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Being a Man Question

hey girls.......

stop going on this club and answering questions they are for us guys to answer and stop calling us perverts we are men it normal its not like we are sending messages to you bout your body or anything and also we dont go on the being a woman club so why are you going on the being a man club?
I dont judge men or something....If I can be honest, I like men more than women so, Im kinda like at your site :)
NaughtyBeauty posted over a year ago
 blakcie13 posted over a year ago
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Being a Man Answers

youknowit101 said:
I think it's cool for them to be here and ask questions about guys, but i don't think they should be answering the questions asked for guys. It doesn't make any sense at all. It's like me going to the women's spot and answering the questions "Does your period hurt you?" with "No, I don't get periods", or answering "Are you a girly girl?" with "No, I'm a guy". I don't know what the purpose of that is
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posted over a year ago 
yeah there is a question on what part of a girl do you like best boobs ass and stuff like that and girls comment calling us pervs and answering it
blakcie13 posted over a year ago
but i like (guy) pervertz!
KohakuJSMA posted over a year ago
CornChips said:
Kinda pointless to make this since you can't make anyone stay away from this spot, female or not.
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posted over a year ago 
well its dumb all the girls on the being a woman club get pissed when guys get on and here you girls are getting on this club
blakcie13 posted over a year ago
Shouldn't get you upset. Those girls are the immature ones for juding people here anyway. :/ Just ignore them or report their content if it gets out of hand. =)
CornChips posted over a year ago
there are also guys who go on the girls club too. so your not 1 to talk!
lumforever posted over a year ago
Your comment lacked common sense. And it's *you're and no.
CornChips posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury said:
Girls are indeed calling the guys who come to the 'Being a Woman' spot perverts or sicko's. But that's because they're immature. And by making a point of it, you're being immature as well. That's not what being a man is about. you're a man, you're supposed to bear and tolerate those things women do (how unreasonable they may look). That's what being a real man is about.
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posted over a year ago 
Killing-Is-Good said:
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posted over a year ago 
Killing-Is-Good posted over a year ago
lol:)i am scared*
seki posted over a year ago
Killing-Is-Good IS RIGHT
AWarnerS posted over a year ago
like your user name! ! Every girl is different ..
K_lleH-Hell_k posted over a year ago
11HiddenNinja said:
please, no! not me! i'm one of the boys and WILL NEVER judge any of you! you can go to the females' club if you want :)
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posted over a year ago 
KohakuJSMA posted over a year ago
AWarnerS said:
The girls make us all look bad, and shouldn't be here. We don't hate on their spot. If you don't like what we do, leave at once. All I can say.
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posted over a year ago 
K_lleH-Hell_k said:
hahaha :D
fight never ends !
well gurl/guy visit 'cause
gurls think that guys are more interesing then gurls.......
guys do same ...
like all comments hahahaha...
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posted over a year ago 
mehere said:
ok............. so im never bite my tounge so im not going to now
girls can do whatever they want we want come here, we come here
im more boyish then girlish
i ride 4 wheelers
i skateboard
i go to rapp battles
i hang out with guys

so im gonna still be coming here and if you dont like it that leave
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posted over a year ago 
Apparently you're slow or something. This was posted 5 months ago. And like it or not he has a opinion as well just like you. So I think it you who should shut up about leaving. AND newsflash NO girls or guys cannot do what they want. This spot isn't ruled by girls or guys. A girl do something stupid or idiotic I will report them.
BlindBandit92 posted over a year ago
ok so your point and you shouldnt joke around with calling people slow that is rude as fuck
mehere posted over a year ago
^Like you wasn't rude to the asker. Why should I be nice when you are not. I don't hold my tongue either.
BlindBandit92 posted over a year ago
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