Alpha and Omega What film do you consider the worst?

18jcrone posted on Nov 01, 2015 at 06:04PM
What is a movie that you absolutely despise and wish that it never exists? The movie I personally consider the worst is Barnyard. Bad animation,none of the characters are likeable,awful humor,bad story,bad character designs. (It has to be a film that you have watched all the way through.)

Alpha and Omega 4 replies

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over a year ago SentinelPrime89 said…
Balto 3: Wings of Change. Worst than Alpha and Omega 3 because it has absolutely no redeeming moments and it basically ignores the original movie with the bullshit subplot of Boris never learning how to fly, yet he flew in Balto and Balto 2: Wolf Quest.
over a year ago RadLilly said…
The Last Airbender. Worst film I've ever seen in my entire life. There isn't a single convincing performance in the picture, and the badness of the acting is, bizarrely, pretty much in direct proportion to a character's importance. It's breathtakingly clueless, misconceived, stupid, humourless, unexciting, dim, dumb farrago, etc. This is a kid's movie that doesn't seem to realize that it's a kid's movie. Oh, and where are the sequels, as M. Night Shyamalan said there'll be sequels?
18jcrone commented…
linkThere is actually going to be a sequel. over a year ago
over a year ago Shadow1997 said…
Hoodwinked. Bad animation. Boring characters, boring
over a year ago trueshadowwolf said…