Anime High school of the dead rp

shizuka1243 posted on Feb 20, 2013 at 09:22AM

What ability like good with guns or swords or driving or karate


Back ground like why you are good at your ability

What u look like

Rules: swearing is aloud and well there is no rules but no killing people other then zombies

What ability like good with guns or swords or driving or karate 


Back ground like w

Anime 112 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 112

over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Name: Shizuka
Ability: good with sword and guns
Age: 18
Back ground: her mum and dad were both cops and expected her to be one to so they made her train for hours with out eating and when she finally was good enough they expected her to be better the best but they still think she is week
Looks: has long link hair blue eyes
Name: Shizuka
Ability: good with sword and guns 
Age: 18
Back ground: her mum and dad were both co
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Shizuka: *eating lunch on the school roof*
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
(Someone rp with me I feel lonely)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Name: Igarashi Kazuha
Personality: Aggressive, smart, strategist, survivalist
Weapons: Hard-wood staff, revolver pistol, P99(handgun + multiple mags), Back-up Bokuto.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Igarashi Kazuha
Personality: Aggressive, smart, strategist, survivalist
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Nushi: God freakin' dammit! *Attacking a few zombies with his staff on a nearly deserted street nearby Fujimi academy* argh! Where the hell did all these fucking zombies come from?! There are so many! Gah screw it! *pulls out his P99 and shoots multiple zombies to the ground* Shiiiiit!! Die again you fuckin' bags of walking meat!!! *continues to slam and shoot the zombies*
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Shizuka: *watching from the roof top and just sits there doing nothing* so it finally happens
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Nushi: You've gotta be fuckin' me! *Jumps Up onto a wall so the zombies couldn't reach him* Jeez... These things just don't stop... Gah! *Jumps from window to window on the side of the building, climbing higher and higher, he jumped over Shizuka taking no notice in her and flipped over the other side of the roof, which was clear of zombies, he Picks up a rock and throws it over so it would draw them to the other side, farther from him* Tch Stupid retarded Meatbags... *Roams the courtyard for a vehicle* Where is Kota? He's scary when he's with a gun, bu damn impressive... and that Takashi guy... He seems like a strong leader... (They left in the bus with Saeko, Shisuka, and the others minutes ago) Damn...better get the hell out of here... *Walks out, cautious about the undead*
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Shizuka: *walks into the school and to my locker walking past zombies*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Nushi: Alright... Ah! A bike! That'll work just perfectly! *Starts the bike then sits on it revving it* Come an get me zombie bastards!!! *Crashes through the front door of the school* HA! I've always wanted to trash this place anyway! *Slams his staff into the head of any zombie, riding down the hall*
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Shizuka: *gets my bag out of my locker*
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Shizuka: *walks back on to the roof and opens bag gets sword out and watches the door*
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
(Some one join so bored)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Nushi: *Sees Shizuka* What the?! IS that another human?!! WHOA! *The bike tips to the side and it skids, he falls off and slides down the hall, tripping zombies with his extended staff* TCH!! ARGH!!! Dammit!!!
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Shizuka: *runs up to the zombies and cuts and slices them in half*
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(I'm changing my characters name)
Kazuha: Goddamn! *Stops sliding and flips in the air and lands on his feet* Tch... Retarded walking meat-bags... *Dashes down the hall, the other way and crashes through the window, he starts slamming his staff into all the zombies he could see* TAKE THIS YOU FREAKS OF NATURE!!!
over a year ago shizuka1243 said…
Shizuka: *smiles evily opens bag and pulls out sniper closes door stands at top of stair case and lays on my belly and starts shooting zombies* DIE YOU MEAT EATING SON OF A BITCH
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuha: Whoa! What?! *Hears the shots* Are those sniper shots?! *Runs back in the school towards the shots, he stops at the bottom of the stairs, killing as many zombies as he could* Hey! Need some help there? *smirks and jumps over her, drop kicking a zombie behind her, he pulls out his pistol* Well your sniper is loud enough on its own! Whaddya say, when we get an opening we dash for the court yard, a mini-bus was left behind, and I got the keys!! *Laughs and jingles the keys, blasting a zombie in the face with his P99*
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Name: Mitsuru Nakara
Age: 16
Abilities: freakin awesome with swords of any kind and hand guns
Personality: not scared easily, tough but still caring
Appearance: (in pic)

