Alpha and Omega Leaving Alpha And Omega Form For Good!

shewolflilly posted on Mar 20, 2011 at 10:25PM
bye i think i dont wanna be involved with this anymore because.......because well my last post "lilly and i jump kate eve garth humpfrey sappouse to be funny" got so many people up set it started with uriahA got mad, we made up than princerhard or something got offended and so many other people like i cant even count the numbers. and i literaly think you people need to 1. QUIT OBSESSING OVER THESE A&O CHARCTERS 2.IF YOU DONT LIKE MY POST DONT READ EM!!!!!! 3.DONT POST ON ME U PEOPLE R ALL PHYSO!!!! PEACE B***** :p :/ :(

Alpha and Omega 101 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 101

over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
...i may kill you
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
death threat?????? reporting!
over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
you really are a bitch, i think i actually like you
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
gosh im just kidding and reallly this was all so stupid but i still hate ur damn guts just saying
over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
and i you, still no one talks to me that way...ever, you are actually the only one to ever get up the nerve to do so, I guess its cause you dont know me but still
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
i admit im a bitch sometimes thats just becuz i om=nly like a few select people sooo we cool? if not than ur a bitch
over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
we arent, never said i wasnt, but ill end this squabble with you on this site as long as you dont piss me off too bad
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
alll promiss peace bitch
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
and just to let u know, im not leaving a&o forever all be back to make ur life horrible i got a history with that lol
over a year ago PrinceRhaegar said…
*off to side...fuck* sure whatever
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
bye bitch
over a year ago UriahA said…
Ok, listen here, PrinceRhaegar, I am defending her! Death threats cause REAL fights which equal REAL problems! This time you would've started the fight and I'm just defending! Don't you ever send death threats! You here me!
over a year ago HarlequinWolf said…
Im normally a very nice person UriahA but this is rediculis she obviously doesnt need you to defend her so stop trying, when exactly did this involve you because ive read both forums and im inclind to side with the Prince, she was very disrespectful to him and this is between them, so this is my advice, but the hell out and im new and i can tell that once he reads your post he will be pissed i was and i could care less about them
over a year ago katealphawolf said…
I guess this is it, farewell A&O club I will miss you if you get deleted because of this!
over a year ago HarlequinWolf said…
wow that was a pathetic statement if ive ever heard one... its a squabble by two people TWO PEOPLE!!! not the club for god's sake are you all that melodramatic
over a year ago katealphawolf said…
how is that pathetic? I was just warning what is going to happen if this continues
over a year ago katealphawolf said…
PrinceRhaegar's profile is gone now anyway, I just checked
over a year ago HarlequinWolf said…
well he was a friend of my parents when he visited here a while ago, so i emailed him, he is soooo pissed i almost heard the rage in his voice over an email he said it was only temporary but he sorta scared me,he doesnt understand how he was kicked off for this and shewolflilly wasnt
over a year ago UriahA said…
I really actually didn't report him, and he still got kicked off? Holy shit! I actually feel bad now for all those threats. Pfft, I'd like to know how many people reported me
over a year ago Red_Pyramid206 said…
That posses me off prince was a nice Guy. How could they do this to him
over a year ago Red_Pyramid206 said…
UriahA. I didn't
over a year ago katealphawolf said…
I didn't report anything or anyone and haven't done so for a month now
over a year ago katealphawolf said…
I like Prince he is a cool guy other than trying to steal Kate away from me lol, is he banned or just temporarily suspended? either way he can just make another account if need be
over a year ago UriahA said…
I was just defending shewolflilly, I didn't want him kicked off, I just wanted him to just let go of what happened
over a year ago HarlequinWolf said…
idk but i feel bad for him, when he visited us in france he used to walk in our orchard together he said at school he was perfect for people, always played sports and things perfect grade point average and stuff, he said he could never really be himself he seemed depressed, i think this site was sorta his realese
over a year ago UriahA said…
You two know each other in person?
over a year ago HarlequinWolf said…
