get everything set up immediately, Akon."

Akon replies, "Yes sir, Captain. We will begin at once." Akon and Rin begin to set up their control machines and then place the Kyūban on Ace's body. Two are placed on his wrists, one on the center of his chest, and one in between his chin and neck. Once they get everything set up, Akon gives a nod to Matteo.

Matteo then walks over to Ace's bed. "This is going to hurt like hell, so I suggest that you hold onto my wrist." Ace does this as Matteo gives Akon the signal to activate the Kyūban.

Ace's body immediately stiffens at the actions of the Kyūban. He clutches onto Matteo's wrist hard and begins screaming in pain. Though Matteo is in pain from the squeezing on his wrist, but he does not even say a word.

Akon says, "Just another 20 seconds and we will be finished!"

Ace continues to writhe in pain. The restraints on his other wrist and ankles tighten as the pain increases, but the twenty seconds soon pass and the machine is turned off.

Matteo looks at Rin and asks him, "Has all of the Hollow blood been absorbed.

Rin responds after looking at his computer screen, "Yes Captain, all of the Hollow blood is gone." After he says this, both Akon and himself remove the Kyūban from Ace's body, take off his restraints, and leave.

Matteo removes Ace's hand from his wrist. "Are you going to be alright?"

Ace laughs a little. "My body is a bit stiff, but I'll be okay.....Thanks for helping me."

Matteo looks down at him with a smile on his face. "Well I didn't really have a choice. You are my friend, after all." Matteo then looks over at Kiyomi, who is still speechless over what has just happened. He walks over to her and helps her up. "Come on, Kiyomi, we should leave Ace so that he can rest."

Kiyomi is led out of the room by Matteo and turns around to face him after they have closed the door. "Is he really going to be okay?"

Matteo looks down at her and smiles. "I promise that he is going to be okay. Now you go and get some rest. After seeing that display, you need to get some rest."

Kiyomi goes back to her apartment in the Squad 2 Barracks and Matteo returns to his apartment, with Nemu waiting on him.

"Is your friend alright, Matteo?" asked Nemu.

Matteo hugs her and sighs. "Yes, he is fine now. I, on the other hand, need some rest. Seeing Ace in that kind of pain took a toll on me." He releases Nemu from their hug, walks over to his bed and lies down. He immediately falls asleep.

Nemu walks over to him and puts a hand on his head. "This time, I'll watch over you while you sleep."
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
both Hitsugaya and Reiku werent sure how to get past thier current situatuion, both had enjoyed the others company, but there was an omnous and akward silence aura around them, it made both Captains uncomfortable, Reiku, who's drunkness had fadded about an hour ago, was now dealing with the effects of a hangover.

she felt stupid for getting so drunk, she was amazed the only stupid thing she did was trip, it could have gotten much worse, she could have done something that might be considered forbidden, unorthodox, and completely and utterly a major mistake.

then she thought for a moment. nothing could have been more taboo then her Hollowfication she went through, not even if she had certain kind of "interaction" with mentioned white haired Captain.

the same kind of interaction that Haruko thought they were doing, she would never do such a thing to Hitsugaya, not if she was drunk.

but would she have done it if she was sober? what difference would it have made?

she shook her head, no need to worry over the "what ifs" andd just forget what happened, it was an accident and nothing more.

but she couldnt put it behind her, she felt a connection, it might have been the closest they had ever been,and she kinda liked the closeness, and what Matteo said earlier...

'im glad to see im not the only one admiting love..'

Love? what was that? Love? she never understood it. then a thought came to her mind, it was something her mother told her a long time ago.


"Mother what's love?"

"love? its an type of emotion, its what you feel towards someone, when i tell your father i love him, im expressing my emotions i feel towards him.. i mean the same thing towards you, i tell you i love you because you are my daughter, and i love and care for you, nothing could ever stand in the way of that. love is the strongest emotion a person could feel, it never falls apart, nothing can tear it down.."

"what about a love you feel towards someone who's a friend?"

"now there are different kinds of love, there is love you feel towards a family member, and then there is a love where you care deeply about another person, then there is the kind that i share with your father.."

"whats that?"

"you love them, and you consider them to be your soul mate, the one you want to spend your whole life with.."

"does that mean i love Toshirou?"

"you can love whoever you want, you can love Toshriou, you could love someone else, anyone your heart falls for.."

+end of flash back-

Reiku slightly felt a painful pang in her chest from that memory. but it held a valid point.

though this memory led to the memory of Aizen.

they had loved once, he showered her in love an affection, but was it all even real? had he just manipulated her from the start?

making her feel comfortable, and lower her guard, is that why she didnt sense anything wrong?

she felt stupid that she let Aizen play with heart and her emotions, she should have sensed something wasnt right, with that ceritan glint he held in his eyes.

but she was blinded.

she was blinded by her own emotions, and she could do nothing but blame herself.

Blame herself for letting things happen without the slightest of doubt something wasnt right.

she could have stopped him before his plans actually were commited, she should have sensed that evil glint in his eyes the moment they met hers.

but she let him take over her like a puppet, and what a puppet she was for him.

she could never admit it, she never said anything, but she was the one who murdered all of central 46, he took over her, like his little puppet she was, she slaughtered every last one of them.

she had no recollection of it until Aizen had informed her, and tricked her about it, he said that she had lost her control and went hollow, he tried to stop her, but he couldnt.

lies. all lies. every last once cherished memory of what use to be was only a lie. a frayed and faded memory in the back of her mind.

she had almost went to Unahona and asked her to erase that memory, to free her from the bitter agony she felt.

she almost did the same with Mayuri, the only thing that kept her away from him, was her sheer will power and hatred of him.

she had started to spend as much time as possible with Hitsugaya, it helped her alot, it eased everything, it eased her thoughts, it kept her calm, and not turn into an emotional wreak.

but what was this? did she love Hitsugaya? but still held bitter, painful love towards Aizen?

she let out a depressed sigh. Hitsugaya had sensed her sudden change in emotion, he could sense that she was in agony, and depression.

he already knew the answer to her sudden change in emotion.

he knew her all too well.

he glanced at her, and dared to speak. "you still think about him dont you?"

she sighed, "every now and then, but i have to say its better then before..."

she could admit to him that Aizen haunted her in her dreams, in her thoughts, his memory was like a hot iron in the back of her mind, always fresh and never cold.

he let out a "hmn." and sighed as he looked towards the window.

"can i be honest with you?"

"yeah of course! is something wrong?" she asked, quickly becoming overcome with fear and worry.

he looked back at her, "if were in his shoes at that time... i would never hurt you in anyway, i would never done what he did to you.."

She stared at him, in shock, with a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks.

she finally let out a word after a few seconds of silence as she looked down at the floor. "i know you wouldn't Toshriou. i would do the same for you..."

it fell silent again.

was this thier own way of confessing thier love? no, maybe for Toshirou, but no exactly for Reiku she wasnt sure how she felt.

then she felt a blast of familar Reietsu, and growls loudly.


HItsugaya looks at her, before he could say a word, or stop her she was out the door and off to where ever.

"idiot.." he muttered chasing after her.

Reiku chased after the trail of Grimmjow's reietsu, she had sent a few hell butterflies once she had sensed a few arrancars with him.

"Grimmjow.." she growled bitterly thinking back to their last encounter.
“baka it's been over, your practically beaten to a bloody pulp, don't be so arrogant. You should be lucky if you even survive, but don't expect to let off easy, I'll get you again Shinigami. When we meet again you won't be so lucky. I will kill you next time. That is if you survive through your injuries. You'll quake in fear, Shinigami, at the sound of my name! Grimmjow Jaggerjack!”

"this time will be different just you wait.. Grimmmjow..." she muttered as she continued on her way.

Kira had gone about his duties after recovering from the earlier incident.

'who knew Captain Hitsugaya and Captain Reiku were like that...' he thought to himself, as he walked about.

Then he noted a hell butterfly, he lifted up his finger and it landed on it, it was a message from Reiku.

"what!?! an invasion from the arrancars?!?! i have to go tell the others!" Kira shouted as he ran off in a different direction.

Reiku was flash steping when she sensed Grimmjow and stopped to stare eye to eye with the arrancar himself.

"feh, i've been looking for ya.. Shinigami.."

Reiku smirked. "i've been keeping a look out for you too, Grimmjow, did you come back to get your ass kicked?"

"keh, dont get cocky Shinigami, i beat you the last time, it was sheer luck your still alive.." he muttered.

"heh, well i'll show you, i've gotten stronger, over the past three months.." she sneered preparing her Zanpakuto. "you were lucky, you didnt see the full extent of my bankai, we were interupted before i got to show you.."

"well. i hope i get to see this extented power of yours, you might only might have a chance against me.."

"keh. we'll see... Bankai! Daiguren Tenshou!"

Grimmjow, snickered. "baka, dont you rememeber your bankai didnt do shit to me?"

"that's not entirely true. i gave you that scar, and Ichigo Kurosaki was the one that cut off your arm... i would have done so myself, but Ichigo had beat me too it.."

"keh and i told you before.. all you can do is scratch me, nothing more, i'd like to see if you can cut my other arm off! that is if you can keep up!"

"ha! i'll do more then that! i'll cut you to pieces this time!" she Cackled coming at him.

thier swords clashed, she sat deep in thought.

'i dont know how long i can use my hollowfication, but i guess i'll just have to take a swing at it, not now, i'll wait..'

"ha dont wonder too far, you might get lost in that thick mind of yours!" he taunted.

"dont worry about me, you should worry for your own welfare.."

"ha! we'll see about that!"

they clashed, Reiku reciving a little more damage, she jumped away from him, and took a deep breath. 'now... i'll use it..'

"where's this 'extended' power of yours Shinigami? so far i only see the same results from the last time!"

"some of it is right here.." she muttered placing her hand to her face.

she focused her reietsu into the palm of her hand, then summonded her mask. 'lets see what these hollow powers can do..'

once she unleashed it, there was a flash that surrounded her, while Grimmjow's visablity was disabled momentarily, Reiku took the oppertunity to attack.

she swung her sword, it clashed against his.. once the smoke had cleared, and he saw her mask he stared at her shocked.

"w-what did you do to yourself? that mask? where did it come from?"

she smirked. "startled? i told you i've gotten stronger, this is some of my new power.."

she placed her hand on her sword, her eyes glowed redish as she muttered "Kuroshi Tenshou."

a blast of power hit him dead on he was sent flying from the impact.

he was already bleeding rather badly, it took him a moment to regain his balance.

