Bleach Anime Bleach Resurgence

crazieone106 posted on Oct 07, 2012 at 09:06PM
[Feuding Nations Arc]
In the wake of Sekhmet and her Angel's attempts to eradicate the Soul Society (leaving it in ruin), the Gotei 13 are presented with a dilemma far greater than any villain in the past. The Soul Society has violated an ancient law enacted by the Reiteki Rōjin, an ancient group of royal dignitaries with the authority to revoke or establish a nation’s soul reaper privileges. The aforementioned law demands that each nation function independently of one another, forbidding they interact and meddle in one another’s affairs. The Soul Society’s act of genocide on Shirubaraito caught the attention of the Reiteki Rōjin, prompting the council to keep a close watch on them. Following the Soul Society’s failure to remedy their past transgressions, relying upon a neighboring nation (Jūzō Hoshō) to assist them, the council has decided to revoke their soul reaper privileges. They have tasked the execution of this decree to the Soul Society’s past savior, Jūzō hoshō. They have been instructed, by this ancient and mysterious council, to demand the Soul Society relinquish control over Karakura Town, turn over all spiritual weapons, and forfeit their titles. Blindsided by this decree, the Soul Society defies this ruling and attempts to thwart the efforts of the Jūzō hoshō, who are merely following orders. The Gotei 13 is now on a mission to prove their worth, but in order to accomplish this, they must defend themselves against the Jūzō hoshō.
(Note: This takes place roughly 100 years following the Angel’s invasion).

Note: Juzo Hosho refers to the 13 Sentry just as the Gotei 13 refers to the 13 Court Guard. The people of Ukishima Rakuen (Floating Island Paradise - and the nation itself) may be called Ukira. Similar to the Seireitei, where only members of the Gotei 13 reside, Mujūryoku seiiki (Weightless Sanctuary) is that for Ukishima Rakuen. It is a series of massive floating islands, far above the ground's surface. On ground-level, however, exist the Chīsai (Lesser Souls). This, of course, is a concept similar to the Rukon District. The governing body of Ukishima Rakuen, similar to central 46, is Kengen (Mindful Authority).

Character Template
Position (number and for which organization)
Zanpakuto name and release command

Juzo Hosho (13 Sentry)
Squad 2: Kin Hikari (Leleu)
Squad 3: Yvon Gerard -Silverexorcist (DECEASED)
Squad 4:
Squad 5: Rikaro Nidalia
Squad 6: Sumiko Anenokoji (Institute of Research and Advancement) - Crazieone (DECEASED)
Squad 7: Enne Tachimukau
Squad 8: Kyobo Sodo (Vanguard Unit)- K0V
Squad 9: Naoki Himura (Subjugation & Punishment Force)
Squad 10: Jisano Meibatsu (BP)
Squad 11: Nobuko Wakahisa
Squad 12: Emrira Galio (K0V)
Squad 13: Yushi Kenronri (BP)
Healer: Iyashi Kyō

Gotei 13

Squad 1: Senya Tatami
Squad 2: Kuchimame Kamima (Ryuu)
Squad 3: Yoishiro Roychi (Leleu)
Squad 4: Ganta Yamamoto (Leleu)
Squad 5: Junichi Kuwano (DECEASED)
Squad 6: Senato Ajibana (Senato)
Squad 7: Ziel Abzan (Leleu)
Squad 8: Kirio Nagame (BP)
Squad 9: Majo Shin (Link)
Squad 10: Akarui Hyosho (Link)
Squad 11: Livius Abel (Ryuu) (DECEASED)
Squad 12: Matou Kira
Squad 13:Tomoe Hayashi
Kido Corp: Kie Geißt.(Link)

last edited on Nov 24, 2014 at 11:03PM

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over a year ago K0VIP3R said…
[The gentleman and the scientist]

Kyobo was making his way through the throngs of buildings to the Research facilities. Being one of Sumiko's close friends, he was elected to go and report why one of her devices had been destroyed. Kyobo took his time, he always enjoyed walking around Mujūryoku seiiki. It made him feel calm, watching Soul Reapers go about their duties, it reminded him of the days he spent following his captains orders; patrolling the streets, running errands, cleaning the barracks (Kyobo being of noble decent wasn't used to this).

After a relatively long trip (Which was longer than it really had to be) he reached his destination. As he entered the Research facility he was greeted by two of Sumiko's subordinates. It was clear that he was expected.

Kyobo: (He bowed to the two who were surprised by his actions, considering common practice would be them bowing to him) Ah, I see Captain Anenokoji has sent two fine young researchers to greet me. I suppose she expected my arrival?

Subordinate 1: (She bowed to Kyobo, visibly pleased with his compliment) Yes Sir. She is in her office.

Kyobo: (He smiled warmly, making his way past the two) Thank you, madam. I can go the rest of the way, I don't want to keep you from your work. (He stopped, turning to the other researcher, a young man) I know this may sound rude, but could you make me and Captain Anenokoji a pot of tea and bring it to us. I'm afraid once we start talking we won't stop until we've exhausted ourselves.

Subordinate 2: (He also bowed) Yes Sir, right away Sir.

Kyobo the turned around and continued his journey, having to dodge between the hectic hustle and bustle of the Insitute.

When he finally made it to Sumiko's office, without any mishaps, he found the door open. With faultless manners he knocked on the door and was met with a quick response.

Sumiko: (Her voice came from behind a large pile of books that sat on her desk, obscuring Kyobo's view of her) Come in Kyobo and please take a seat.

Kyobo walked in, placing his Captains Hakama on one of the available chairs opposite the hidden Sumiko after unzipping it and sat down. It was a minute or two before the top of Sumiko's head appeared over the top of the books, telling Kyobo she had finished what ever she was doing.

Kyobo: (He smiled as he spoke to Sumiko) Should I move some of those books, so I can at least see your face?

Sumiko: (Her voice sounded from behind the books again. Her voice sounded warm and friendly) If you wouldn't mind Kyobo, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I've just been a bit busy.

Kyobo: (He stood up and took two fairly large piles of books from the table, revealing Sumiko's beautiful face.) No apologies necessary. ( He then placed the books on a surprisingly clear table and sat back down) So I expect you know why I'm here?

Sumiko: (She smiled at her friend) Yes. That would be because yet again one of my devices has ended up destroyed and no could be prepared to face me.

Kyobo: (He nervously rubbed the back of his head) Well you do take so much pride in your work. We know how you react when one of your machines get destroyed. Can you blame them for sending me?

Sumiko: (She smiled at him.) Well you and I have been friends for a number of years now Kyobo, I couldn't be mad with you. Besides I could make one of those hologram messaging systems within a few hours so its not a great loss.

Kyobo: (He chuckles at the statement) I wouldn't be surprised if you could. (He turned around as a knock sounded at the door. It was their tea) Oh I forgot to mention, I asked one of your subordinates to make us some tea. I hope I didn't step out of line.

Sumiko: (While she responded to Kyobo, the tray with their tea was placed on the desk) Oh heavens no, Kyobo. We are going to need this. You know how you and I end up when we get together. We will rabbit on for hours.