well sorta, he is a friend of my parents but he used to talk with me and stuff
over a year ago HarlequinWolf said…
he was only deep with me once but thats what he said
over a year ago VengeanceWolf said…
@UriahA ive said this before and i agree with Jenna when did she ask you to help her and when exactly did she need it, not only that but this was between me and her, so why the hell did you get involved no one should have and now im out for blood
over a year ago VengeanceWolf said…
"Ok, listen here, PrinceRhaegar, I am defending her! Death threats cause REAL fights which equal REAL problems! This time you would've started the fight and I'm just defending! Don't you ever send death threats! You here me!"-- this, this pisses me off, i was fucking joking and she knew it, your imput was never needed, and it wasnt just UriahA everyone that chatted about it is just stupid, AND WHY THE HELL DID I GET REPORTED!! i was standing up for my opinions and views!!
over a year ago anubis210 said…
ok did nothing wrong being reported for speaking your opinions and views is wrong, the only thing on hear thats wrong was someone! writing "im leaving Alpha and Omega for good!" so i suggest shewolflilly get rid of this stupid forum and end this shit
over a year ago EightySix said…
I second that emotion. DOWN WITH ANGST! PROMOTE LOVE! MURDER FIGHTING! Wait... that last one was counterintuitive...
over a year ago anubis210 said…
wait what?
over a year ago HarlequinWolf said…
he is speaking smart people talk
over a year ago UriahA said…
She took that death threat offensively and she NEEDED my help. I didn't report you like I said, but I was still pissed at you.
over a year ago VengeanceWolf said…
i dont think it was her cause we had sorta just agreed to lay off each other on this site, and she did not i repeat did not need you, she is a big girl and she threw everything right back in my face. so tell me does that sound like someone who needs help?
over a year ago Red_Pyramid206 said…
Guys it's over please drop it...... Now......
over a year ago VengeanceWolf said…
in what way is it over? I GOT BOOTED!!! me im like one of the most active people on this site and i got reported for standing up for my views, so dont tell me its over, oh no, if i have my way shit is going down
over a year ago Red_Pyramid206 said…
Look I understand your mad. I'll let you deal with it your way just be careful ok? Sorry to pluck a nerve there I'm just trying to help.
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
duuudde i thought we were cool????? its funnny howu think u cool wit someone and everyone elese butts in, sigh oh well im not tyring to sound gay or dumb or anything but im gonna get off this its tooo much all probly be back in like a year or 2 idk but this is dumb
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
and prince if it makes u fell any beettr i didnt report u but uhh i dont no what to say but umm thanks uriahA but i think im ok u did a good job goood job lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala­la rahrahrahrahrah yaaawwwn byyyeeee and kennedy said she reported me but i didnt get kicked off sooooo i guess fanpop dont see what i did wrong and uhhhh i didnt find the death threat hurful he dont know where i live
over a year ago VengeanceWolf said…
i didnt think you did since we had just come to an agreement but low and behold someone did and couple hour later im out
over a year ago anubis210 said… need more than one person to report you so thats why your still hear, but you said your going soo bye.....*wave*
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
i did'nt say i was leaving forever???????????? do u speak english? oops i better shut my dirty mouth befor i make people wanna "leave" again and my cousin reported u my dude cousin he says hes gonna mess u up............ but i wouldnt worry he dont have money to jump on a plane and track u down and uhh you all need a reality check im prepared to be the banker and cash this shit!!!
over a year ago VengeanceWolf said…
here ill tell him where i live and ill give him the money to fly his pansy ass down here so i can kick his ass, if he is real, and ill be happy to beat down on anyone he thinks they are tougher than me, and as for the reality check, i suppose if you want to be the banker you better wake up from whatever fantasy world your living in.
over a year ago UriahA said…
lololololololol this is funny
over a year ago VengeanceWolf said…
its pathetic is what it is
over a year ago shewolflilly said…
big smile
hehehehehehehehe ur pathetic ;)
over a year ago Red_Pyramid206 said…
shewolflilly, dont start this again. Everything has been fine since you decided to leave. Please dont start another argument.
over a year ago EightySix said…
I'm... sure that with all the smily face winks and "Hehe's" it was intended as a joke. Lets all just cool our jets, shall we? and by we, I mean you guys. HOOYA!