"didnt you say i wasnt able to catch up to you? i think i'm faster now..." she muttered as she stood behind him.

'w-where did she? she moved so fast! i didnt sense her coming!'

she swung her sword back and struck him again with the same attack, then while he was falling down, she threw another at him, it hit him, causing him to fall faster down.

"DAMN YOU!" he shouted and threw a cero at her.

she blocked it with her zanpakuto, and used a large amount of strength and just sliced right through it.

then she came charging at him, he threw another cero, she disappeared then reappeared behind him and hit him with another attack.

she continulessly did this, until he was practically covered in blood, he stared at her as she stood 5 feet away.

"damn" he panted between heavy breaths.

"heh. weren't you the one who said i could only scratch you? it seems i did more then that. who's looking pathetic now?" she sneered.

"shut up teme, your just lucky! im not done yet!"

they both go at it for awhile, Reiku feeling rather confident, thinking maybe she wouldnt have to use her other half of her bankai.

"grah! it's over!" she yelled and swung her sword at him, she pushed against his as they clashed, trying to over power him, as she overly used ever once of her strength.


her mask had cracked.

then it slowly cracked away from her face, at that moment both Grimmjow and Reiku had the same be withered expression on thier faces as she slighly leaned back.

'W-what? my mask... it broke? no this cant be! i was almost winning! damn it!'

Grimmjow's expression changed quickly and he wore a malicious grin.

he struck at her while she was wide open, and he broke the blade of her sword, Raikari-Ryuu slowly fell out of her hands, as she fell down blood seeping out from the slash across her chest.

she just stared blankly out at him, still shocked.

'how could this be? i almost had him... i almost won... damn... it...'

he launched a cero at her, it hit her dead on, she went flying into the ground like a metorite.

she laid there the broken in half Raikari-Ryuu laid beside her.

her face was turned, her eyes fadded as she laid there, lifeless.

she was defeated once again...

her Bankai fadded away and she laid there, her uniform practically in shreds.

Grimmjow smirked. "i told you. you couldnt defeat me. baka.."

he wore that same Malicious grin, "guess all that's left to do is blast you to ashes, might as well save all your little shingami friends the trouble.."

meanwhile Kira was running to squad 12 barracks he barrged into Captain Matteo's apartment.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Izuru is surprised to see that Matteo and Nemu are already preparing to go out to the battlefield. "Were you two already getting ready before I arrived?"

Nemu informs him, "No, we were not. Matteo had been asleep for a while, but he sensed Captain Reiku's distress and woke up."

Matteo interjects. "We can't stand around talking! Reiku is in danger!"

The Captain of Squad 12 and the two Lieutenants head for Reiku's location. Matteo gets there first due to to the fact that he is faster. However, while they were in transit, Grimmjow has walked over to where Reiku is lying and is charging up another Cero. "I'd much rather kill you in a fight, but I also need to ensure that you won't hinder our invasion. This is goodbye...shinigami." From ten feet away, Grimmjow fires the Cero. However, it was blocked.

"You know what? I really hate it when people try to hurt others that can't defend themselves." He says this as he is standing in front of Reiku with his back to Grimmjow. He did not block the blast with his sword, but with his own body.

"I guess your guts match your size.....Who are you?" asked Grimmjow.

Matteo turns his head and looks over his should at the Espada. "I am Matteo Ryozuke, Captain of Squad 12...and the brother of Shirozuke."

"I thought I recognized you. You both share the same facial structuring. He also said that he had found someone that he knew, here in the Seireitei."

Nemu and Izuru show up just then. "Are you alright?" asked Nemu.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You two just get Reiku and get away from here, now."

Izuru speaks up. "But Captain, you will need our help in order to defeat him! You must allow at least me to--"

Matteo cuts Izuru off. "Get Reiku and leave, Kira! You're no match for him...Just take Nemu and Reiku, and make sure that they stay safe."

"...Yes, sir." Kira and Nemu gather up Reiku and shunpo away from the battlefield.

"So you are just going to let them leave and stay away from the battle? Why?"

Matteo just glares at him. "I don't want them to get hurt. After all, This battle with you is going to be a big one." At this, Matteo calls out Mangestu Oogama. He then charges at Grimmjow who locks Matteo's blade with his own. "Also, I don't want Nemu to see this side of me."

"FINALLY! Someone that actually wants to fight me and the skills to do so!"

Grimmjow then breaks the lock and begins to slash wildly at Matteo, who is able to block most of the hits except for one. The one hit that Grimmjow does land is directly in line with the scar that was given to Matteo by his killer.

Matteo looks down at the cut and then looks up at Grimmjow. "You got a lucky hit, Grimmjow. That won't happen again."

"What're you talking about? I'm just warming up."

After Grimmjow says this, Matteo feels a slight pang in his stomach. He looks down to see that he has been run through by a blade. He looks back up and sees Grimmjow in front of him. The Espada twists the blade and then pulls it out. Matteo then jumps back a few feet and takes a fighting stance. This time, when Grimmjow comes at him, Matteo is able to block the attack.

"If this is your best then you should just go home, Grimmjow," stated Matteo. "I don't have time for your games!"

Grimmjow glares at him. "No time for games, huh? Fine then." Grimmjow charges at Matteo with such speed that Matteo is immediately taken aback. Grimmjow then kicks Matteo in the stomach and then runs him through with his sword. He takes his palm and charges up a Gran Rey Cero. "Let's see you survive this!"


While all of this is going on, Nemu and Izuru have stopped since Reiku has awaken. Izuru and Nemu put her down as he asks, "Are you okay, Captain?"

"I am fine," she says. She then notices Nemu and then asks, "Where is Matteo?"

Nemu answers her. "He is battling the Arrancar. He was giving us cover so that we could get away with you."

Reiku immediately stands up but Izuru stands in her way. "I can't allow you to go, Captain. You're too badly injured."

The Captain fires back at her Lieutenant. "Lieutenant Kira you have no idea of what is going on! Matteo and I are probably the only ones that can defeat Grimmjow. Aside from that fact, under whose authority are you trying to stop me?"

Izuru fumbles through his mind for an answer, but comes up with nothing. "I am sorry, Captain. I just don't want you getting hurt."

"I am not the one that you need to worry about getting hurt," she says to him as she vanishes.


"Die, Shinigami!" yells Grimmjow as he fires his Gran Rey Cero.

Right before the blasts hits Matteo, a flash appears in front of the Squad 12 Captain and gets him out of the way in time. "You do know that successfully saving someone means that you don't die in the process, right?"

Matteo looks to see that it is Reiku who has rescued him. "I'm glad to see that you are alright. I was worried that we had not made it in time." He pull Grimmjow's sword out of his stomach and throws it back to its owner. He quickly regains his composure. "What do you say that we take this guy out?"

She looks up at him and then back at Grimmjow. "I'm game." Both she and Matteo take their fighting stances.

Grimmjow just starts laughing. "Two against one? This is going to be a great fight. You two might have evened the odds for yourselves in this fight."

Matteo just glares a the Espada. "You are wrong about that, Grimmjow. With the two of us as your opponents your death..."

Reiku finishes, " guaranteed.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Grimmjow smirks. "i beat you once shinigami, i can beat you again. and besides, how are you suppose to fight without a sword?"

"no one said i was gonna do that.."

"i broke your sword, you have nothing." he pointed out

"not true.." Reiku smirked as she held out her left arm.

"Matteo, im gonna take over for a bit, then you can finish him off."

"fine with me, i'll be right here to give you a hand.."

"i know.." she sighed

Reiku took a deep breath. "prepare Grimmjow... this is... my whole Bankai..."

a blast of reietsu erupted, Matteo just stared at her, 'for someone who was practically on the brink of death and now she's unleashing power unimaginable...'

there was something different about this power though, he could feel it become humid and almost hot.

Reiku grabbed her sleeve then tore it away to reveil a black dragon tattoo that wrapped around her arm.

"Bankai! Daiguren No Sakura! Sakura-ryuu!"

the tattoo started to fade and formed into a sword in her hand, it looked simular to Raikari-Ryuu though it had a pink Dragon craved into the blade.

Matteo stared at her. 'this whole time she had two Zanpakuto? so is this her full power?'

then she put her hand in her face and summonded her mask. "this is the end Grimmjow.."

she came at him, before he barely had time to react before their swords clashed.

"Kuro-Sakura Tenshou!"

it hit him dead on, he was bleeding pretty badly.

they fought for awhile, Reiku winning.

"damn you shinigami.."

Reiku smirked. "care to help me finish this piece of trash Matteo?" she asked looking at Matteo.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo walks forward. "With pleasure." He takes a few more steps until he is in front of Reiku. "That was an amazing display, Reiku. However, I suggest you hold onto something, because I think that I should release my bankai." Matteo hold his scythe out in front of him. "Bankai.....Mangestu Shiteiru Ookami."

A giant white light forms around Matteo at the release of his bankai. When the light dissipates, the giant white wolf can be seen standing in front of her. Reiku thinks to herself, "This is his bankai? It doesn't look like much."

The wolf speaks. "I am sure that you are curious as to why my bankai seems like it is so small compared to yours. However, I now hold more power than ever before."

She now thinks, "Did that wolf just talk to me?" A bead of sweat goes down the side of her head.

Grimmjow laughs maniacally. "How interesting this is. Your bankai gives you the appearance of a wolf, while my Resurrección gives me the likeness of a Panther. In fact, I am going to even the playing field. Grind.....Pantera!"

To release his Zanpakutō, he holds it up, like the start of a low sweep stroke, with his right hand. The sword glows as he puts his left hand up to it. He then rakes his hand along the length of the blade, with a swift motion, while calling out its release command, in turn releasing a torrent of spiritual power that causes tremendous gusts of wind in the immediate vicinity. Grimmjow's appearance changes drastically to something more feline and predatory. His teeth become jagged and sharp, his hands turn into black claws and his feet become black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail. His hair becomes very long and flowing, and the markings around his eyes enlarge and extend to the tips of his ears, which become cat-like. He loses his distinctive jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of a headgear on his forehead. His clothing changes to become a form-fitting white segmented armor, similar to his original Adjuchas-Hollow form. He has blades protruding from his forearms and his calves.

Matteo glares at Grimmjow. "You think that this levels the playing field? You are sadly mistaken, hollow." Matteo disappears and then reappears behind Grimmjow. "Torikumu Mangetsu Ookami (Tackle of the Full Moon Wolf)." Matteo begins to glow a bright white color and then collides with Grimmjow. He tackles the Espada with such force that, when he impacts the ground, a giant crater forms around Grimmjow's body. Matteo, still glowing, jumps off of Grimmjow and lands in front of Reiku. When the light dissipates, the Armor form of Matteo's bankai can be seen.