Kyobo: (He laughed at the truth of the statement) You know I said the same thing to your subordinate.

Sumiko: (A look of surprise crossed her face) Oh really?

Kyobo: (He nodded as he responded to her) Yes. I swear you and I....

And then they went into a long conversation. Two close friends and a pot of tea.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
{War has been Declared}

A deeper scowl spread across Akarui's face as she knelt by Nagaishi. She wrapped his arm around her shoulder and lifted him up. She snorted, though her face showed sympathy.

"Nagaishi, please. I know he took your spiritual energy, but he didn't take your ability to walk!" she scolded.

Nagaishi remained limp, refusing to use his legs. Captain Karyuudo took his other arm, forcing him to stand straight. Nagaishi let out a small groan as the captains began their slow trudge back to the Squad One barracks.

As they did, the others obviously began to speculate on their next course of action, talking amongst themselves. Their demeanor had changed considerably, from cocky to visibly shaken. They needed to formulate a plan, and fast. There was no room for error.

"If it's true that they can steal spiritual energy, then we need to be wary of them." Captain Kohei pointed out, his voice slightly shaky.

"That's for sure." Captain Hayashi agreed. "But what I don't understand is this; They say they came here not wanting to engage in violence. But they basically incapacitated a Captain."

"I understand what you mean," Karyuudo cut in. "It is a bit unnerving."

Akarui snorted. "Then you must not have heard them. They said that the didn't want violence." Karyuudo shot her a look.

"We aren't deaf, Akarui."

"Shut it." she replied.

Captain Kohei sighed. "It's unbelievable. They have that kind of power?" he said, glancing at Nagaishi.

"Apparently." Karyuudo pointed out.

Akarui glared at them. "Be more considerate, would you?!"

"Yes, Karyuudo. Please do." Captain Kohei agreed "This is a very unsettling occurrence. We need to speak to the Head-Captain at once."

Genji nodded. "I agree. We've got to do something."

Akarui allowed her grimace to return to her face involuntarily. "I second that. This message, paired with the fact that A Captain just had his Reiryoku taken away... I doubt even the Head-Captain will know what to make of it."

Yani narrowed his eyes. "True. Very true."

Akarui looked down at Nagaishi, a sad expression taking hold of her. "How could they have done this? How is it even possible for them to take a Captains Spirit Energy away?"

The others all cocked their heads, taking that into consideration.

"Don't ask us, Akarui." Karyuudo replied simply. Akarui snarled.

"You were only subordinates back then, but you all fought valiantly. Many of my comrades were killed in that war. Hsien-Shao, Zurui, Kai and Luna, and Teiko as well..." Nagaishi said, his voice quiet and sad. "I suppose, now I can go and be with them."

"Nagaishi..." Akarui started.

"No. I am now, basically, a human. I can last much longer." he said sadly. "But don't let this stop you, however."

Akarui nodded firmly. "It's not like you. To just... give up."

Nagaishi smirked. "I've had my fill, Akarui, believe me."

"Ain't that the truth..." Karyuudo muttered. He was starkly silenced by Akarui's foot, which hit him squarely in the back. He turned to glare at her, only to find himself face to face with the older girl.

"Shut your mouth and start preparing your subordinates."

"Wh-wha?" Karyuudo stammered, startled into submission by her sudden seriousness.

"Get it together." Akarui stated. "It'll be up to us to stop their assault."

"Assault? What do you mean?" Kohei asked.

Akarui grimaced. "The punishment, is that we're stripped of our titles, and all spiritual weapons. We are to relinquish our control over Karakura Town... And If I know the Head-Captain, then he'll do no such thing."

Sudden realization and tinges of fear dawned upon their faces. Karyuudo's fear shown through the most. He was struggling to keep it together at the prospect of another war.

Suddenly Akarui was face to face with him again, almost nose to nose. "Don't lose it, kiddo. We need every able fighter we can get. You're no exception."

Karyuudo slowly regained his composure, and nodded. Kohei and Hayashi did the same.

Akarui nodded.

"This is war, and yet... at the same time, complete and utter nonsense." Akarui whispered to herself. "We've got to figure something out..." Akarui shook her head sadly as she and the others continued on to the First Squad barracks.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…

(Jisano lounged around his office. Still angry thoughts revolved around his mind, raising his blood pressure and leaving him irritable and annoyed that the Shinigami had escaped purification. Akihiko was like that - he was compassionate and never wanted to take the lives of those he didn't find it necessary to do so with. They were opposites in many ways. Jisano would destroy any that breached his idea of justice. That was the point of his squad - to torture those who deserved such a pleasure, and to use his superior understanding of combat to fight and kill the infidels. Even though he was no longer of the Subjugation and Punishment squad, he still liked to fight like he needed to follow that principle of punishment, in order to achieve the ideals that his squad required. It was simply his way of achieving the idea of justice he set himself many years ago.)

-I'm getting too soft. I shouldn't listen to Akihiko all the time. Perhaps I should spend more time utilising my squad to find the infidels that escapre justice. I want to destroy those impertinent Shinigami. They think they can do whatever they want and not pay the price for it, well, they will not escape the justice that the Reiteki Rojin have set for them. I will make sure of it-

(Jisano left his office and went to find his Vice-Commander. Gyako was always difficult to find - he always seemed to be on the move and looking for things to do, sake to drink and girls to hit on. Jisano just left him to it, his lectures always seemed to go in one ear and out the other and he didn't have the time to constantly look after an unruly Vice-Commander. Given time, Jisano would replace him anyway, that is, if didn't die while fighting the Shinigami, as they would, once the Head Captain gave the order. Hopefully that would be soon. Passing the training grounds, he realised that the said Vice-Commander was actually spending time training, Jisano altered his course and headed straight over to Gyako.)

Jisano: (Shunpoing to the same height of his Vice-Commander) There you are! I just set to look for you. I'm surprised you aren't out drinking sake or looking for girls, as is your regular habit. Run out of people to annoy?

Gyako: Don't be horrible, Captain. I'm training, because I realised that the Shinigami need to be eradicated, because I can't see them just giving up their Zanpakutous.

Jisano: How perceptive of you... So, this is your idea of training?

Gyako: Yeah.

Jisano: Not good enough, Gyako. You need to truly push your body to the limits. If the Vice-Commander of Squad 10 doesn't train properly, then it will tarnish our name and our ideals. I'll show you how it is truly done. Fight me, Gyako, and I'll show you how to attain true power.

Gyako: Fight you...? But, you'll beat me for sure.

Jisano: You aren't training to defeat me, you're training to get stronger. I don't expect you to kill me, or knock me unconscious... You simply aren't skilled enugh to do so. I am older, better trained and a Captain. Give it all you have, otherwise I'll beat you thoroughly, until you can't even move.

