Anglican Communion Updates

a photo was added: Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) over a year ago by BJsRealm
a comment was made to the question: Are there any Anglicans, including the Episcopalians, still on Fanpop in 2018? over a year ago by BJsRealm
a question was added: Are there any Anglicans, including the Episcopalians, still on Fanpop in 2018? over a year ago by BJsRealm
a reply was made to the forum post: Archbishop of Canterbury & Pope Francis over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: Church Of Ireland Homepage over a year ago by BJsRealm
a comment was made to the poll: Should the entire Anglican Communion consider the possibility for a much closer union with the Roman Catholic Church? over a year ago by superboy16
fan art was added: God Is Love over a year ago by BJsRealm
a video was added: Christmas Eve Eucharist -Southwark Cathedral 1991 Midnight Mass over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The World Council Of Churches Homepage over a year ago by BJsRealm
a video was added: Pope Francis Meets Justin Welby, The Archbishop Of Canterbury over a year ago by BJsRealm
a video was added: The Enthronement Of Justin Welby, The New Archbishop Of Canterbury over a year ago by BJsRealm
a video was added: The New Archbishop Of Canterbury Is Enthroned over a year ago by BJsRealm
a video was added: The Ecumenical Evensong/Vespers-Pope Francis & Justin Welby, The Archbishop Of Canterbury over a year ago by BJsRealm
a pop quiz question was added: Whom is considered to act as a spiritual head of the entire Anglican Communion worldwide? over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Episcopal Church at Wikipedia over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Episcopal Church Homepage over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Anglican Communion at Wikipedia over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Anglicanism at Wikipedia over a year ago by BJsRealm
a poll was added: Should the entire Anglican Communion consider the possibility for a much closer union with the Roman Catholic Church? over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Canterbury Cathedral Homepage over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Archbishop Of Canterbury Homepage over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Anglican Communion Homepage over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Church Of England at Wikipedia over a year ago by BJsRealm
a link was added: The Church Of England Homepage over a year ago by BJsRealm