Reiku looks on and is somewhat shocked. "So this is the massive power that I felt that day. Matteo must have used his bankai in his fight with Mayuri."

Grimmjow gets up and looks around to see if he can find Matteo. He does but Matteo has appeared in front of him and pierced him through his stomach. Matteo uses his Shiteiru Ookami Tsume (or Shining Wolf Claws) in order to do this.

"Is this all you've got?" asked the greatly wounded Grimmjow.

Matteo answers slowly. "'s not." After he says this the claws begin to shine and a giant blast of reiatsu forces Grimmjow off of Matteo's claws and into a rock face."

"Reiku, do you want in?" asked Matteo with a shallow look in his eyes. "How about we finish him off together...We could combine our elements. I know that you can control electricity. I can control water. And, in this form, my Gōkei Mizu Sōsa (Total Water Manipulation) allows me to not only control water, but to create water from spirit particles in the air.....What do you say?"
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
"yeah that's fine with me. Let's just end this already...." Reiku muttered getting ready.

"alright. Let's end this."

"I'll be right behind you..."

"right I'll go frist then. Get ready Grimmjow!"

Grimmjow cackles, "bring it!"

Matteo lunges at him, hitting him up a good bit then he takes in a deep breath.

"let's see if you can handle this..."

Matteo charges up then breaths deeply. "Kiba Mangetsu Tataku!"

suddenly Grimmjow is hit by a ring of light, and he finds himself unable to move.

"what the? Why can't I move!?!?"

"it's one of my speicalties. It paralizes my opponet on impact. Your done for Grimmjow..."

grimmjow tries to break free but it's useless.

"it's useless Grimmjow... This is the end for you." Matteo mutters.

He takes in a deep breath while Reiku slams her sword in the ground making a bunch of hand signs.

Reiku foucuses her energy deeply, soon it becomes dark and starts to rain and thunder.

'this is perfect for my next attack...'

"Gōkei Mizu Sōsa!"

suddenly a large amount of water formed around Matteo, Reiku jumped in the air as Matteo lanched his attack.

She held her hand out in the air, her hand became covered with electricity.


Then a large dragon made out of lighting slowly comes out of the clouds, and she waited until Matteo's attack hit Grimmjow then she flung her hand out and the dragon flew towards Grimmjow hiting him dead on.

She jumped down beside Matteo panting roughly.

The smoke cleared and there laid Grimmjow, clearly dead.

"there it's finally over..." Reiku muttered breathing heavily as her bankai faded.

She started to fall backwards as everything to go dark.

over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo catches Reiku as she falls back. She is unconscious. "You're a damn fool, Reiku. You were clearly exhausted from fighting him the first time. Though I don't know why.....He must have just caught you off guard."

Just then, Nemu and Izuru show up. "Is she uninjured?" asked Nemu.

"No, she is exhausted and she has taken some injury from her earlier fight."

Izuru rushes over. "Will she be alright?!"

Matteo quickly assures him. "Yes, she will be fine Izuru. But we will not take her to Captain Unohana."

"Why not?!" exclaimed Izuru. "She needs medical help."

Matteo looks at him seriously. "I know that and she will receive it at my Squad's barracks. Nemu is a fine healer and will patch Reiku up. While she is doing that, I will explain the situation to you.....But first, I want you to go and get Captain Hitsugaya. Tell him to meet me at Nemu's apartment."

Izuru responds, "Yes, sir!" and then vanishes.

"Let's get Reiku back to your apartment, Nemu," stated Matteo. "Her body is already starting to cool down drastically."

The Captain and Lieutenant get Reiku back to the apartment and put her down on Nemu's bed. They cover her up with blankets and Nemu puts Matteo outside while she dresses the injured woman's wounds. While he is outside, Toshiro and Izuru show up.

"What happened? Is Reiku okay?" asked a frantic Toshiro.

"She is going to be fine, Hitsugaya," said the Squad 12 Captain. "She did sustain some wounds in the battle and she is worn out, but she will be just fine. Nemu is dressing her wounds as we speak."

"That still doesn't completely answer my question. Tell me what happened."

Matteo gives in. "She went to go and fight Espada number 6 Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. When she got there, he apparently overpowered her. Kira, Nemu, and myself arrived and helped her out. I ordered Kira and Nemu to take her away from the battlefield, but she woke up and came back to help me defeat Grimmjow. She fell from exhaustion after we defeated him and the rest you already know."

Just then, Nemu pops out. "I have finished dressing her wounds. You may come in now."

The two Captains and the Lieutenant of Squad 3 walk in to see Reiku asleep on Nemu's bed. Toshiro has a distraught look on his face and turns around so that he does not see her. Matteo puts his hand on the young Captain's shoulder. "Trust me, I know how you feel. But it could have been a lot worse." He looks over at Nemu. "At least she was not mortally wounded."

Toshiro looks up at him and then back at Reiku. "Yes, you are right about that."

Izuru waits a few moments before speaking up. "I know this is a bad time to ask, but what the hell is going on? Why are you and my Captain being so secretive, Captain Ryozuke?"

Matteo sits Izuru down and explains everything about the hollowfication. "So you two are hollows now?"

Matteo laughs a little and says, "No, we aren't hollows. We just have hollow powers. Nothing more, nothing less."

Reiku wakes up after hearing this. "You've got a big mouth, Matteo."

The all get up and walk over to her. "I know I do, but he did have a right to know." He looks down and sees that her eyes are fixed on Hitsugaya. "I think it would be best if we left you and Toshiro alone for a few minutes. Nemu, Izuru, let's leave them alone."

Matteo, Nemu, and Izuru walk out of Nemu's apartment so as to give Reiku and Toshiro some space.
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Back in Ace's room, he rests quietly. As his mind wanders, he slowly starts to feel a warm sensation. This sensation soon starts to heat up his body, which alarms him, causing him to wake up screaming.

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ace's facial expression is that of total fear and pain, his body flops around as power surges through him and is violently released outside of his body.

One of the personal nurses comes rushing in, only to be thrown back by the imense power being released. She franitcally runs for the commander.

Moments later, the Commander comes in and sees the damage. Ace's room is trashed, books torn, tables crashed.

Commander is shocked to see this, and he thens notices Ace. "Ace! What is going on?"

Ace breathes heavily and shallow as he lays on the ground. His body is limp, and looks as if his been tortured.

"I- I- can't breathe.." He cringes as he tries to move.

Commander thinks then gives out orders "Nurse, go find Matteo now." She quickly nods and leaves.

The commander walks to Ace and carries him to a different room and bed. While carrying he thinks over some things, "This boys body is really warm. It's like all his energy that has been kept inside while resting had to finally release. Or is it that the hollows blood is still having a hidden side effect? Making him have to much stored reatsu which can potentially kill him...This is bad"
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
As Matteo is talking with Izuru and Nemu outside of the apartment, a nurse from Squad 4 approaches Matteo. "Captain Ryozuke, the Head-Captain requires your assistance. Second Lieutenant Ace Hanaroku's condition has worsened. He needs your--"

Matteo cuts her off. "Nemu you stay here and watch over things. Izuru you go to the R&D Institute and await any further instructions from either myself or the Head-Captain. I will go to Ace immediately." With that, Matteo scoops up the nurse and disappears. He reappears in front of Ace's new room, puts down the nurse, and enters the room. "What is happening to him, Sensei?"

"It would appear that Ace is suffering some sort of power backup," said Yamamoto. Beyond that, I cannot say anything."

Matteo walks over to Ace and opens his eyes and then checks his chest and stomach for hollow holes. "Well, the good thing is that he is not becoming a hollow. His eyes are still the same color and there is no sign of a hollow hole. However, I would not want to rule the Hollow blood that was inside of him out.....It is quite possible that it was trying to make him into a hollow and shut off a part of his spiritual network so that it would be easier to hollowfy him."

Yamamoto looks down at his Second Lieutenant. "Then it is as I feard. What do you suggest we do with him Matteo?"

Matteo stands there for a minute, thousands of thoughts running through his head. Finally, he says, "The only obvious answer is to poison him."

The Head-Captain is astonished by Matteo's answer. "Poison him?"

"Not in the way that you are thinking, Sensei. Think of it as an anti-virus. The researchers at the R&D Institute have formulated a prototype anti-virus that will attack Hollow blood and anything created by it. With it, we should be able to heal Ace for good this time."

Yamamoto, relieved by Matteo's explanation, agrees and personally sends a Hell Butterfly with orders for the anti-virus.

The butterfly arrives minutes later and Rin gives a sample of the virus to Izuru, so that he can take it to Ace. Izuru arrives seconds later and hands the vial and syringe over to Matteo. Matteo turns Ace over on his side, the young Lieutenant is still shivering with fever. "Ace, I have to stick this into the base of your neck so it is going to hurt. I have but a barrier over your nerve endings so you shouldn't feel too much. Just try to relax and it will be over soon."

Ace closes his eyes and clenches his fists. Then, all of a sudden, he feels a sharp pang at the base of his neck. He arches his back at the sudden sensation of pain, but soon relaxes.

After Matteo has injected the anti-virus, Ace's fever begins to drop and his normal color is returning. His reiatsu also levels out.

At the sight of his Second Lieutenant returning to normal, Yamamoto turns to Matteo. "Matteo, I need to speak with you alone."

Izuru looks up. "I need to return to Squad 3, Haruko probably needs some help with the paperwork. Goodbye, Captain Ryozuke. Goodbye, Head-Captain." They both wave Izuru away and walk out into the hall.

"What did you want to tell me, Sensei? Is it something about Ace that you haven't told me?"

Yamamoto looks at him with both of his eyes open. "No Matteo, it does not concern Ace. It concerns you.....When I first saw you as a small boy, I told myself that taking you as my apprentice would lead me to nothing but trouble. In the beginning, I thought that you would prove me right with all of your gallivanting with Kisuke and Yoruichi. But, as time went on, you became serious, smart, and strong beyond all of my hopes. Your compassion knows no bounds and your calculation of a situation has never failed you...You are like a son to me and I have grown to care about you as if you were. With that said, I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. I just want to thank you for everything that you have done and, most likely, will continue to do." Yamamoto then extends his hand to Matteo, something that the Captain of Squad 12 had never seen his sensei do.