Mitsuru: *shut in one of the classrooms with four zombies just outside the door, trying to get in*
Name: Mitsuru Nakara
Age: 16
Abilities: freakin awesome with swords of any kind and hand guns
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuha: *Laughs evilly as he slashes down many more zombies in the hallway, one of his P99s slipped out of his hand and crashed through the door he shot 6 more zombies, then proceeded to crush zombie heads with his Bokuto* HELL YEAH! Take THAT You goddamned freaks!! *Ignored the gun that flew into the class* Meh... I have more... Tch... Can't worry about that right now! *Keeps on going in one spot, he was almost overrun a few times but made a comeback unscathed each and every time*
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: *to herself* oooh, thanks. *runs out and climbs the stairs, up to the roof, sitting down.* i should return this though... When stuff calms down.
over a year ago dargox said…
Name: Kai Takium
Age: 18
Ability: A Badass with any weapon & A Master working with cars and metal.
Appearance: Pic
Background: Kai is the schools Badass the rest he dosen't like to talk about.
Name: Kai Takium
Age: 18
Ability: A Badass with any weapon & A Master working with cars and metal.
over a year ago dargox said…
Kai: sealed inside the metal shop of the school as zombie students & teachers pound at all the entrance while he quickly as well calmly works on turning the class car into a armor monster of a zombie killing tank. "HELL YEAH!! IT'S FUCKIN' DONE!!!! Now zombies get ready to be roadkill." He said as grab his stuff and jumps into the car threw the sunroof while starting the car with loud rev which make the car sound like a dragon wakeing up.
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: what is that horrible noise?? Hmm... I should go back down sometime... I'm getting hungry... But I should get my sword first... *climbs down the side of the building quietly and stealthily, making no noise as she walks around the zombies unnoticed, thinking to herself* I need to get my katana from home... I'll be much better with it than a gun.
over a year ago dargox said…
Kai: Inside the metal shop makes the his zombie proof van do a burnout while at same time, rams the double gate doors of the metal shop and runs down the hord of zombies, then quickly drives around parking lot while switch on the loud speakers inside the car as he talk threw a mic, saying. "HELLO DUMBASSES!! IF THERE'S ANY NON-ZOMBIES STUDENTS STILL ALIVE PLEASE REPORT TO THE FRONT DOORS AND THOSE WHO'S HAVE BEEN BITTEN JUST KILL YOURSELF!!!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: *Rolls her eyes.* Idiot. We'll all be killed with him being the obnoxious. *Turns down an alley and find her house with zombies by the front door. She raises her gun, but then lowers it.* No, that's stupid. Too much noise. *Sneaks in through the window without making any noise and grabs her katana, giving it a few test swings, then darts back out of the house, silently slicing their heads off one by one*
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuha: Tch...! Doesn't he know that'll just attract more?! *Sighs and runs upstairs to the roof and off the top into a tree, he jumped down to the ground and rolled, running into the courtyard, he kept his staff at his side, bashing in all zombie skulls* Hell yeah! *He pulled out 2 Uzis* Now I go crazy...! *Literally goes Crazy*
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: I should go back to that school... It seems like an easy, large place to board up and stay protected... *Starts running back, running into Kazuha, almost cutting off his head but stopping just before* GAH! You aren't one of them. At least not yet *Squints* Are you bitten?
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
(may i bring in one of my OC pokemon carecters?)
Clutch13 commented…
Really? Into a HOTD!?! wtf is wrong with you woman? over a year ago
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(Nidoqueen, Clutch has been lookin' for you, and um... why not?)