Gyako: (Sighs, but draws his Zanpakuto) Fine. If I have to, then I will. Solidify, Maguma Chikara! (His Shikai activates and his body seems to become immersed in flames, steam and dripping, molten rock)

Jisano: Let's go.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
If you please, read my above post again. I've edited it to fit the preferred mood of the Gotei 13. I hope it works out better than my last one did.
over a year ago onix11 said…
Name:Kizumi Hakashi

Age: 439 (looks 18)

Height 5'7

weight: 158

Hair: red

Eyes: Blue

Occupation: Squad 3 captain(Shingami)

Description: Kizumi is a born support man. He was given this position the third year after he joined the squad. This is due to his amazing tactical thinking and spiritual energy. Of course he sees life like a game of chess, and he plays to win. He also believes that if he has a strong trust towards someone he will do whatever they ask and fight to defend them. He wears the usual captain’s outfit, but the sleeves go over his hands. He also wears goggles on his head that have a built in targeting system.

Zanpakuto/shikai: kyokushahou (howitzer)
Release command: Support

Description: The weapon its self all together is two feet long and a half foot wide. The handle is green protected by a circular hand guard. When in its shikai the blade grows huge and morphs into a large howitzer artillery gun that has a platform that it lands on that allows it to rotate and move. The goggles that he has are used to aim the weapon. He can aim it himself put he takes more focus. When he is threatened by a close quarters fight, he pulls out two tantos that form when the blade turns into its shikai that he keeps hidden in his sleeve.

Shikai abilities: All the moves powers depend on the area where it is at. If it is in a highly filled area of reisitu the blast do more damage than normal. It also has unique steel that can absorb reisetu and attacks that are made of such.

Ability 1: Kan`Marui (First Round) The howitzer charges up energy from the reisetu from the air to load the weapon and fire a round of reisitu from the howitzer. The loading process takes about 3 seconds. It has an explosion radius of 20m

Ability 2: Sanjuu Tama (Triple Shot) This move takes ten seconds to load. It launches a volley of three powerful shots. The wielder of the blade can control when the shots are fired but all three shots have to be fired within a thirty second period. If one hits it has the ability to kill a third seat or lower if it is a direct hit on the enemy. If all three hit then it does 3x the damage. All three have an explosion radius of 20m.

Ability 3: Feiru Kotonashi (Fail Safe) This move activates the second someone other than the wielder of the howitzer does any damage to it. The cannon explode like a bomb and the shrapnel that comes from the explosion are each power packed with spiritual pressure. Each shared is able to cut through flesh and some solid objects like butter. The howitzer is destroyed and returned to its original sealed state.

Bankai Name: Taihou Kyokushahou (Artillery Howitzer)

Bankai Apperance: His blade transforms in three Howitzers instead of one. Each lock into place so as to not make their targeting flawed. But, the wielder on gets one tanto to use though instead of his original two. Each cannon is capable of being shot every three seconds unless and ability is being used.

Bankai abitlity 1: Sanjuu Tama (Triple Shot) Just like with the shikai, this move takes ten seconds to load. All the guns get to launch a volley of three powerful shots. The wielder of the blade can control when the shots are fired but all three shots have to be fired within a thirty second period, this helping to increases his tactical nature. If one hits it has the ability to kill a third seat or lower if it is a direct hit on the enemy. If all three hit then it does 3x the damage. All three have an explosion radius of 20m.

Bankai ability 2: musubi houka(Ending Fire) All of the Howitzers being to absorb spiritual pressure. The move takes about twenty seconds before being able to discharge. When it is ready, the cannons are able to fire one shot every second. Each howitzer holds 20 shots. Each on has an explosive radius of 20m. The down sides of this move are the time it takes to load and the fact that the howitzers revert back to their sealed state when all the guns are emptied. There is no time limit to when the shots can be fired and if any howitzers were destroyed, the others split the difference of shots between themselves.

Bankai Ability 3: Feiru Kotonashi (Fail Safe) This move activates the second someone other than the wielder of the howitzer does serious damage to it. The cannon explode like a bomb and the shrapnel that comes from the explosion are each power packed with spiritual pressure. Each shared is able to cut through flesh and some solid objects like butter. When the first howitzer is destroyed, it turns into the handle of the second tanto. The second is turned into the blade, and the third causes it to revert back to its sealed state.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago onix11 said…
(Understanding of two captains)

Karyuudo was sitting in his office. He was drinking tea and relaxing. He looked calm and still just sitting behind his desk. All around his barracks, his subordinates were making preparations. They did so in a quick but controlled pace. Karyuudo ordered it so because he wanted to make sure not a single detail was missed. He decided to return to his barracks for a short time so as to think about the situation and to get thing ready for upcoming events. He heard a knock at his door.

Squad 2 shingami: "Sir, you have a visitor from squad 5."

Karyuudo: He nodded his head. "Send them in and then get back to your work." His subordinate gave the usual yes sir and left. When the door opened Karyuudo knew who to expect. IT was none other than his friend Kizumi. "Hello my friend. Please, come take a seat."

Kizumi: He came in shutting the door behind him and sat down across from Karyuudo. He was offered tea but turned it down. "I just got the news, the Juzo Hosho are shutting us down. It's kind of a shame since we are pretty much back on our feet."

Kayuudo: He took a sip of tea and nodded in agreement. "It is a shame that we will most likely be fighting again so soon after we just finished a war. It will not end well and their will be heavy casualties on both sides." He takes another drink. Karyuudo seen Kizumi chuckle. "Something funny?"

Kizumi: He scratched his head. "Not really, its just your always so calm about these sort of things." Kizumi then thought for a second. "By the way, i heard you got a little bit out of control. Which sort of surprised me. What happened?"

Karyuudo: He poured himself another cup of tea. "Exactly what i wanted to. Our enemy wanted to see fear in our eyes. They wanted us to become angry and violent. So i gave them what they wanted." Karyuudo stands up. "Each of their members are very powerful. But the strongest of us survived the Shirub indecent. They will have to fight for every inch of the soul society. I go into this conflict without the fear of losing my power, or my life." He pulls out his zanpakuto. "Besides, my bond with my zanpakuto is strong. Even if we are separated, we will find a way back to one another."

Kizumi: He smiles. "Well, its nice to see your ready for a fight." He stands up as well. "Know that you are my friend and i will support you how ever i can. I go into this battle that i am fighting for more than just my own desire to be a soul reaper. I go to protect all who wish to continue this life and who still wish to protect the human world."

Karyuudo: He nods his head and both he and Kizumi clash arms. When Kizumi begins to leave, Karyuudo stops him with one last word. "Whatever you do, don't be brash, and use that tactical mind you have at your disposal."

Kizumi: He laughs and gives a thumbs up. "I'll try to put on that calm composure you wear so well my friend." He leaves with a smile on his face. Karyuudo goes and finishes his tea and then prepares to leave for the Squad one barracks.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago onix11 said…
(i may repost this. Because it seems i could have put this out of place.)
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Wow. He's a tough guy. That can be changed. :)
over a year ago Zordaik said…
Name: Shen Tsukubashi
Gender: Male
Occupation: Captain of the Fourth Squad

Appearance: Shen has very long, straight white hair that has a tendency to stay behind his shoulders and is long enough to reach mid-calf. Though not identical, each strand is relatively close to the length of the others. His skin is paler than the norm, and he wears the usual haori over his robes. He also carries four swords on his back. Two of them are crossed, with the hilts near his shoulders. The other two are also crossed, but their hilts are on a downwards angle, near where his hands would usually be. All four swords cross at the middle of his back, and each one has a sheath colored white.