Matteo stands there for a moment, in shock over what the Head-Captain has said. All that Matteo can do is extend his own hand and grasps the extended one of his long-time Sensei. "Thank you for your teachings, kindness, and compassion, Sensei. Thank you, very much.......Now, I need to get back to my Squad. Goodbye, Sensei."

"Goodbye, Matteo."

Matteo then vanishes and begins walking back to the Squad 12 Barracks. He thinks to himself. "What the hell just happened? For as long as I can remember, Sensei has never really expressed pride for my accomplishments, nor has he extended his hand to me in friendship. I wonder what kind of impression that I've made upon him."
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
It was silent momentarily, Reiku was deep in thought.

The akwardness appeared again. Neither captain knew what to say.

Hitsugaya found the strength to speak. "a-are you alright?"

"i've been through worse probably i am sore though..."

"that's good.."

the akward silence again.

While this was going on Reiku took some time to think.

She sighed so much was going on she cojldnt figure out where to start with her thoughts.

She looked at him, he looked like was sickly worried about her welfare she sighed.

'i got him so worried... He's always like that...'

she glanced at him more, she admited that she thought it wad adorable to see Hitsugaya like this.

"Shiro... you dont need to worry so much about me, im fine..”

“you were nearly killed. You had to be a fool and go after him even after you were badly injuried, you could have gotten killed, just look at you!” He barked.

She looked down, “Gomen..”

Toshirou sighed, “Reiku, look, I didnt mean to yell at you, but you had me scared to death..”

“im sorry.”

he sighed and lifted her chin up with his fingers, “stop apogizing.. its not your fault. Im just glad your ok..”

he gave her a hug, she sighed.

After all this, she finally made up her mind, she realized her love for Toshirou was stronger then anything else, that is what kept her alive, she lived on the soul reason of her love for Toshirou, he breathed for her, if he had ceased to breath, she wouldnt be breathing either.

She gripped onto his sleeve, she started to tremble slightly, she burried her face into his shoulder and did something she hadnt done for a very long time.

She started to cry.

She never cried in front of him before, she didnt even know what caused this over flow of emotions to erupt, but they happened, she just sobbed into his shoulder.

She didnt have to say a word, he knew what she would have said, even though he was startled by this sudden vulinable side of her.

“its ok, he hurt you really bad, didnt he?”

she just nodded through the tears and the sobs, she was so upset, over everything, it was as if she was hit by a wave of emotions, and she couldnt stand it.

After he sits there and comforts her, she manages to speak, with out going back into sobing.



“i dont want to think about him anymore, I want to forget everything...”

“i know.. if I could I would have made sure that those things never happened.” he sighed.

“iwant you to make me forget, anything..”

he sat there, he didnt know what to do, he wasnt use to this.

He thought for a second, there was only one solution to this, to make her never have to feel hurt ever again.

Was to make sure he was the best damn lover she could ever had, better then Aizen.

He leaned away from her slightly and wipped her eyes, then lightly kissed her forehead.

Reiku blushed lightly, she knew what he was thinking.

They couldnt be lovers.

They were captians, how would they ever have time for each other?

But she remembered Matteo and Nemu.

They were a captian and a leuitenat, of the same squad, they were lovers.

But this was different senerio, this was her and Toshirou, she could never risk hurting him in anyway.

“Toshirou... we.. we cant be like that. We wont have time for each other..” she muttered.

He stared at her.

“Reiku, I know that, but I dont want you to hurt anymore, I want you to move on, I want to be with you.”

“i know, but when will we ever have time for us?”

“our duties wont matter, we can make it work out. I... I love you..”

Reiku looks at him in the eyes. “i love you too..”

he takes her hands, “i promise, I wont let anything hurt you..”

with that he kisses her lips, in a soft tender kiss to prove that he meant it.

She slowly gave in, and sighed inwardly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Meanwhile. Matteo made his way to check up on Reiku and Toshirou.

“hey just coming to check up on you gu- oh.” he said but stopped himself, to see them both in a liplock.

They turned to him with reddened faces.. Matteo grins.

“its about time you guys made it offical!”

they just threw their shoes at him, he walked backwards and fell out through the door. They resumed to their liplocking.

Matteo got up, with a shake of his head, “young love..” he muttered.

Then he thinks out loud, “oh what the hell am I saying, im not too much older then they are, what do I know about young love?”
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Nemu, who was still standing outside of the doorway, just shakes her head. "What did you expect them to do?"

Matteo just places a hand behind his head and laughs. "Well...I didn't expect them to throw their shoes at me."

"You never cease to amaze me, Matteo," said his Lieutenant. "No matter what seems to happen, you always seem to find a a way of making yourself happy."

"Oh come on, Nemu," exclaimed Matteo. "We both know that the only person that could always make me happy is you." Matteo pulls her into a hug. "I am also glad that you weren't at that battle. When I fight, I become a completely different person."

Continuing the embrace, Nemu replies, "I don't care. I love you for who you are as a whole, not just a part of you. If I did so otherwise, then I would be like Mayuri: cold and uncaring."

Matteo looks down at her and puts his hand under her chin, raising her head up. "I will never try to be that way and I will always try to keep you from that darkness...I promise."

Just then, a familiar wave reiatsu washes over Matteo. He immediately turns around so that he can protect Nemu. His worst fears are realized as he sees his older brother standing before him. "Hello, Matteo. You sure have gotten stronger, little brother. I can sense it."

Nemu looks around Matteo to look at the figure before her. She sees a 6 foot 1 inch-tall Arrancar in the normal white attire of an a arrancar. His helmet is much like Ulquiorra's, except for the fact this his helmet covers his entire head. The only other item on his person is a sword that rests on his back. The hilt is orange and has a 12 pointed crossguard. It is a normal katana. She then looks at his physical features. Red eyes, scar on his left cheek, and his stark white hair.

Matteo just glares at Shirozuke. "You stay away from Nemu, as well as my other friends.....Your fight is with me!"

"Very well, I will not harm your friends, but we must find a place to battle. Follow me." Shirozuke sonidos away.

Before Matteo leaves, he turns back to face Nemu. "Just in case I don't come back, I wanted to tell you that I love you." Matteo then grabs her by the arms and pulls her into a kiss. When they break away from each other, Matteo vanishes from her sight and goes off to fight his brother.
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Hours have passed since the injection and Ace has woken up. Still weak and tired he stuggles a little to get up.

'Ugh I can't believe what the hell just happened. I need to see the others'

He slowly and carefully washes up and goes out to find the others.

Minutes have passed and he finally fins Nemu.

"Nemu! Where is Matteo? I need to thank him..." he finally notices a worry look on her face. "Nemu? what happened"

She slowly turns to him

"Oh Ace, you seem to be in control now...Umm Matteo he isn't here right now. He had personal bussiness to attend to"

"Hmm really?...Nemu i know you're lying, i may be sick but not blind. Tell me what is going on." He starts to cough a little and Nemu sits him down on a near by chair.

"Well Matteo's brother is here, and wants to settle things i guess. But i don't know where exactly they went. Ace you shouldn't follow, stay here. Okay."

Ace contemplates if he should ditch her or stay
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
As Ace is sitting down, a Hell Butterfly comes up from behind him, where Nemu cannot see it. It lands on the back of his neck and gives him a message from Matteo. "Ace, if you are getting this message then you must be feeling better. I want you to stay with Nemu and make sure that she doesn't worry too much about me. My brother is back and I have to settle an old score with him. So please, I beg you, watch over Nemu for me. She's going to need someone near her to help her deal with this. Your friend, Matteo"

Ace then gets up and walks over to Nemu and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about Matteo. He's strong. Hell, he's probably strong enough to kill Aizen if he wanted to. So you just try to relax, okay?"

Nemu doesn't say anything. She just grasps onto Ace's hand as tears flow down her face.


Shirozuke finally decides on a place to fight and Matteo shows up seconds later. They are right above Matteo's second underground training area, far from the Seireitei. "So little brother, this is how it is going to end. You versus me in an all-out fight. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Matteo draws his sword. "I'll give you one last chance, Shiro. Leave Aizen and come stay with me. I could protect you from him."

Shirozuke just glares at him. "You still don't get it, Matteo. I joined Aizen so that I could see you again, but also so that I could end your life...When you were born, our parents only looked at you. I was thrust away like some cheap toy that was no longer deemed worthy. I did weep when you were killed but, after I went to the underworld, I grew to hate you. It was my 'brotherly love' that got me put into that hell-hole. So I decided that if I ever got the chance, I would run you through myself." Shirozuke now draws his sword.

Matteo looks down and then back up at his brother. "If this is really how you want to do this, then I will grant your a final request!!!"

Matteo charges at Shirozuke, who blocks the attack but can feel himself being pushed back by his little brother. Matteo then disappears and reappears above Shirozuke, trying to stab his older brother in the skull. Shirozuke, however, is able to sonido behind Matteo and kick him in the back. Matteo is sent flying but flips up and stops himself. Shirozuke takes advantage and sonidos in front of his brother and slashes him across his right arm. Matteo does not even flinch and is able to slash his brother across his chest.

The two back away from each other for a moment. "You're fast, little brother," admitted Shirozuke. "I didn't expect to have this much opposition."

Matteo just chuckles for a second. "If you haven't noticed, Shiro, I have become a Captain since our last meeting. Also, I aided in the death of Grimmjow, Espada number 6. How else do you think that I did those two things?"

"I see. So you have hatred in you as well."

Matteo glares at him. "You're damn right I do! You abandoned me to become a hollow so that you could get revenge. Then you tried to eat me! Finally, you killed yourself! I know that you did that to save my life, but it still left me all alone. I had to stay hidden for several years when I entered the Soul Society because I had entered the Seireitei. After I was accepted, I began to have nightmares about our deaths and have continued to have them for more than 180 years. I felt so alone, Shiro, and you were not there to be the big brother that I needed. I may love you, but I also despise your presence. That is why I, and no one else, will be the one to hack you to pieces! Rise in the Night Sky, Mangetsu Oogama!"

"So, you are going to release your zanpakuto? Very well then, I will give you a taste of what my Hollow powers are like." Shirozuke holds out his left arm and charges up an orange cero. He fires it at Matteo as it blows off his sleeve. The blast barrels towards Matteo, who is still releasing his zanpakuto.

However when the blast hits Matteo, he is not eradicated like Shirozuke thought he would be. Matteo is able to slice through the attack with Mangetsu Oogama. With his head down, Matteo asks, "Is that all that you have, brother?"

