Anime Idea For An Anime...

BLAMargera123 posted on Jan 05, 2011 at 01:12AM
im thinkin' of a anime called "Soul Warriors". Its about these dudes with these souls that merge with the dudes and become these powerful warriors to fight these darker dudes led by an evil soul that is taking over the world. and so the soul warriors go on a treturous quest to defeat the evil soul... and thats all i have feel free to post a comment and type your own ideas.

Anime 2 replies

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over a year ago BLAMargera123 said…
soooooo? anything?
over a year ago Atteroz said…
Anime: Atteroz

There are 8 continents in the planet, Terra. The 8 are Fulsor, Veron, Firion, Davnor, Setsrugai, Reon, Torseon and Avarth. The strongest country of Fulsor is Assarda, of Veron is Scion, of Firion is Alsore, of Davnor is Serome, of Setsrugai is Raikai, of Reon is Arcanes, of Torseon is Gabranth and of Avarth is Seneca.

To use Artis a Human or Aesir must be able to use plasma, a form of energy used to use Artis. There are Artis of many different elements and each with their own special advantages over others.

In the Anime "Atteroz" there are humans and there are Aesir. Aesir can use Artis and plasma very widely although there are some humans who can use Artis and plasma.

There are six different elements for humans to control and a human can control two or one while even some can control all of them. There is Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning and Metal. Each comes with unique techniques and traits Metal being one of the rarest ones. A Alchemist is a user of all elements.

Spec Oculus or Spec for short is variation of the regular human eye which has the power to copy techniques, read the minds of people, Anticipate people’s movement, see a person’s plasma vein, and also has three different Artis. A Visual Artis, A physical Artis and a Tempus Artis. There is a Umbra Spec eye, a Lux Spec eye and a Infinitus Spec eye and a Finis Spec eye.

Artis means technique in Latin. There are many different kinds, types and styles of Artis in Terra; by different types meaning different elements for example a Fire bomb Artis or a different kind would be a Ice bomb Artis. By different styles of Artis there are Visual Artis (Spec), Physical Artis (Fire bomb Artis), Tempus Artis (Conjuring Artis), Area
Artis ( Ex. Turning the are around into Ice, fire etc.), and Transformation Artis ( Fire mode, Werewolf, Bird Etc.).

For Visual Artis there many kinds, some that can entrance people, lose people in their own subconsciousness, hurt people both mentally and physically, plant fake memories and thoughts into people and so on, but most require having a Spec, which is a Genetic trait that is inherited by parents and ancestors.

For Physical Artis, it is generally anything physical for example a fire bomb Artis that will explode into flames upon contact, a lightning sword Artis that fabricates a lightning sword out of a Aesir's hand.

Tempus Artis can summon many things, objects all over the world, beasts, animals, weapons, vehicles, armor, etc.

Area Artis can turn the surrounding area into either a specific element or anything else.

Most Transformation Artis require the user to already posses a gene or allele to be able to transform, for example, Atteroz, whose father could turn into a dragon has the gene for it as well and can transform into a dragon, but not all Transformation Artis require a specific gene or allele.

Atteroz,the protagonist lives in the country Assarda in the continent Fulsor. Atteroz lives in the capital of Assarda, Assarda City. Atteroz Hernandez son of Robert Hernandez and Julie Hernandez a Alchemist was born on August 4th 2994 in the Azure district of Assarda. Atteroz has currently two older brothers and one older sister, Trent, Roy and Jessenia. Robert Hernandez was a war and had advanced control over steel and metal which earned him the name “Steel Dragon of Assarda” and was the leader of K.N.I.G.H.T.S. during the Vassnor war and now is retired and living off of a government retirement plan. Julie a once famed scientist is as well is on retirement. Atteroz Hernandez, a very bright Aesir is at the last grade of school at the early age of 5 is halfway through finishing school and already is a known Aesir in Assarda, not just being the son of the “Steel Dragon” but for his brilliance and skills. On the night of July 7th 3000 Atteroz's Family was murdered, with the exception of his older brother Roy. The murderer according to ACI (Assarda Criminal Investigation) and K.N.I.G.H.T.S was Terachi, although no compelling evidence was found to link him to the murder. Terachi, a man who lived in Assarda, but betrayed his country and fled and is now considered to be a rogue Aesir. Terachi is a feared Aesir as he is a Gold ranked Criminal, and is known for his Shadow type Artis and can Conjure up Shadow Aesir called Shadows. Trevor, a young well known K.N.I.G.H.T.S member, talks to Atteroz and tells him to one day join K.N.I.G.H.T.S to get revenge or find out who truly murdered his family. The day after his family's murder, Atteroz has vowed since then to seek revenge against Terachi, and is now training to become a strong enough Aesir to be able to kill Terachi, and has excelled in all of his classes at school and is quickly finishing it.

Please Post your Idea on my website SO others can see it and maybe you'll be able to air it on tv :)