Personality: Easygoing and with a keen sense of humor, Shen tends to gain the respect of his squad rather easily. That being said, the way he runs his squad in an interesting way. Rather than following the common rules of authority, the members of Squad Four think of Shen as a friend rather than a captain. Likewise, Shen cares for each member of his squad dearly. He believes no life is worthless, and is strongly against killing. Shin also thinks of himself as a lady's man, and very readily attempts to smooth talk most women he comes across, be they friend or foe. Though he comes off as a silly opponent, Shen is quite intelligent and makes it a point to never underestimate an opponent.

Fighting Style: Shen uses a draw-and-sheath style, striking and quickly returning the weapon to its place. He takes advantage of the number of swords at his disposal as well. He lands his blows at breakneck speed, each one at a different angle. Shin is also a skilled Kido user and as a result is more than capable of fighting at a range as well.


Zanpakuto: Nikotai no Mantora (Mantra of the Body)
Release Command: Reweave

Shikai Description: Upon release, merely the colors of the hilt wraps of each sword change in color. The upper-right sword's wrap turns bleached white. The upper-left hilt wrap turns a light pink. The lower-right hilt wrap turns dark crimson. Finally, the lower-left hilt wrap turns light brown. Each of the four blades boasts a different name and ability.

Kokkaku (Bones) - The wielder draws the upper-right, white-hilted sword, Kokkaku. The blade Kokkaku has the ability to solidify the reiatsu of any organism it is currently within into bone. The wielder, in essence, can create makeshift weapons, armor, and even repair broken limbs using this ability.

Kin'Niku (Muscles) - Kin'Niku boasts the ability to encourage muscle growth in any organism it has pierced the skin of in the past five seconds to an astounding rate of about a fifth of a pound every five seconds in the area the blade pierced. In addition, the wielder can control this muscle.

Chi (Blood) - The wielder draws the lower-right, red-hilted blade, Chi. Upon unsheathing the weapon, the blade fades to a dark crimson, identical to the hilt wrap. Blood begins seeping from the blade. Chi has the ability to create blood from the wielder's reiatsu at a rate of one quarter litre a second at the highest. The wielder can manipulate the movements of this blood in other liquids or on the ground, and can even have it shoot upwards at a high velocity, like that of a super-powered pressure washer.

Hifu (Skin) - The wielder draws the lower left, brown-hilted blade, Hifu. Upon unsheathing the weapon, skin will begin growing on the blade and flaking off. Hifu has the ability to create and expel skin, made of he wielder's reiatsu, from its blade at a rate of one square meter of skin a second. Additionally, the wielder can weave skin onto a target at a controlled pace, allowing for medical procedures to be carried out with more efficiency.

Bankai: Kokoro no Karada Kon'in (Matrimony of Body and Mind)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago onix11 said…
(Don't even think about crazieone. :) I have my reasons for making him this way
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
You pretty much ignored the fact that my post was meant to portray fear in the Captains. Please respect that.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Link, I believe the function of the vanguard, more specifically what you mentioned, is the typical function of squad 11 for the Gotei 13.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Vanguard Unit means to be at the Forefront of any sort of army. Just like the Vanguard Unit it the Juzo Hosho does not SPECIFICALLY focus on Combat, neither would mine. She asks for those with more attack oriented style, but there is more of a mix than anything else.
over a year ago Ryuuikari said…
Well here goes the newbie (i.e. me !)

Name: Aexus Gingumaru
Gender: Male
Rank: 7th Squad Captain of the Gotei 13

Appearance: He is a fair skinned man with messy jet black hair that constantly falls over his crimson coloured eyes, pierced ears and a defined musculature. He almost always has a tired expression on his face. He wears the regular Shinigami uniform along with his Captain’s haori. His zanpakutō is worn on his side.

Personality: He is infuriatingly lazy (with a lax attitude), socially awkward, easily discouraged, despises hard work, doesn’t like people who talk a lot or who drag things out, is very open and is usually found slacking off somewhere within his Squad grounds. Despite being a Captain he is very subservient and will spinelessly do as he is told just so he can go back to aimlessly lounging around. For the same reason he prefers to end battles as quickly as he can; he is not above using underhanded tactics to win. His lieutenant, Ghelon Kahiho, is the one who mostly runs and governs the Squad and while he rarely does anything his squad members have a surprisingly high respect for him. No-one quite knows how he achieved his position as Captain or how he is at his level of power (much to the annoyance of the other Captains). However his demeanour completely changes when fighting however and he becomes very focused and overwhelmingly determined until he deems the battle to be over.

History: Not much is known about Aexus’ history. Both he and his lieutenant were only recently appointed their positions (about a year before this storyline). What is known is that both he and Ghelon Kahiho have been acquainted for a very long time.

Skills: He is a surprisingly powerful fighter and a master swordsman attacking with quick precise strikes and blessed with the ability to fluidly change from offense to defence and vice-versa; he is a very skilled and speedy shunpo user. He is very durable man and can receive a lot blows before his body starts to take damage. He possesses Captain-level reiatsu with crimson coloured spiritual energy.

Zanpakutō: Kyomusuke (The Nihilistic One)
Sealed appearance: Takes the form of a regular katana with an unstyled cross-guard, uncoloured hilt-wrapping and an uncoloured sheathe.
Release command: Sulk

Shikai appearance: Its appearance does not change

Shikai special abilities: Kyomusuke gives Aexus the power of dynamic camouflage and furtive assimilation; this allows him to seamlessly blend into his environment both physically and socially. Although Aexus can become perfectly camouflaged and undetectable visually he can still be detected by sound, smell, touch, taste, heartbeat, reiatsu etc.

Bankai name: Ippan Kyomushugisha (The Faceless Nihilist)
Bankai appearance: Its appearance does not change. However Aexus’ face is now covered by a thin layer of special ‘skin’ that makes him appear ‘faceless’; the ‘skin’ matches Aexus’ natural skin colour and still enables him to breathe, communicate and see normally. Aexus also becomes dressed in featureless black cloak.

Bankai special abilities: Ippan Kyomushugisha retains all its shikai abilities but now also gains the ability to selectively erase the memories of anyone that it cuts. Memory erasure is permanent; however memories can be restored either by external regeneration of the victim’s brain or by the victim experiencing a traumatic event that forcefully causes them to remember the memory out of shock. In addition Ippan Kyomushugisha has the powerful ability of total imperceptibility; once it reseals its bankai anyone that saw it (both allies and opponents) totally forget all traces of Ippan Kyomushugisha ever existing. For all intents and purposes, this bankai does not exist.