Shirozuke looks on in shock. No one has ever been able to stop his cero. "What have you done to yourself, Matteo?"

Matteo looks up. "I have accepted what is within me. All of those nightmares and my hatred for Hollows was all caused by my own inner hollow. I may hate you and your kind with a passion, but I have accepted who I am and have mastered this power. We are now on an equal playing field, my brother."

Enraged by this sudden change, Shirozuke charges at Matteo and tries to slash at him; however, Matteo is able to dodge ever single attack.

Matteo then goes on the offensive and begins to slash at his brother. He at first is able to slash his older brother six times across the chest, shunpos behind him and slashes his back eight times, and slashes off a small right-side portion of his mask.

"So you really have embraced your true power. If that is the case, then I guess I should show you mine." Shirozuke holds up his sword and says, "Burst, Shiro Honoo Bakuhatsu (White Flame Explosion)!" Shirozuke is surrounded by flames at the release of his sword. Upon the dissipation of the flames, Shirozuke can be seen. His hollow hole is in the center of his chest. All over his body there are small craters with white flames comming out of them. In his right hand there is a sword of pure white flame. On his shoulders or two white cylinders with white fire coming from them. His helmet now covers all of his head and face, except for his eyes. Finally, his Espada tattoo can be seen at the base of his neck: a number 4.

"So you are Espada number 4, Shirozuke," stated Matteo. "I'm impressed."

Shirozuke does not respond. Instead, he sends out a torrent of white flames at Matteo, who is badly burned by the flames. He then sonidos behind his little brother and blasts him at point-blank range. Matteo is forced into the ground by the blast and lays there lifeless. Shirozuke then picks him up and thrown him into the air. While Matteo is in the air, the Fourth Espada then shoots high velocity flames out of his shoulders and into his brother. When Matteo lands on the ground, the impact creates a crater that sends him into his underground training area. Shirozuke goes down to him and sees that his brother is just able to fight his way out of the rubble. "You impress me, Matteo. Only a few have survived my flames, and those that have sustained heavy burns to their bodies. You are one of the lucky 5 to ever do so."

"I'm so happy that I've impressed you, big brother," Matteo says sarcastically. "However, I am not done yet. You have yet to see my bankai."

"So you do have one. I must say that I wouldn't mind seeing it."

Matteo just looks at him and smiles. "Be careful what you ask for, brother." Matteo holds his scythe up. "Bankai...Mangestu Shiteiru Ookami." When his bankai appears this time, Matteo forgoes the wolf form and goes straight into the Armor form. He still has on his mask.

Shirozuke stands there in awe of the power increase of his brother. "Full Moon, Shining Wolf...that is your Bankai? It is amazing, Matteo. You have exceeded my--"

Matteo cuts him off with the same move he used against Grimmjow. "Shiteiru Ookami Tsume!" He stabs the claws into his brother's left shoulder. They begin to glow and an explosion occurs, severing Shirozuke's arm from his body. He kicks Shirozuke is the stomach and sends him into a rock face. When the hollow opens his eyes, he sees that there is water standing still in the air. The water then begins to rush down all of the tubes in his body and quells their fires.

On the ground now and writing in pain, Shirozuke asks, "What technique was that?"

Matteo glares down at him. "It was my Gōkei Mizu Sōsa, or Total Water Manipulation. It allows me to create water from the spirit particles in the air and then control it in any way, hence Total Manipulation.....Now I am going to kill you so that you don't hurt anyone else." Matteo picks his brother up and tosses him into the air. As he comes down, Matteo holds out his hand and says, "Kiba Mangetsu Tataku." A ring of white light fires at Shirozuke and he becomes paralyzed. The ring then expands around Shirozuke's body. His right arm is brought up above him by the ring, and his legs are spread out by it.

"What is this thing doing?!" Shirozuke struggles to get out. "I can't break free!"

Matteo takes out the sword that is on his back and says, "Feel the Fang of the Full Moon, brother!" He then charges at Shirozuke and impales him through his stomach. "The second phase of Kiba Mangetsu Tataku is that, if you are paralyzed by the ring, one stab by this blade will kill you by disintegrating your body. It's starts from the legs and works its way up."

"I never knew that you had it in you to kill me, Matteo. I am proud that you are my brother and I want to tell you something before I die."

Matteo just glares at his dying brother. "What is it?"

"When I said that I wanted to kill you, I was lying. In fact, I wanted you to kill me...I only wanted to see how much you had grown, little brother, so I sided with Aizen so that I could see you. But after I saw you defeat Midakaramu, I knew that you were too good of a person to willingly fight me. So I put up the facade that I no longer cared about you and only want to destroy the Seireitei, so that you could fight me without remorse."

Matteo stands there in shock and allows his mask to break away, revealing tears in his eyes. "But why would you want me to kill you?.....You're my brother so why would you want me to kill you?!"

Shirozuke just smiles at him. "I wanted you to kill me because I did not want to hurt you. You are my brother and I care about you so much. I knew that if you did not kill me that you would never be able to be at peace with your past. By killing me, your nightmares can end because I have saved you, brother. This time, I saved you from becoming a monster filled with hate."

Matteo forces the ring away and sees that his brother is able to float in the wind. Tears are now rolling down his cheeks. "Thank you for everything Shiro. I promise that I'll make you proud."

Shirozuke can only say, "Goodbye, Matteo Ryozuke." He then disintegrates and his ashes fly into the wind.

Matteo deactivates his bankai and says, "Goodbye, my brother.....Shiroken Ryozuke."


Ace continues to comfort Nemu, who had stopped crying a while ago. He closes his eyes and tries to sense Matteo but cannot seem to do so and begins to wonder if Matteo has died in battle. Suddenly, he hears a twig snap and jumps up with his zanpakuto drawn. He drops his sword at the sight before him. "I don't believe it."

Nemu stands up and turns around so that she can see the figure that Ace was speaking of. She is shocked at who she sees.

Standing there, with the background of a forest behind him, was Matteo. Burned and bruised, but alive. "Who else were you two expecting?"

Nemu runs over to him and hugs him. "I thought that you were dead, Matteo. I know how strong you are, but I just couldn't help but worry."

Matteo put a hand on her head and holds her close. "It's alright now. I'm not going anywhere, Nemu." He looks over at Ace. "I see that you got my message."

Ace just smiles. "Yeah, I did. You really do know how to plan ahead."

Matteo just laughs. "It's a gift." After saying this, he sits Nemu and Ace down and tells them everything that happened.

Nemu smiles. "You and your brother are so very much alike. Both of you care more about those you love than you care about yourselves."

Ace nods in agreement. "Yeah, but I still think he could have gone about things a better way."

"No Ace, there was no other way," said Matteo. "I tried to think of another way but there isn't one. My brother was right about me in saying that only his death by my hand would bring me peace. He said that, this time, he would save me from becoming a monster...and he did."

They all sit there for a moment before Nemu speaks up. "You should go and rest, Matteo. You look exhausted."

"Yeah, you're right, Nemu. I think that I am going to need it."

Ace says his farewells as the Captain and Lieutenant head for their homes. Nemu, however, escorts Matteo to his apartment, helps him into bed (because of his grave injuries), and watches over him while he sleeps.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
after awhile they break away.

though Toshirou doesnt let go of her, he just
holds onto her and just sighs.

"we'll make this work... i promise... but i
was wondering, what made you become
friends with Matteo?"

"i felt we had simular pasts, so i consuled in
for advice... i didnt want you to get involved."

"what happened before i met you?"

Reiku sighed.

she took a deep breath, and told him everything

Toshirou held her tightier, he sighed.

"i promise you wont have to feel that kind of pain anymore...

They hugged.

"um i dont mean to interupt, but Captian Matteo just returned
to his apparment after his batte with his brother.." Kira muttered

"what? that idoit! why didnt he call for help?!?" Reiku yelled as she got up and so did Toshirou, he help Reiku so she wouldnt fall over then ran to Matteo.

They came into his room.

"Reiku, Toshirou... Hello." Nemu greeted.

suddenly both of thier fists colided with Matteo's head.


Matteo bolted up right.

"What the Hell are you two thinking for hitting me like that! This was the first time that I was actually going to get some decent sleep!" Matteo yelled.


Matteo sighed. he knew better then to continue to argue with Reiku, it would only make things worse.

Toshirou sighed and rubbed Reiku's back. "calm down Reiku... he's ok.."

Reiku sighed, and leaned on Toshirou.

"so what happened?"
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Matteo puts his hand on his head and rubs the spot where he was punched. It takes him about a half-hour to tell Reiku and Toshiro everything that happened between himself and Shiroken. "And that's it. My brother saved me one last time."

Reiku gives Matteo a half-smile and says, "I am glad that you were able to settle things between you and your brother. Maybe now you can finally be at peace."

Matteo thinks to himself, "As long as you two don't come barging in on me again."

Toshiro speaks for the first time since yelling at Matteo. "I know that I am not that much a friend, Ryozuke, but I would like to know what happened to you and your brother when you died, considering I don't really know much about it."

Matteo just smiles at him. "Sure, I'd be happy to tell you. As for that comment about not being a friend, you are a friend of Reiku's; therefore, you are a friend of mine."

Though surprised by Matteo's comment, Toshiro listens intently to what Matteo tells him about his past. When Matteo finishes, Toshiro sits there with a look of shock on his face. "I didn't know that someone could go through that kind of pain for that amount of time." He then looks over at Nemu and then back at the Squad 12 Captain. "No wonder the two of you get along so well. Your histories of torture are enough to send anyone to tears."

Matteo motions for Nemu to sit at the edge of his bed with him. "Yeah, but we are trying to move past that. A person's past doesn't entirely make them who they are. Each person is born with their own identity that will last through any type of hardship. It is just up to them to find it."

Toshiro, instinctively, says, "Well you two found it in each other, like Reiku and I found ours in each other." He then looks at Reiku, who is sitting next to him, and sees her reddened face.

Matteo can't help himself and begins to laugh a little. "You're right, Toshiro. I guess you two are made for each other."

Toshiro just glares at him. "Address me as--"

Matteo cuts him off. "Look kid, I'll call you whatever I want to. You may have been made a Captain before I was, but you should remember my past intently. I am older than you, I have been trained by the most powerful shinigami in a millennium, and I know about you and Reiku. Besides that, we're friends now. It's only natural for friends to call each other by their first names."

Toshiro tries to argue. "But--"

Matteo interrupts him again. "No buts or I'll make sure that Sensei has yours."

