Ben 10: Alien Force What is up with Kevin's attitude, tool personality, lack of being sweet, etc

MOFOprincess posted on Mar 25, 2010 at 08:35PM
Ok, so I totally love Kevin; I am a huge fangirl when it comes to him. The problem that I have noticed though is a negative change in his personality. In the first two seasons, he was really sweet and treated Gwen like a princess. In season three a lot of things in the show changed, and Kevin did too. For example, the episode "In Charm's Way." He said some really hurtful things to Gwen and cheated on her. It wasn't all Charmcaster. Also, (and this isn't just in season three) he doesn't hug Gwen back when she hugs him. At the end of the episode "Primus" he made fun of her in a very rude way. I get that he is going through a lot with his mutation and family, but he needs to learn to deal with it and not push all his problems on other people and he needs to stop feeling bad for hisself. I understand what he is going through and his hard childhood but I wish he was stronger emotionally. He has to learn to get stronger and most important, stop treating Gwen like crap.

Ben 10: Alien Force 1 reply

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over a year ago Jerexious said…
I think Kevin's problem from the start was accepting who he really was as a mutating ''monster'',this caused him to be insecure of himself which caused him to feel unworthy of her.I agree that when you have a problem you shouldn't take in on anyone but his problems just kept accumulating like when his house was ransacked,that means he has to start from zero and when he found out about his dad's death;his inability to feel was another problem,after all he was like a whole bunch of substances at once and to adapt to it was hard.Unfortunately he took it on Gwen,but shouldn't have.At the end he got used to it and learned that although there may be obstacles in life you just have to move on,for the obstacles are a test to see if you can succed in life,with this tool he realized Gwen's position in his life not only as a best friend but as his princess and realized that he has deep feelings towards her,wich in result came the kiss.Kevin now learning that,is seventeen and seeing life with a fresh point of view.GREAT TOPIC BY THE WAY!!!!!!