Bankai technique(s):
Sora no Kokū (Empty Void): Aexus first impales the victim with Ippan Kyomushugisha’s blade, then grabs the victim’s head with both hands and completely erases all of their memories leaving them an empty shell; the technique causes the victim to black out and wake up later with a heavy migraine. This technique consumes a surprisingly large amount of spiritual energy to perform and causes serious fatigue with multiple usages in short spaces of time.

Wasureppoi Yūyami (Forgetful Dusk): Aexus charges spiritual energy through Ippan Kyomushugisha and its blade begins to glow with a dark hue. Then it releases an omnidirectional wave of blinding dark light that causes anyone to see it to forget everything that happened to them in the last several seconds of their life. It is best used as an escape tactic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Name:Sentei Gontamari


Height: 6'1'

Weight:185 lb.

Appearance: He has brown morning hair, brown eyes, and a scar under his left eye. He wears the usual black and white shihakusho but also has a white jacket with red trimming. He's an average muscular guy and usually has a serious kind of look on his face.

Personality:He's a layed back type of guy but can be really hyper and sometimes unknown. He really doesn't like the self-centered type of people and is always up to help out with almost anything. He also has kind of a short temper, but keeps his layed back voice whenever he is angry.

Position:Squad 5 Captain

History:When he was a kid, he was loud and cocky like some of his friends that were killed by some of the soul reapers of the soul society. When he got older and became a captain, his intentions were to find those soul reapers and put them threw hell, but as he began to realize why things were happening, his attitude changed greatly and he became layed back and not very cocky.

Zanpakuto:Shinku Tsuki

Shinku Tsuki (Crimson Moon)

Description: Shinku Tsuki's sealed form is a typical katana that is slung around Sentei's back and usually isnt in a sheath, the blade is wrapped in a diamond hard substance until Sentei draws his blade. Shinku Tsuki's sends 3 large pulses of shock waves when it is drew.

Releasing Command: Break the Limits
Zanpakuto Description: When this phrase is said, the katana transforms into a 5.5 ft long Raiper with a twisted hilt and a crescent moon symbol on the blade. The strangest part of the Zanpakuto is it takes away the feeling of the weilders spiritual pressure and replaces it with Amazing Stealth and Strengh, the only time spiritual pressure is felt is when he uses its main ability.

Abilities: (Only one for now)

(Sky Cutter) Sora Suraisa: This ability allows the user to send a tremendous amount of spritual pressure into a powerful shockwave of white and blue light.

Bankai:In' Yan's Shinku Tsuki Tsume (Yin and Yang's Crimson Moon Claws)
Description: The blade grows 9 times larger than before and two twisted cloaking claws made from sharp crimson shards are formed from his back. He has something similar to the gotei 13 captains symbol around his waist that is attached to a thick light purple band. The necklace type chain thats on his jacket (as seen in the pic below) glows in a righteous purple light. Like his Shikai, his spiritual pressure is not sensed.

Bankai Abilities: (One for now)

Idaina Sora Suraisa (Great Sky Cutter): This is basically a lvl 10 version of the orginal Sora Suraisa, when the weilder uses this ablitly, he releases a small and more concentrated version of the Sora Suraisa and it appears to be glass clear, and filled with enormous amounts of spiritual pressute
Name:Sentei Gontamari


Height: 6'1'

Weight:185 lb.

Appearance: He has b
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Your response begs the question: If their function is outside the purview of combat then why would they be the first to the front-lines? Well, to be quite honest, if you're in any sort of army, whatever you do is combat, despite the wares you decide to use. So, when you say it doesn't "focus" on combat, I wonder, what does it focus on? Can't be healing, stealth, assassination, or melee. Those functions, of course, are attributable to other squads. Also, I was speaking to your reference of Kenjutsu and other sorts of weapons. The underlying theme of that is melee combat, which is the chief function of squad 11.

Finally, I say this because I want to encourage further innovation and "out of the box thinking." We created a Vanguard unit to help distinguish ourselves from the Gotei 13, not simply so you could replicate the subject and transpose it onto your characters.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Welcome, Ryuu! I must say, though, your character's zanpakuto is somewhat similar to Ichigo's. Well, aside from the dragon theme...

Welcome, Liquid. I see your zanpakuto involves a theme of spiritual energy manipulation. Interesting.

over a year ago Ryuuikari said…
Haha I see your point, it was a last minute decision, I might change it for a more original one...

Change complete XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Haha, thanks Crazie :P, im happy to be here.

over a year ago K0VIP3R said…
[The Joys of Teaching]

Akumu was taking a short break from her work for two reasons. One being she felt she needed to stretch her legs after a few hours of teaching and paperwork and the other was that she wanted to find out how the mission in the Soul Society went. She already had her own thoughts on what would have happened however she needed to confirm whether her thoughts were accurate or not. She was heading in the direction of Daidoji's squad barracks considering she was a member of the messengers sent to the Soul Society and a good friend but was surprised and somewhat glad to see Captain Seinosuke walking in her direction. As the two of them met, Akumu bowed in respect to her fellow captain before she spoke.

Akumu: Captain Seinosuke, I hope your mission was successful.

Captain Seinosuke: (He nodded to her in acknowledgement) Captain Shimo. We delivered the message as per our instructions but I have my doubts in the Gotei 13 complying with the decree. One of them destroyed Captain Anenokoji's messaging device.

Akumu: (She nodded) But I'm guessing from the fact we haven't been deployed there yet would suggest that you are giving them time to think it over.

Captain Seinosuke: (He continued walking, Akumu walked beside him heading back the way she came) Correct Captain Shimo. I suspect your not happy about that decision?

Akumu: (She sighed quietly) In my opinion if they showed any outward resistance to the decree we should have just forced them to comply there and then instead of letting them prepare for our arrival and future attacks. I understand this is a big decision to made on the spot like that and they would need time but considering the Gotei 13's past actions, a harsher and swifter approach may be a necessary one.

Captain Seinosuke: I understand your view on this, but our orders were to deliver the message. It was not to attack them unduly. You do make a good point however though I know that none of us want to start a war with the Gotei 13 although that does seem the way that this will be heading.

Akumu: (She nodded in silent agreement) So how long do they have to deliberate on the matter?

Captain Seinosuke: (They bother nodded to a group of shinigami who bowed to them as they were passing) That is for the Head Captain to decide, but I expect they will only have at the most two days before we revisit for their answer.

Akumu stopped and turned to Captain Seinosuke and bowed to him again.

Akumu: (She rose again) Thank you for the information Captain Seinosuke, I'm sorry to cut our conversation short but I must return to the academy. I have a class in about 15 minutes that I need to finish preparing for.

Captain Seinosuke: (He bowed slightly to her as well) Of course Captain Shimo. I must be off as well. I must to report to the Head Captain about the mission. (He turned and walked off in the direction of Squad 1's barracks.