Kazuha: Like hell you crazy bastard! You almost killed me ya retarded shit head! That fucks the matter with you!? Goddamn dude! *Drop kicks a zombie in the face pulling out a new Uzi, he pulverized about 13 more zombies then darts off down the schoolyard, he scaled the bus and jumped over it, his staff was held tightly in his right hand*
last edited over a year ago
Clutch13 commented…
Like hell I have... over a year ago
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: *Yells after him* I am a woman!!!
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
Name: Kiyomi Amemura
Age: 17
Skill: awesome with sword (obviously...)
Backround: well Kiyomi is a mysterious girl, and is known for her skills with her sword/blade (whatever u wanna call it lol)
Name: Kiyomi Amemura 
Age: 17
Skill: awesome with sword (obviously...)
Backround: well Kiyomi is a
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*Kiyomi stands in front of Kazuha* *a zombie charges right to her* *without warning or looking she slices the zombie so fast you didn't even know it happened* *brushes hair to the side and walks closer*
Kiyomi: the names Kiyomi.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: I'm hungry... *Starts walking around looking for a place to find food, then sees Kazuha again with Kiyomi* Well, hi again. Sorry for almost cutting your head off back there... maybe we could find some place to eat around here? I'm new to this area...
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*Kiyomi stares into Mitsuru's eyes* hi *manages to put a grin on her face* my name is Kiyo- *a zombie tries to attack mitsuru and before it can lay a finger on her she slices the thing in half* humph, pathetic zombie...
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuha: *He looks back at Mitsuru, he was angry* SHADDAP! YOU'RE SO FLAT CHESTED YOU LOOK LIKE A GUY! *He exhales deeply and walks past Kiyomi* I have no interest in teaming up with anyone anymore... People are just too damn stubborn since the Virus outbreak started... *He sniped a few zombies that charged him with the Uzi in one hand*
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: I'm a C though... *Looking hurt* Maybe it's the baggy shirt... I don't really want to team up ether, that's what gets people killed, I'm just asking if you know where there's any food
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuha: *Wasn't listening, he was annoyed at everyone being Idiots, Excluding Mitsuru and Kiyomi, not actually knowing them* AGURGABUBBLE! What the hell EVER! I'm Confused, Pissed the Fuck off, Irritated, and OUTTA HERE! Follow me if you want, BUT you gotta watch your OWN ass! I ain't gonna save you! *Walks up to a Locked gate* Tch... Those freaks won't be back here... only one exit, NOTHING can get in... From the other side anyway... *Kicks it open and walks in, he Pulled out a flashlight and turned it on, continuing into the tunnel below the school*
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*Kiyomi shrugs* *continues to follow Kazuha and mitsuru* *puts her hand on mitsuru's shoulder* don't worry mitsuru, don't worry about what he said, you don't look like a guy* *looks back as a whole gang of zombies follow then* oh crap! Come on!!
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: *grins* I like him, I think we have very similar opinions. *pulls out a katana* I won't kill either of you two now that I know you aren't zombies! I promise! *starts slicing zombies in half*
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*smiles* to tell the truth, I think he is really cute *blushes* but enough boys, we gotta kill these zombies!! *starts to slice the zombies in half*
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: I wish I had a silencer for my gun at home! Lets go, I don't think they'll stop very soon. We should kill them until they get overwhelming
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*Kiyomi follows* ok! *runs off with mitsuru*
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: *Goes back to the school and sits down in a chair.* I think this place would be easy enough to zombie-proof. Roll some big trucks in front of the doorways, board up the windows, stack the stairs up with whatever big things we can find, and live on the top floor. *Looks around* We could make this livable for now. But I'm hungry. We should find some food.
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*turns around to look into her pocket* *pulls out a sandwich* want to split this? *shows it to her*
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
(making another person, might use her sometimes)
Name: Yuki Tanemura
Age: 18
Personality: fun, crazy, loves gore
Weapons: she's best with using guns
(making another person, might use her sometimes)
Name: Yuki Tanemura
Age: 18
Personality: fun, cra
over a year ago Tsuchimi246 said…
Mitsuru: shure! I'm starving! *smiles* thank you
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*smiles* no problem, got any place for us to hide?
over a year ago AmyRose11 said…
*yuki crashes through the door* I do *looks at mitsuru with a smile* sorry, overheard the conversation outside the door... Haha! *scratches head*
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Kazuha: We aren't going to the end, so We turn here. *Points to a Wall* HIYA! *Roundhouse kicks the wall and it crumbles. Thin wall of sheetrock is nothin' now c'mon, I have a Small Hide out back here. It's for when I wanna... Get away from School... *Crouches into the small cave* It won't cave in, I supported it with strong wood, it'll be a little Musty though. Let's go. *Looks back at Mitsuru* And I'm sorry for Calling you a guy, I was just... Really... I dunno... I can't explain it... But I'm sorry still... *He looked like he was sincere, but still showed no emotion, he walks down and pick up a small lantern, he lights it with a small lighter and continues*