Toshiro just sits there and grumbles while Reiku, surprisingly, chuckles a little bit. She stops after a moment and asks Matteo, "What do you think we should do now?"

Matteo sits there for a moment at the edge of his bed, thinking about their next move. "I think we should go to the World of the Living. There is someone there that we need to speak to about our Hollofications."

Reiku realizes who he is talking about and puts her head in her right hand. "You don't mean?"

Matteo smiles. "Yep. We need to go and see Kisuke Urahara about it. I've kept in contact with him but have not spoken with him in some time. And I also know about your history with him, Reiku. Sorry, but you're just going to have to bear it."

Toshiro finally says something. "How are going to get this to fly? Three Captains leaving the Seireitei at the same time when Aizen could strike at any time. Wouldn't the Head-Captain see that as being a bit off?"

Matteo looks over at Toshiro. "Normally that would be true. However, given the current status of things, Sensei shouldn't have too much of a problem with us leaving...After all, Reiku and I have been in serious fights. He would want to send another Captain and a few of seated officers with us just in case something happened."

"But who would look after our Squads?" asked Reiku.

Akon can handle the day-to-day operations of Squad 12, since most of the people in my Squad are researchers. Izuru could watch over the 3rd Squad and Ace, the Second Lieutenant of Squad 1, could watch over Squad 10."

Both Reiku and Toshiro blurt out, in unison, "Are you saying that you want us to bring the Matsumotos with us?!"

Matteo just chuckles and says, "Do you trust them enough to look after your squads while we are gone?"

They both think about it for a moment, but come to the same conclusion. "No we don't."

"Good. And since Akon will be watching my Squad, you can come along with me, Nemu."

She looks a little surprised at the gesture. "Are you sure that I wouldn't be a burden?"

Matteo smiles and pulls her close. "Of course not. After all, this is going to be a bit of a vacation for all of us. A chance for us to relax until we put a new plan into action."

Toshiro looks up and asks, "What new plan would that be?"

"I'll tell you when we get back," said the Squad 12 Captain. "Now you two go and get your stuff together and get your squadmates ready to leave with us. Nemu, you go and tell Akon what is going on and I'll go and get approval from Sensei. We will meet at the Senkai Gate in one hour."

They all leave on their respective missions. Nemu tells Akon what is going on and he gladly accepts his temporary post. Toshiro tells Rangiku of their plans and gets to her sister before Reiku does, leaving the Captain of Squad 3 to deal with the two screaming Matsumotos. Matteo is the last to spread the news as he is just now entering Yamamoto's office. "Sensei, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Of course you may ask, but my answer may not be what you want to hear." This was Yamamoto's usual response to Matteo asking him for a favor, though Matteo rarely did.

"Sensei, you know that Reiku and I have been through a lot lately. With our fight against Grimmjow and my fight against Shiroken, we have become somewhat exhausted."

The Head-Captain then nods his head. "Yes, I know this. Continue."

"Well, I was wondering if Reiku and I could--"

His former teacher cuts him off. "Approved.....I already know what you are going to ask me, Matteo. You want to know if you, Nemu, Reiku, Toshiro, and the Matsumotos can have a vacation in the World of the Living, right?"

Matteo just stands there, flabbergasted and his mouth agape. "But how--

"I may be old, Matteo, but I am not stupid. You had admitted to me earlier of your situation with Nemu and I also took notice of the Reiku/Hitsugaya relationship. Though I do not like the fact that this is happening, I will not do anything to stop it.....You may leave now."

Matteo bows and says, "Thank you, Sensei. Thank you very much." Matteo then vanishes and meets the others in front of the Senkai Gate.

Rangiku asks, "Did he approve of us going?"

"He did. Now let's go."

Then Senkai Gate opens and they all receive a Hell Butterfly. Then enter the gate from the Seireitei and exit it in front of the Urahara shop.

Matteo then turns around so that he can speak face-to-face with the Matsumotos. "You two will be staying with Orihime Inoue. The rest of us will stay with Urahara."

Rangiku jumps with excitement and then grabs her sister. "Come on, Haruko. We need to get to Orihime's so that she can cook for us. She has a lot of culinary imagination."

After hearing the commotion, Kisuke walks outside. He then motions them to come inside. "Well, well, well, who do we have here? Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, Matteo Ryozuke, and.....Onii-chan."

Reiku's three companions look over at her to see that she is fuming with anger as she yells out, "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me ONII-CHAN?!?!?!"

Toshiro puts his hand on her shoulder and is able to calm her down. They all sit down in Kisuke's sitting room.

Matteo then speaks up. "You forgot to address me with my title you crazy-ass, blond-headed buffoon."

Kisuke then takes notice of Matteo's haori. "Wow, you FINALLY made Captain, Matteo. Which Squad are you with?"

Matteo, with a smile, says, "Squad 12."

At this revelation, Kisuke curls into a ball and quietly says to himself, "It's just not right."

The others, especially Reiku, start to laugh until Tessai comes in and sees the haori. "Congratulations, Matteo. I knew you had in you."

Still in the ball position, Kisuke now mutters to himself, "If it wasn't right before, it definitely isn't now."
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Ace finds out he is has to watch squad ten, annoyed and sadden he goes to the Head-captain.

"Gramps!! Do i really need to watch the sqaud ten??" He takes a seat in front of the Commander's desk

The commander looks up and sees Ace doing a puppy dog face. "Ace i dealt with many others before, so don't think that doing that will get me to agree with you."

"Gramps?! how dare you say that. im soo sad you'd think i would do that, never mind...I guess i'll just go." Ace gets up and slouches as he slowly makes his way out the door,

"ACE! Come back..."

Ace has a huge grin, but is able to hide his facial expression

over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Yamamoto just looks at him for a minute and then sighs. "You are going to have to face a challenge. If you win, I will find someone else to watch Squad 10. If you lose, you must watch Squad 10 without complaint until Captain Hitsugaya returns."

"You've gotta--"

Yamamoto gives Ace a stern glare. "I was not yet finished.....If you are anything like Matteo was, you will keep your word once you make it. Not once have I ever known him to go back on his word. It is that loyalty to his own word that earned him the respect of his Squad and many Captains."

Ace stands there for a moment and thinks about Yamamoto's words. He then looks up and says, "What is the challenge, Gramps?"

"You will undertake one of the same challenges that I put Matteo through when he was your age. The challenge is called Earth and Fire. In this challenge you will have to face each element."

Suddenly, Captain Komamura appears in the office. "You wanted to see me, Head-Captain?"

Yamamoto looks up at the fox-faced Captain. "Yes, I did. It is time for Ace to begin the Earth and Fire challenge."

Komamura looks down at Ace. "I see. Hopefully, he will last longer than Matteo did the first time that he faced it."

The Head-Captain does not say anything. He gets out of his seat and leads Komamura and Ace to the Squad 1 training arena. As soon as they take their places in the arena, the Head-Captain casts Bakudo 9: Geki, on Ace.

Surprised by the sudden "What is this for, Gramps? I can't even move."

Komamura picks up a boulder and carries it over to Ace. "That is the point. The first part of this challenge is to survive a boulder being dropped on your back from 10 feet in the air."

Ace does not have time to say anything as Komamura drops the boulder on top of him. After waiting 10 seconds, Komamura rolls the boulder off of Ace and is surprised to find that Ace is just fine, but breathing heavily. "You have survived the first part of the challenge. Now you must survive the Fire of the second half."

Ace is able to stand up and then walks toward the center of the arena. "So how is the Fire going to work?"

Yamamoto steps forward. "That part is simple. You must survive being surrounded by Ryūjin Jakka's flames for 30 seconds. If you can do that, then you win the challenge."

Ace just smiles. "Bring it on, Gramps!"

Yamamoto does just that. He removes the top of his Shinigami uniform and unsheathes his sword. He then call out his sword. "Reduce All Creation to Ash...Ryūjin Jakka." The flames completely engulf the arena and surround Ace. The young Lieutenant is barely able to stand and begins to cough. He makes it to 26 seconds before he falls to the ground and passes out. Yamamoto sheathes his zanpakuto and then walks over to Ace.

Komamura walks up next to him. "He lasted 26 seconds, only one second less than Matteo. He will be great, if not greater than his predecessor."

Yamamoto responds, "You are right. He may have lost the challenge, but his loss will inspire him."
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
"you'll just have to suck it up Kisuke.. you left your post a long time ago.."

"your so mean Onii-Chan.."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Reiku yells flipping the table and hitting him in the face causing him to fall backwards from impact.

everyone just sweat drops, while Toshirou calms Reiku down, again.

Uruhara chuckles, and ignores Reiku Glaring daggers at him, "anyway what brings you here old friend?" he asks Matteo.

"we decided to take a trip here, there are matters we need to discuss, is it alright if we stay here during our stay?" Matteo answers.

"of course you can stay here! anything for a friend. what's the problem?" Kisuke asked.

Matteo explains the Hollowfication that him and Reiku went through, and the arrancar attempt of an invasion.

"wow both of you defeated Espada 6? and you defeated your brother, who turns out to be Espada 4? impressive."

"yeah, but we are a little concerned about the Hollowfication, we went through a modified verison of the processs, compared to the one Ichigo Kurosaki went through.."
Matteo muttered.

"yeah, there is a possible chance of there being a relapse..."

"that, and the possiblity of how long we can hold out our Hollowfication, our time limit might be shorter then Ichigo Kurosaki's.."

"yeah his is unlimited now, for the two of you the Hollowfication might have been a sucess, but there is a chance that your hollow selves could still be present. as too
forces them out, to my beilef, is your determination for power, you become absorbed by this power and most likely, it will over come you.." Uruhara muttered.

"that's why we are being careful of our Hollow powers, what i am thinking, we can only use it once in battle, and the strengths of it for short but good amount of time."
Matteo nodded.

"i think so too. when i battled Grimmjow during the invasion attempt, i had used my hollow powers, after awhile when i had almost defeated him, my mask cracked then
comepletely and utterly broke to pieces.. it hadnt crossed my mind that there was a limit to it at that time.." Reiku agreed.

"hm. that's interesting, you may be right, but maybe over time, that limit will increase to, with a little more practice, maybe you could use it to your own free will.." Kisuke

"oi! Hat N' Clogs!" came the voice of Ichigo Kurosaki.

they all turned and looked to see Ichigo and Rukia.

"hello Ichigo and Rukia.." greeted Uruhara. "what can i get you guys?"

"nothing we sensed familar Reitsu, and wanted to see for ourselves."