Akumu turned and walked back to her barracks. she hoped the academy hadn't had any mishaps while she was out.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
[A Meeting of Passion and Compassion]

Tomoyo sighed deeply as she rolled up the scroll in her hand and set it on the table in front of her. The 5th squad barracks resembled Feudal Japan in more way than one as a sort of reference to the past. All of Mujūryoku Seiiki was an advanced society that literally floated in the sky, unlike Soul Society that was completely grounded. Since captain’s generally changed irregularly in the Gotei 13, there was no real uniform nature to their individual squads. Among the Jūzō Hoshō, however, squad 5 was quite undeviating in essence. For as long as anyone could remember, the captain of the kido corps had the family name of Daidōji, and was more often than not female. Skipping a generation, the seat of captain went from grandparent to eldest grandchild. While the personalities of these captains varied, what their duties and general approach was often did not.

Tomoyo was aroused from her reverie as she sensed someone’s presence approaching her room. She touched a finger to the scroll and a kido seal manifested in the form of a small rune to keep the scroll shut. She then held one hand out to the table beside her and picked up her mask gently, placing it over her face as she placed the quill she’d been using back in the ink bottle.

“Good evening, Captain Gerard.” Tomoyo said as she swiveled her head slightly to the shut screen blocking off her room from the outside. A silhouette was visible, standing proudly with his arms folded over his chest. Several feather-like shadows protruded from his face, so it was clear that it was the mask of a captain. “I was not expecting you.”

“When of your attendants offered to hurry ahead and announce my arrival, but I told him that it wasn’t necessary. The voice spoke plainly. Tomoyo sighed, having completely expected that response. “More importantly, what do you think?”

“About what?”

“Sereitei. The Gotei 13. You were there, weren’t you? How do you think they will respond to your message?”

“They appeared quite violent and indignant, which is to be expected. They were always a prideful sort. The only reason they accepted our help a century ago is because they were desperate. If they feel threatened by us, there aren’t many options they’ll observe when deciding what to do.”

“What do you think they will do?”

Tomoyo’s eyes darkened as her hands gripped tightly for a brief moment before relaxing.

“There is a 97% chance they will retaliate with rebellion.”

Outside the screen, Yvon Gerard smirked in anticipation as he heard these words. He was quite younger than the fifth squad captain and had heard from the moment he’d joined the squad how good she was at observing and evaluating people and events. Of course, her predictions were limited to people, as she could not comprehend machines and science, which set her far apart from the sixth squad captain. Even so, if she could give such a high number despite wishing differently, it was unlikely that she was wrong.

“I knew they wouldn’t just give in after that display.” Yvon spoke with a mixture of joy and praise. “One of their own had had his reiryoku completely sealed off. If they just stood by and did nothing after that, I’d go over there and smack them silly.”

Tomoyo didn’t reply to that. In all honesty, despite making that prediction, she was still betting on the small 3%. Would those people truly choose war over submission? If so, was it really the better option for them?

Tomoyo shook her head with an annoyed sigh as she raised her hand and activated a communication kido spell, custom made by none other than herself. A small orb of green light appeared and she spoke into it like a microphone as it hovered by her mouth.

“Hibiki, may you please come here?”

There was a brief moment of silence before another figure appeared kneeling beside the standing Yvon and the screen slid open to show both of them. Yvon had one eyebrow raised as the younger boy wearing a Venetian plague doctor mask bowed his head.


“I’ve finished analyzing the final Sumitsuki after witnessing Akihiko perform it on a captain-class shinigami. Make a few copies of this and archive the original in Ākaibu. Disperse the rest among the captains.”

“Yes, Priestess.” Rather than entering the room, the vice-captain held a hand up and the scroll appeared in his hand, as if by ‘magic’. The vice-captain placed the scroll in his robes, bowed once more, and flash stepped away. Tomoyo turned her attention to the amused Yvon.

“Considering the nature of the technique used to seal reiryoku, having the Gotei 13 resolve themselves to rebel may cause some inconsistencies. With my modifications, we captains should be able to incapacitate even the most ardent captains if we’re careful. From there, we’ll have to work our way down through the officers. That way, we can keep their moral low and put an end to the fighting quickly.”

In other words, you want to focus on sealing their reiryoku to defeat them rather than actually killing them, if it comes to a fight. Yvon shook his head back and forth in exasperation. You’re too merciful. But even so, you’re frightfully good at your job, Captain Daidōji.

“What do you intend to do if they continue to rebel even after they lose all their zanpakutou and spiritual abilities?” Yvon asked challengingly. “By that point, we may have no choice but to slay a few of them to show how serious we are.”

“I will refuse such a brutal tactic to my last breath.” Tomoyo replied firmly. “I’ll create a spell to seal all of Soul Society if need be.”

“Well,” Yvon sighed at last. “At least you’re showing some determination, Captain Daidōji.”
over a year ago Ryuuikari said…
[The Evasive One]

After hearing news of the forthcoming war the Shinigami of Squad 7 are making preparations under the order of Aexus’ lieutenant, Ghelon Kahiho. Meanwhile Aexus Gingumaru is deeply sleeping in his room, dribble spilling from his mouth, blissfully unaware of the hard work going on around him. Just then a Shinigami from Squad 10 flash steps to his room and opens the sliding door.

Squad 10 Shinigami: Captain Gingumaru, my Captain wishes to see you to discuss important matters.

(Aexus stirs, but remains asleep)
Aexus: …

Squad 10 Shinigami: Captain Gingumaru, if you could wake up please. Captain Hyosho doesn’t like waiting; you should know how her temper gets by now.

The Shinigami falters for a second and proceeds to step into Aexus’ room slowly treading towards Aexus’ sleeping form.

Squad 10 Shinigami: *his voice slowly gets quieter and quieter* Captain Gingumaru, please wake up! I don’t want to have to face angering my Captain again…

Lieutenant Kahiho: HALT!

The unexpected shout causes the Shinigami to shriek in terror and fall to the ground in a jittery heap. Amazingly Aexus remains fast asleep, seemingly oblivious to the noise going on near him.

Lieutenant Kahiho: *suspiciously* What are you doing in our Captain’s room? (he narrows his eyes at the Shinigami)

Squad 10 Shinigami: I apologise, I was only trying to pass on a message to Captain Gingumaru, I swear.

Lieutenant Kahiho looks the Shinigami up and down warily and motions for him to pick himself off of the floor. Then in a few fluid motions he removes his footwear and throws it at Aexus’ head; it bounces off making a loud knock and causes Aexus to jerk and rise like a shot.

Aexus: (a look of utter shock registers across his face) …

Lieutenant Kahiho: One of Captain Hyosho’s subordinates has a message for you. (he gives the Squad 10 Shinigami a nod and then flash steps away, back to work)

Aexus: *in a tired manner* Mmm…

Squad 10 Shinigami: Uhh yes, that’s right. Captain Hyosho wishes to see you to discuss important matters.

Aexus: Captain Hyosho, eh? (he looks at the clock; it says 2pm) Mmm… (he picks up his zanpakutō and draws it from his sheathe) How long did she say it was going to be?

Squad 10 Shinigami: Uhh… well… I’m not entirely sure, she didn’t specify those details…

Aexus: Really… Sulk, Kyomusuke. (immediately after activating his shikai, Aexus perfectly blends in with his surroundings, disappearing from the Shinigami’s view and flash steps out of his room)

Squad 10 Shinigami: *increasingly worried tone* Captain Gingumaru? Captain Gingumaru?! Captain Gingumaru?!?!

The Squad 10 Shinigami remains in Aexus’ room completely bewildered by Aexus’ sudden disappearance. After several minutes of searching for him within the Squad 7 barracks, he leaves dejectedly back to his Captain.

Meanwhile Aexus flash steps out of Seireitei to one of the outer forests in Rukongai and sits within a tree. Looking tiredly at the sky he begins talking to himself.

Aexus: Hmm, so the seeds of war have been sown… I wonder what’s going to happen to the Gotei 13 now… (he picks a leaf from one of the branches and then lets it float silently to the ground)
Well in any case (he yawns and closes his eyes) I’ll be ready.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
{The Angry One}

Akarui began to drum her fingers on the small table as she waited for Captain Gingumaru. She let out her breaths in small and irritated huffs as she anticipated his appearance. It had been twenty minutes since her subordinate had returned to her with a report saying that he had just disappeared. She was beginning to lose her temper again. Sh suddenly let her head go slack and slam into the table, groaning in frustration.

"Where the fuck is he?!" she screamed. Her squad members all flinched. Akarui raised her head and laid back, glaring at the ceiling. "You said that he was awake, right?" she asked the small man.

He nodded. "He was awake and listening. But when I finished delivering the message, he picked up his sword and then disappeared."

Akarui growled. "He must not want to speak to me." she said, sitting up. She got to her feet, and retrieved her Zanpakuto from the far wall, strapping them to her back. Her white eyes glinted with frustration and impatience. He must want an earful. I'll be happy to oblige. She swiftly pulled on her sandals and shoved the rice paper door to the side, slamming it shut behind her. Akarui left a trail of angry reiatsu in her wake as she stormed out of her own barracks and into the Seireitei.

She breathed a sigh of frustration as she began to search for any signs of Captain Gingumaru's spiritual pressure. As she stood there, concentrating, her senses began to slow down around her. In her mind, the world had blackened, the only color was within the different spiritual pressures of the nearby shinigami.

Suddenly, a faint color, different from the others, came into view. She recognized it after a moment, opening her eyes and following the traces left behind by Aexus. Akarui leaped silently from rooftop to rooftop, fuming. The ignorance of that man can really get on my nerves. she thought.

As she watched the scenery pass by in her peripheral vision, she focused on a cluster of trees that lay just behind the last buildings on the edge of Seireitei. Within the foliage, she detected a human shape. A man resting in a tree, outlined by reiatsu.

Akarui appeared directly beneath the branch, and pointed her finger at it. "Hado 4: Byakurai."

The bolt burst from her fingertip and connected with the branch, causing it to snap and send Aexus on a collision course with the ground. He landed with a powerful 'Thump!', and groaned. He lifted his head up and made eye contact with a furious Captain Hyosho, who glared at him indignantly. He slowly lowered his head, pretending he had not seen her.

Akarui bent over and grabbed a fistful of his shihakusho and forced him to stand and then shoved him into the tree he had been napping in. He let out a grunt, and then looked at her questioningly.

"I asked to see you an hour ago." she said.

Captain Gingumaru eyed her carefully. "I'm aware." he replied.

Akarui narrowed her eyes. "Then why were you napping in a tree?!" she shouted, gesturing to the branch she'd murdered. "I wasn't going to make conversation over tea, this is serious!"

Aexus grimaced. "I understand that, Captain Hyosho."

Akarui threw her arms to the heavens. "You're so freaking irritating! You never do your own job!" she exclaimed. "You're always lounging around, eating or sleeping! Don't you understand that we could be at war in a few days?!"

Captain Gingumaru stood straight, pushing himself away from the tree. "I'm well aware of that. I know what has happened, Akarui."

She stepped back. "Are you? Or are you just saying that to get me to leave you alone?" she asked blatantly.

Captain Gingumaru shook his head and planted himself on the ground. "Say what you need to say. I'll listen."

Akarui was surprised at this, but sat down with a huff and nodded. "The Juzo Hosho have delivered a message to us. I'm going to assume that you're aware of what it was about?"

Aexus nodded.

"Good. When the time comes, we will all need to work together. The Juzo Hosho have the ability to take away, or seal a Captains Reiryoku."

Captain Gingumaru's eyes widened. "They can what?"

"You heard me." Akarui replied. "They sealed Nagaishi's Reiryoku."

"You'v got to be kidding!" Aexus shouted. "They can really do that? But how is it even possible?!"

Akarui shook her head. "I don't know. I arrived shortly after they were finished with him, and thy delivered their message. We talked to the Head-Captain just after that."

"And what did he say?" Aexus asked.

Akarui's face darkened. " prepare for war with the Juzo Hosho."

Aexus' eyes widened.

" He told me that we have three days at best before they come to take our Zanpakuto, titles and guardianship of Karakura Town. If we do not submit, they will likely attack us." Akarui explained. "We need to be ready."

Captain Gingumaru was on his feet. "I thank you for the information, Captain Hyosho. I was not aware of the small time frame we had."

Akarui also stood, and nodded.

"Goodbye." Aexus said, before whisking himself away.

Akarui was greeted by a gust of wind as he disappeared. She herself turned around, opting to walk back to her own Barracks. She needed to come up with a strategy, and long walks were a good way to do that.

She stopped for a moment, looking up into the sky to check the sun. About six o'clock. Two and a half days.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Yeah im trying to collaborate, -_-' actually i had a pretty good idea, mind helping me out with it?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Send it to me it a message, and I'll see what it is.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(Hehe, Thanks, will do)
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Liquidz, stop posting shit about hollows. That's not the story-line! You're behaving enormously arrogant, not to mention inconsiderate, especially considering you joined not even a day ago. You can't take it upon yourself to reshape the story with lame, over-worked themes. Delete those posts! Now!

If you are confused about the story, well, take it upon yourself to re-read the above description.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Unfortunately for you, Liquidz, I happen to agree completely. I was being nice, and letting you off with a warning before, when you messaged me about your "idea". Really and truly, it is extremely arrogant of you to come here and try to completely reshape the entire story. He is right. Delete them. I say this, because he and I feel the exact same way about this. It has absolutely nothing to do with what is going on right now. The Gotei 13 is about to "go to war" with the Juzo Hosho, and you're posting this shit.

Get rid of it. NOW.
over a year ago Zordaik said…
Haha, ouch. Sorry, Liquidz. I kind of have to agree with the points the guys above me made.

That doesn't mean I agree with the manner in which they were presented. Come on, guys. You're practically ripping him to shreds like wolves to a wounded bison. I feel I know you two as well as internet anonymity will allow, which is why that isn't the type of mindset I'd expect from either of you.

I'm not trying to be conflictive here. I just want to say that a more diplomatic, collected approach to the issue may have been a better choice. Again, I agree with you two, but you have to agree that you were very abrasive. Please, guys, for the sake of forum-wide peace of mind, stop being angry.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
You're right. But we're trying to get our point across while not wasting anybody else's time. We wanted to get this started. He knows exactly what else he could be doing, but instead is posting things about Hollows and Arrancar. They have nothing at all to do with the plot, and so it's frustrating to see so man posts, all in a row, that portray such ignorance to the story line.