"hey Reiku what's with the bandages on your arm? did you get your ass kicked or something before you came here?" Ichigo noted.

she growled as a vein appeared on the side of her forehead. "that's Captain Reiku to you, and it's none of your damned business.."

"Onii-chan just acquried some injuries during a battle with big bad Espada number six, who is now dead thanks to Onii-chan and Matteo." Kisuke chimed.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT DAMN IT!" Reiku yelled, punching Kisuke nearly through the wall.

Toshirou sighed, and pulled on her Haori, and sat her down on his lap.

"well anyway, there's a carnival in town tonight, i finally convinced Ichigo to go, and now that you guys are here, i was curious if any of you wanted to go with us." Rukia muttered

"sounds like fun, what do you guys think?" Matteo asks looking at Toshirou and Reiku.

"fine with me." Toshirou muttered.

"if he's going im going.." Reiku shrugged.

"then it's settled a night at the Carnival." Rukia clasps her hands together over dramaticly. "we shall alll meet at Ichigo's in a few hours."


_a few hours later_

Matteo, Nemu, Toshirou, and Reiku arrived in front of Ichigo's house, where Ichigo and Rukia were waiting.

"hey Reiku what's with the paper boy look?" Ichigo asked.

she wore a black and gray stripped shirt, pants, and a paper boy hat as they call them.

a vein appeared on the side of her head, "THAT'S CAPTAIN REIKU TO YOU! TEME!!" she yelled and kicked him in the face, sending him a few feet away.

"ow you baka what the hell was that for!?!" Ichigo yelled.

"for being a teme! teme!" she yelled back.

both of them got in each others faces growling and glaring.

Toshirou sighed and pulled Reiku closer to him, puting his arm around her waist.

"lets just go already.."

they walked to the Carnival, then went thier seprate directions, Toshirou and Reiku going their own ways, and so forth with the others.

Toshriou and Reiku walked together, they really didnt care for going on the rides, just to enjoy the company of the other.

they walked around, played some games, Reiku nearly murdered the one of the game clerks in the process, Toshirou managed to stop her from doing so.

after awhile they sat and ate some cotton candy, then rested on a hill, watching the fireworks.

it was slightly cold,Reiku shivered slightly.

Toshirou noticed this and put his jacket on her and pulled her closer to him, she leaned on him. "thanks Shiro."


they sit there and enjoy the fireworks until it was over.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
While Reiku and Toshiro were enjoying their escapades, Matteo was enjoying Nemu's reaction to things in the World of the Living. He had to remember that she had never been to the World of the Living and had a lot to take in.

They were walking along the line of game booths when Nemu saw a target game. "What is this, Matteo?"

"This game is basically the same as the kido target practice test at the academy, except you use this pellet gun instead of kido. If you hit the target you get a prize. You want to have a go?"

Nemu looks up at him. "No, I was never good at target practice."

Matteo sees Nemu walk away and also notices that she is a bit sad. With this in mind, Matteo puts down a couple of bills, grabs a gun, and hits the bullseye. He grabs a small brown bear and takes it over to Nemu. "Maybe this will cheer you up a bit."

Nemu smiles at him and accepts the bear. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did. I can't stand to see you sad, Nemu. Not when I know that I can do something to make you happy."

Nemu continues the smile and holds it in her arms. "Thank you, Matteo. I'm happy that I met you."

"I feel the same way, Nemu."

They continue to walk around the carnival, until night begins to fall. They suddenly come upon Ichigo and Rukia, who are arguing about something.

At seeing the two Squad 12 personnel walking towards them, Ichigo motions them over to himself and Rukia. "Matteo, Nemu, get over here. The fireworks will be starting any minute."

As they walk over, Rukia punches Ichigo in the stomach. "You idiot, he's a Captain. You should address his as such."

Ichigo fires back, "That's right, you little midget. I'm going to yell out 'Captain Matteo, we're over here,' across a crowd of people in the World of the Living. How stupid do you think I am, Rukia?"

The shorter shinigami just thinks to herself, "Do you really want to answer that?"

Matteo just tells them to calm down so that they don't miss the fireworks. And, just as he says this, they look up in the air and the fireworks fly.

Nemu just gazes at the explosions as Matteo holds her close. Matteo finally feels at peace.
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Ace wakes up after a few minutes, he rushes to the Captain-commander.

"Gramps.." his head is down "Can i still go?"

The commander doesnt answer for a while then sighs, "Ace though you failed, I am happy to let you go. I can see that you tried and thats the best you can do at your age. So leave, before i change my mind."

Ace has been over come with joy, "Thanks gramps!" He leaves and gets ready.

The commander sighs again 'Hah, he is still young as ever'

Matteo and the others are still watching the fireworks. When he feels a tug on his clothes. He looks down and shocked, yet happy.

"Ace?! what are you doing here? I told you to watch sqaud 10!"

"I know, but gramps said other wise" he grins "dont i look cute?" Ace gestures to his clothes. He is wearing, fitted black jeans, a white v-neck, and a hoody.

Nemu looks at him, "Ace, how nice of you to join, you look cute." Ace smiles and starts to pay attention, to the fireworks.

over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
While all of the others where out having fun at the carnival, Rangiku and Haruko were inviting themselves into Orihime's home.

Rangiku knocks at the door. Orihime comes to answer it. "Oh Rangiku, what are you doing here?" asks Orihime.

"Well my Captain, my sisters Captain, and Captain Ryozuke decided to take a vacation here in the World of the Living and decided to bring us along with them." Rangiku motions to her sister.

Orihime smiles and greets Haruko. "Hello Haruko, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Haruko throws a hand behind her head. "Thanks, same to you."

Rangiku continues. "All of the rooms at the Urahara Shop are taken, so I was wondering if it would be okay if we stayed here."

Orihime starts repeating herself, as usual. "Of course...of course you can stay here. I-I was just getting ready to go grocery shopping anyway. Maybe while you two are here, I can try out some knew recipes. Tatsuki always tries them, but she always leaves a little pale for some reason."

Rangiku just stands there. "I wonder why. Your cooking is almost always like that of a master chef."

"Th-Thank you, Rangiku. But we better get to the store before it closes, otherwise we won't have anything to eat."

When they get to the store, Orihime starts buying up a lot of different things. Eggplant, pickles, chicken, wasabi sauce, chocolate, strawberries, vanilla ice cream, and tofu.

After they get back from the store, Orihime gets to work in the kitchen while Rangiku and Haruko lounge around on the floor. About an hour later, Orihime calls out to them. "Dinner's ready!"

When they come to the table, Haruko and Rangiku are met with an array of strange combinations. Chicken and eggplant with wasabi sauce and tofu-stuffed pickles. The only thing that was actually normal was the vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered strawberries in it. They all dig in and eat everything that was at the table. Haruko sighs. "I'm stuffed. You were right, Ran. Orihime is a master chef."

Rangiku just laughs and replies, "I told ya so!"

Suddenly, both Matsumotos fall backwards and start snoring. Orihime just cocks her head sideways and lightly chuckles. "I guess their ties as sisters run beyond how they look." Orihime then cleans everything up, throws a large blanket over the two Matsumotos, and then crawls into bed herself.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
after the fireworks everyone went home. Rukia and Ichigo, after arguing some more Rukia ran to Ichigo's house, with Ichigo chasing after her.

the rest made thier ways back to Kisuke's.


"CAN IT BLONDE!" Reiku yelled kicking him in the face before he could finish his sentence.

he muttered something, though they couldnt really hear it, due to Reiku's foot implanted on his face.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?!" she yelled and repeatingly kicked him in the face resulting a bloody nose.

Toshirou dragged her to the room they would be staying in, sighing.

Matteo and Nemu just shook thier heads, waved goodnight to Uruhara and went to bed as well.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
When Matteo and Nemu went into their room, Urahara told Ace that he could sleep in Jinta's room. And so, the young Lieutenant followed the small redhead into his room.

After Nemu was asleep, Matteo walked out of their room and found Kisuke in the sitting room. The taller man took a seat across from his old friend. "I want to talk with you about the past, the present, and the future. If that is alright?"

"I had a feeling that you would, Matteo. You've never been one to take things at face value."

Matteo smiles for a moment and then lets his serious look return to his face. "You're right there. I guess that comes with being the student of the Head-Captain.....I will start off with the past...When you guys were making your escape and you came across the single guard at the Senkai Gate, did you ever figure out who he was?"

"Now that you mention it, no we didn't. I remember that Yoruichi thought we were as good as caught. She was about ready to clobber the guy. That is, until he opened the gate for us."

Matteo looks up at Kisuke. "I was the one that opened the gate for you. I knew that you guys had done nothing wrong; it wasn't in your character...I had pleaded with Sensei to lift the Capture or Execution order, but the Central 46 would hear nothing of it and confined me to my quarters."

"So you decided to hide your identity and help us out."

Matteo then says, "I couldn't stand by and watch you guys die."

Suddenly, a new voice emerges. It was the voice of Yoruichi in her human form. "Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in."

Matteo replies jokingly, "What are you talking about? You weren't here to greet us."

They laugh for a minute but then Kisuke gets serious. "Why did you bring that up, Matteo?"

Matteo simply says, "I just wanted you guys to know that I did not abandon you. After all, you are my oldest friends."

Yoruichi chimes in. "We never thought that you abandoned us, so just drop it.....Now, what do you want to talk about in the present?"

"It's about mine and Reiku's Hollowfications. I don't know about her, but I definitely could feel my inner hollow tugging at me. I was able to control it, but it was difficult."

Urahara nods. "Yes, we talked about that earlier. A relapse is quite possible and, by looking into Onii-chan's eyes, I could tell that your Hollowfications were harsh."

Matteo clenches his fist. "Yeah, they were. Reiku was scared out of her mind going through it. She doesn't know what that hollow of hers said to me and I don't think that she wants to. She would never trust herself next to Toshiro ever again."

"It sounds like the two of you have pretty strong hollows," stated Yoruichi. "Just with this rudimentary knowledge, there is a guarantee of a relapse. The only question that can be asked is: when will it happen?"

Matteo nods his head. "I know. I don't want her to become wary of using her powers because then she will have a weakened defense against her hollow by not using it. Though by using it, she also becomes more likely to become corrupted...I also know that she would kill herself if she was responsible for Toshiro getting hurt. She loves him too much to not do anything less."

Kisuke chimes in. "The same can be said for you. I honestly think that you would ever trust yourself again if you hurt Nemu. But I think that I have a solution to your problems."

Matteo simple says, "The other Vizards?"

Kisuke nods his head. "Yes, no one knows about Hollowfication better than they do. It would do you and Reiku some good to talk with them."

Matteo just looks at him with a serious look on his face. "We'll do that soon. Besides, I wouldn't mind seeing them again."

Kisuke just smiles and puts his fan in front of his face. "Great! I'll let them know in the morning that you will be going to see them.....Now, what about the future?"

Matteo looks down. "As much as I love and respect Sensei, I am worried about what would happen if he found out about our Hollowfications...He is so stubborn and traditional that I have come to believe that an execution order would be placed on use, and on those that are close to us."

Yoruichi turns to Kisuke. "Matteo's got a point, Kisuke. You remember what happened back then. Though Yamamoto did defend us, he did not go beyond words to try to stop what was happening."

Kisuke nods his head. "As much as I want to disagree with you, you are right...If he was to do that Matteo, you can trust us for help. We would do whatever was necessary to help you out."

Matteo looks up and smiles. "Thanks, Kisuke. That's all I wanted to know.....I think I'll be getting some rest now. I'll see you both in the morning."

Kisuke and Yoruichi bid Matteo goodnight and both watch him as he enters his and Nemu's room. Kisuke mutters in a low voice, "He has not changed one bit."

Yoruichi continues to stare at the door. "Isn't that a good thing?"

Kisuke nods. "Yes. Given their current situation, it is the best thing to happen."


When Matteo gets ready to lay back down, he notices that Nemu is shivering from the cold room around her. He lays the blanket that is on his futon over her and, instead of laying down on his bed, sits down next to her. He falls asleep with his back against the wall, watching over her.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
The Next day, everyone was walking through the hallway of Ichigo's school, everyone started at them. especially Matteo.

"why do they keep staring at us?" Matteo asked.

"it could because of you, you over grown ape." Reiku muttered, she was rather in a grouchy mood this morning, no one knew why.

Matteo grunts, "who are you calling an over grown ape shortie?"


Matteo grins and ruffles Reiku's hair, "just messing with you Reiku, calm down."

Nemu sighs, "this outfit is rather strange.."

"well the Females in the world of the living, they appearently have a dress code." Reiku sighed.

"i like it, it's not as comfortable as our robes, but it's fiting.." Haruko muttered kind of squishing her breasts.

Reiku just rolls her eyes and they enter Ichigo's classroom.

"Oi Ichigo!" Reiku muttered. "Ichigo!"

she threw she shoe at him.

"ow what was that for!?!"

"you weren't listening.. Baka.."


"yes it does, it could have been worse.." Reiku sneered.

"Your a Vile Witch!" he growled.

"oh grow up, i didnt hit you that hard."

"who are these people.. the short black haired chick, she's scarier then Taksuki.."

"but the middle schooler isnt as scary as that really Tall dude, he's bigger then Sado.."

Reiku grew a vein and glared daggers at the humans. "which one of you low lifes, called me short!?! come over here i'll kick your ass." she growled. Matteo put a hand
on her shoulder.

"dont worry about them Reiku, thier not worth getting all worked up over."

Reiku huffed, "whatever.."

she walked away towards the door.

"where are you going?" Haruko asked.

"on the rooftop, i cant think here.." she muttered opening the door.

just as she opened the door, a boy with brown hair is walking in and runs into her causing them to both fall over.

"i'm sorry i didnt see you there... he looks at Reiku then down where his hands are, they are on her breasts, he has a grin on his face.

"i havent seen you around before nee-Chan.." he muttered squishing her breasts.

she grows a vein on the side of her head, and kicks him in the balls, then punches him into the hallway. "GET OFF ME YOU PERVERT!"

"you alright Reiku?"

"yeah im fine im going to go now.." she sighed leaving.

"what's wrong with her?"

"i dont know...."
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
After Reiku has stormed off, Matteo and Nemu try to go after her. As they round a corner, they literally run into Sado Yasutora. Matteo isn't fazed at all, but Nemu is knocked down.

Sado reaches down to her. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going...Let me help you up." He takes her hand and helps her up. When she looks up at him, Sado is somewhat confused. "I know you. You are the Lieutenant of Squad 12, if I remember correctly."

"That is right. I am Nemu Kurotsuchi, and you do not need to apologize for running into us. We weren't looking where we were going either."

Sado looks over and slightly up at Matteo. "So you're the new Squad 12 Captain the Ichigo was talking about. He said that you were tall but I didn't expect you to be taller than me."

Matteo just laughs. "Yeah, I'm the new Captain. Sorry we ran into you. We were chasing another one of the Captains that came with us."

"You mean the shorter girl with the shoulder length black hair?"

Matteo nods his head. "Yep, that'd be Reiku."

"She went out onto the campus grounds."

Matteo hold his hand out and shakes his with Sado's. "Thank you, Sado Yasutora. Let's go, Nemu."

The Captain and Lieutenant of Squad 12 run down the hallway and then down a flight of stairs until the come to a set of doors. They both walk through the doors and see Reiku, sitting under a tree.

Matteo and Nemu walk up to her slowly, with the Captain telling Nemu to remain quiet for right now. Matteo then asks, "What is wrong, Reiku? You haven't been yourself today."

She looks up at him, with her back against the tree. "I don't know what is wrong. I just woke up today and felt angry, then those bozos made some cracks about my height, and finally, I got groped by a creepy human that fell on top of me."

Matteo lightly chuckles. "Yeah, you haven't had the best of days today."

She then glares at him. "Tell me something I don't know."

Matteo then becomes serious. "I spoke with Kisuke and Yoruichi about our Hollowfications. I gave them a bit more detail about what happened during the process and they both agreed that a relapse is more than possible.....They said it was just a matter of time."

"What?!" asks Reiku as she stands up. A look of horror adorns her face. "If that's the case, then we can't use our Hollow powers in battle anymore!"

"I know it sounds bad, Reiku. But we can work this out."

Reiku fires back at him. "Work this out?! There is nothing to WORK OUT, Matteo! If we can't use our Hollow powers then we are as good as dead in a battle with the Espada! Now, we're nothing more than--"

Reiku is surprised by what Matteo did next. He slapped her across her face. "Now you listen here, Reiku. I have seen you go through too much up to his point! I am not going to let you bring yourself down like this!"

Reiku just hold her left cheek and looks up at Matteo. She is still in shock over what he did. "But--"

"No buts! You are too damned determined to give up. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Reiku thinks for a minute and starts to regain her composure. "I say that if you ever slap me like that again, I'LL LOP OFF YOUR HEAD AND FEED YOUR BODY TO SOME GILLIANS!!!!!!"

Matteo laughs and says, "Good to see that you are back to your old self again. Now, maybe I can tell you what I was going to tell you before."

Reiku sighs like she usually does and says, "Alright, what did you want to tell me?"

Matteo smiles. "I wanted to tell you that you and I are going to go see the other Vizards within the next couple of days. At the rate we are going, we will be completely taken over by our Hollows. Your attitude moments ago has proven that."

She looks up at him and asks, "So what do you want me to do until we go to see them?"

Matteo closes his eyes for a moment and lets out a sigh of his own. "I want you to stick close to both Toshiro and Orihime. Those two will be your anchors to reality until we can get this mess sorted out."

"What about you, Mr. Squad 12 Captain? You'll need an anchor as well."

Matteo takes a deep breath and says, "Nemu is going to be my anchor. I believe that I will only need one because my situation is not as degraded as yours. My best theory is that it is because I resolved my conflict with my brother.....The reason that yours is worsening is because of you great amount of internal trauma. If some of it can be healed, then you should be okay."

"Alright, I guess I'll just have to go along with your plan, Matteo."

Matteo looks down at her. "Alright...We'll see you later." Matteo and Nemu then prepare to re-enter the school, when Reiku calls out to them.

"Hey, Matteo!"

Matteo turns around and asks, "What is it?"

All Reiku tells him is, "Thank you."
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Reiku sighed and walked to Uruhara's, walkin
the long way there.

Reiku stared at the water.

she sighs, 'the vizards huh?'

she takes a deep breath and continued on her way.

Meanwhile Orihime was walking home alone,
she decided to go the long way home.

'i wonder where Reiku went, appearently she ran out
of the class room and didnt come back the whole day, Matteo
told me to keep an eye out for her i wonder why...'

"there's no doubt that she knows the punks that Killed Grimmjow.."

Orihime looked up and saw a few people who looked like arrancars.


"ha hiya little girl do you know where we can find Reiku Korushirou?"

'why do they want Reiku? this cant be good..'

"no i dont even know who she is.." Orihime muttered

the one Smacked her across the face, "dont lie, tell is where is is or we'll kill you.."

"i dont know where she is!"

"well, i think your lying. you see your friend killed Grimmjow. we came here for revenge.."

Orihime started to get scared she started to walk backwards as the one came closer to her.

"if you wont tell us, i guess i have to beat it out of you.."

he grabs her by the throat. "ah."

"Oi.. let her go..."

he turned and looked to see a captain Rank Shinigami.

"Reiku.. Matteo.."

the one holdin Orihime, cackled. "so your the punks that beat Grimmjow... haha. like rodents chasing for cheese.. this was too easy."

"put her down.." Reiku muttered.

he laughed and threw Orihime at her. Reiku caight her and let her down.

"you ok Orihime?"

"yeah im ok.."

Reiku looks back at the guy, "so what are you people anyway?"

"we're Grimmjow's Fracciones.."

"ok then. i gues i cant hold back now.." she sighs.

she breaths deeply, then points her sword at him. "your going down frist.."

"bring it."

"alright, you asked for it.." she muttered. "Bankai! Daiguren Tenshou!"

Reiku unleased a extreme amount of Reitisu once it Dissappated
she was revealed with her hollow mask.

"what's that?"

"sorry cant explain. dont have time.." Reiku muttered then went after him

'i know that i dont have long, i have to be quick about this..'

they enage in battle, both causing equal damage.

"ha had enough Fraccione?"



then she heard claping. "very good, you have gotten stronger.."

Reiku stood there in shock... 'that voice... it cant be..'

she turned and looked, and there to her shock, stood the one and only
Uragiru, her older brother.

"you.." she growled.

"Reiku you know him?" Matteo asks.

"yeah that's my older brother, Uragiru.."

"what? that's him!?"


"its nice to see you again little sis.."

she chuckles, "too bad the feeling is mutal.."

"aw why be so cold sis?"

"shut up i'll never forgive you bastard!" Reiku yells and charges at him.

"Kuroshi Tenshou!"