I could have been a bit more polite about it, but that's just how I see things.
over a year ago Zordaik said…
Fair enough. So we come to a conclusion, then:

Liquidz pays more attention to the main story and removes his hollow posts, then everyone puts this disagreement behind them and we can get on with the story while not acting acrimoniously towards each other.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Agreed. I don't like to be an ass, but in the words of someone whose name I cannot divulge, "Sometimes you need to be an ass to get the point across."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Yeah Yeah Yeah, me and crazie worked things out already so can we please just stop talking about it and get back to the story?

Or do you have more points to get across before we do?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
(Since I seemed to be having so much freaking trouble with her character, I just decided that I'd repost it completely.)

Name: Akarui Hyosho

Age: 850, however appears to be 20 to 21 years of age

Gender: Female

Height: 5’ 5

Weight: 125 lbs

Eye Color: White

Hair color: Golden-Brown, with two long strands hanging in front of her ears, while the rest flows like silk down to her lower back. She rarely ever has it up for any reason at all.

Position: Captain of Squad 10 (Gotei 13)

Appearance: She is a fair-skinned, lean, well muscled and Beautiful girl.She wears a standard sleeveless shihakusho, but keeps the legs tied in just under the knee for better mobility. With this, she will most often wear a pair of long black socks that appear similarly to tights. Her sandals are white. Her Haori was made for her with long white selves, but prefers to keep them tied up with a buckle that she wears over her chest. The black buckle forms an X over her torso, and straps her Twin zanpakuto to her back in an X as well.. She wears a silver sash to tie her Haori down to her waist, feeling that if left alone, it would hinder her during a battle. She wears a sort of "glove", that travels to the middle of her toned upper arms. The glove does not cover her entire hand, rather is pinned together by a ring that is worn over the middle finger. Over these gloves, she chooses to wear small pieces of polished brass that has been tinted white. Her Haori is shorter than most, falling just underneath her knees. The Haori is split in three places, equally spaced along the back of it. The splices within the back of the Haori end just underneath her backside.

Personality: She is a very tomboyish person. She seems to always have a cold and calculating look in her eyes, and a mouthy attitude to match. She loses her temper quite easily, and never has a problem with putting people in their place, even if they are her superiors. She can be cold, but if you are willing to look past that, you will find someone who is a very compassionate, kind, thoughtful and all-around great person. She happens to care deeply about those whom she has befriended, and would protect them with her life.

Fighting Style: When in Combat, she will remain cold and mysterious, but will use her tactical mind to it's greatest extent. She is extremely smart and strong, two things you rarely ever see together in one person. She uses a Dual Sword style, opting to use her right hand for offense more than her left, and her left for defense more than the right. But it doesn't mean that she wont switch it up.

Zanpakuto Name: Tagara Kyomen - “Glass Mirror”

Release Command: Bring forth a Reflection, Tagara Kyomen.

Bankai Name: Niji-ta Kyomen - “Rainbow Glass Mirror”

Normal Appearance: Normal straight Katana‘. The Blades are razor sharp, the wrappings pure white with streaks of random colors. The tsuba is the outline of a rectangle with small rods of metal that connect it to the ring within the inside. The ring is made of an extremely reflective metal and is very hard to look at when exposed to light. The scabbards are what draw peoples attention. They are made entirely of very hard glass that is translucent. They are both strapped to her back.

Shikai Appearance: The blades suddenly become translucent, like their scabbards, and are extremely reflective. Nothing else about their physical appearance is changed.

Shikai Abilities:

Hansha no Iro ~ “Colors of a Reflection” ~ This ability will allow Akarui to create one large mirror, and use it to gather the reiatsu from any attacks that are sent at it. When it is touched by reiatsu, it can absorb it and store it. When Akarui wills it to, the mirror can release the reiatsu into one concentrated blast of many colors, or many smaller ones. If contacted by them, small particles of glass can enter the opponents body, and be activated later on, even if the ability is no longer being used.(think of the next Shikai ability, Glass Cut)

Saidan Tagara ~ “Glass Cut” ~ This ability will release small pieces of glass into the wounds that Akarui’s blades inflict. Theses small particles will slowly make their way around the enemy’s body.(Slowly as in, like a snail.) On her command, the glass particles will expand and form spears, penetrating the part of the body that was wounded and protrude from the opponents body. (The glass “spears” are only three to four inches long, and one centimeter thick.)

Bankai Appearance: The Blades will begin to take on a more devilish appearance, changing shape so that they are slightly hooked at the end, and seem to be bent very sharply near the hilt. In Bankai, instead of reflecting white light, the light they reflect is now the colors of the rainbow. Akarui will be donned with an odd looking Glassy substance, with the edges being translucent, but the inner core being solid(like the inside of an ice-cube). This substance gathers on her forearms and shins. It also dons her face with an expressionless mask(complete with her own facial outline), though the enemy will not be able to see through the mask, she can see perfectly fine. The mask is translucent on the edges, but becomes completely solid-looking by the time it reaches the edge of her temples. This mask, and all of the other “glass” on her body, can be broken with the right amount of force.

(The image below is the appearance of Akarui)
last edited over a year ago
(Since I seemed to be having so much freaking trouble with her character, I just decided that I'd rep
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Below is the appearance of her blades when in Bankai Release. Only, they aren't black, they're Glass.
last edited over a year ago
Below is the appearance of her blades when in Bankai Release. Only, they aren't black, they're Glass.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Quick Question: Are we aloud to have lieutenants? Sorry if it is a dumbass question but im trying not to get another point proven.
But if we are, do we need profiles for them as well?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
That's a good question. Crazie?
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Yeah, of course! :) You are free to have lieutenants and seated officers. As for the profiles, I don't think too much detail is necessary, especially if you don't plan on using as primary characters. I would likely just have a brief excerpt of his or her personality and any other relevant details.

Those secondary characters can prove to be a great asset for the story, especially from our end (Juzo Hosho). This is how we can prove our points without harming the actual captains. :P
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Ok Cool, thanks Crazie :P
over a year ago Zordaik said…
Good stuff, good stuff. Now to deal with the issue regarding the lack of a head captain. I propose a forum-wide vote to determine who will take the position. Would everyone agree with that method?
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
I would.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
I thought we discussed that you were going to take it, Zord?
over a year ago Ryuuikari said…
Just to clarify will it be a vote to decide the head captain for both the Juzo Hosho and the Gotei 13 ?
over a year ago K0VIP3R said…
No mate. Just for the Gotei 13. We're waiting to introduce the Juzo Hosho Captain.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Im curious about who the Juzo Hosho Captain is. :P
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
You'll see, soon enough. :)
over a year ago Zordaik said…
Ah, that's right. We did, too. Haha. Well, is that alright with everyone?
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Fine by me :)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Fine by me as well. :)