Alexander Rybak Members who have left this club

Helene17Norway posted on Jun 24, 2010 at 08:37AM
There is so many members that I haven't seen online for months here, where are you guys? I only see about 5-6 people who were here form the start, and I wonder if the rest have gotten tired of Alex?

I have myself tought about leaving this club, or fanpop in general, because I have had multiple members who have attacked me through the net and personal messages, because i have said my opinions ( and because I have had a fight with one of the girls here, who doesn't like me for some really stupid reason, but i can't tell the reason cause then everybody will recognise her ) so I also started to wonder that that might be the reason so many just left? Is it because of all the trolls who have been here lately?
last edited on Jun 24, 2010 at 08:47AM

Alexander Rybak 90 replies

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over a year ago clubery said…
IM BACK!I was miss u all guys:)its so good to be here.i was the another fourum(nothing with Alex)and the people are so cruel there.They was make fun of me.And said that i act like 10 years old.I was get so sad.I wasent saying anything bad and they just attack me.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
WHAT?! Which forum was that?! What did they say to you?!

Don't be sad hun, it's THEM who are the losers!
over a year ago clubery said…
That is estonian girls forum and they moderator is a away few days and now they act bad there.And say bad thing about, few girls more cuz we was protecting forum for foul language.They just like say that im like ten years old(im 13 )im so stupid and my joke are not funny.When i was saying that i go away from that forum then one girl send me privet messeage: that I want everyone would feel guilty about that i going away.Like thats so stupid.They are like 14-17 and they act like 10 years olds.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
*hugs you, clubery* Don't waste a calory on them, clubery, it is THEM who are the losers with a mentally of not a ten year old but a five year old! It's insane that people up to 17 years can behave like that! I am 18 but even when I was younger, yes even when i was 10 I was mature!

And that message she sent you was uncalled for. I hope that you know that you shall not feel bad for making them feel guilty ( i dont believe they feel guilty at all, they are just assholes. )

Stay with us Rybak fans clubery, we love you!^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago clubery said…
*hugs back*i♥ u all too:).Monday starts now very good.Thanks!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Hi here dear clubery!!! here is good
over a year ago stellaviolin said…
I'm NOT tired of Alex and of course I will never be.I will love him forever. And Helene don't worry, we like you.
over a year ago clubery said…
We are like big family in here:)!♥
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
One big family yay! :DD
And together... We will laugh about asslickers and assholes who have no brain :DDD
Yaaaaaaay! :DD
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
true fax, Linda! True fax! :D I've seen in other clubs girls treat each other like shit O.o
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
We are all here cause we have the same interests and after getting to know each other we become friends (not actually fans) :) As the girls said we're a big family :D there's no point of treating each other badly, no one will feel better... I can't understand those people... :|
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Exactly. I've gotten so many new friends here :D And I look at all the girls in this club as a family :)
over a year ago aisa07 said…
I agree Helene
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
And the " Rybak family " only grows bigger and bigger day by day^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
'Once they were strangers, today we're family.' - Alexander Rybak
'And you know that you're not my fans, you're my friends' - Alexander Rybak

Just some sweet things this guy has said and withouth him we wouldn't have 'met' ^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
it is true that here everyone is so nice to each other!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Yeah, or, most of us are xD There will always be trolls though
over a year ago s0nja said…
Yeah! But most of us are nice to each other and if someone is rude, we usually tell the person to stop.

Most of us are also like 'We are family, I got all my sisters with me' xD :D :P :D
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
hihi. you're all right! =D. loveyou guys <3
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Haha yes :D I got many sisters through here, and I even found a real soulmate and best friend :D
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
Personally this is here I had suggest one or two things to someone
I love. And suddenly (with time) he took everything into account... to my great satisfaction obvious! :p

I know he will recognize himself.
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
My first family is Polish Fanclub of Alex and I really loved spending there time but now I hate it =/ There's often fights and so on..

But here we are fanstastic sisters <3<3<3
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I've noticed that too. Not in Poland but in Norway. It seems like everyone is fighting over who is Alex's biggest fan. If you have never met him or talked to him in person, you are not a fan according to his asslickers. I have no interest in meeting him in person, but I really do enjoy his music and if he ever came to my town then of course I would go see him, but I wouldn't stalk him and end up giving him nerve problems ( I heard that the breakdown was caused my facebookies and asslickers( they who are shizofren and keep imagine they are his best friend ) cause they kept calling him so much and so often. )
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
yeah, that's right. Those girls (okey, let's call a spade a spade...I mean Facebookies) think they are so cool and so great. They don't say any bad word about Alex. They're such asslickers.

and the same situation is on polish fanclub. When Alex came to Poland they had started to come up with stupid ideas for presents. They think that if they give him really big and cool present he will remember about them and love them. So stupid =/
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I think it's sweet to give him presents because they admire him, but often it becomes a competition who has the biggest and nicest gift. It kinda ruins it all. I bet Alex loves getting presents, he loves his fans, but not so long ago he said that most of the clothes he had gotten from fans wasn't even used once. He choosed out some of them he uses often and the rest layed in the closet used maybe once.

If fans wants him to remember them, they should make something themselfs. Like a painting or scrapbook. He won't remember them by getting 1 og 1000 teddybears
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
When he came here for a concert, girls did a gr8 job and made a big poster of him which was made by photos of us (I hope u know what I mean xD)and it was really beautiful.
But the idea with a stand for a microphone was in my opinion just stupid! :D
over a year ago estherj92 said…
I just discovered him and his music and really love it, but I don't know how girls can be quite as crazy as they are about him. I mean it's great to be a devoted fan and it's nice to think he appreciates you as 'friends', but how can girls always be posting things like, "I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU.....!" on his facebook fanpage wall? To me it seems like obsession times 10. Yes, I think it would be really neat to send a fan letter and get a response, but I know if I were to do it and get a response, it would only be one more to add to the manyyyyyy he's already sent to other fans. It doesn't mean I'm more special than the rest of humanity.
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
Ofcourse you're not a better fan when you give him a big present.. I think that Alex loves all of his fans! No matter how many or big present's they gave him.. like before said. most of the present's he don't use.. I think he really apreciate it that you're a fan because of him.. and i don't think that he would really like it that there are big competitions about who is the biggest fan,,
over a year ago s0nja said…
The present we ( 2 ) gave him was right before Christmas so it's kinda understandable I guess :) and then another present on the next concert. But it wasn't anything big.
I think he can remember you from a present that's something which isn't so common according to his presents :)
It's cute giving him a teddy bear, but I think he has thousands of them :)
over a year ago Jenni- said…
@ s0nja, oh yeah, so we have given him two presents. I forgot the another present. :D But yeah, whatever. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago s0nja said…
Yeah, we have :) But I think they weren't any super big, but still a bit personal or like that, at least the second one :) I wouldn't buy him clothes... I mean, what if it would be the wrong size? xD Probably just fail xD
over a year ago JonBonJoviGIRL said…
Well hi guys!! I was here like MagicViolin if you remember me! Then I had a little problem with my account (Actually I lost my password)so I couldn't visit this club. After some time I feel in love with one man and I had no desire to be here anymore! That's my story! But I'm back on fanpop like JonBonJoviGIRL and like a bigg fan of Rock n' Roll :)))
Nice to hear about you guys again! Love ya all :***
over a year ago elenikabouri said…
"I have myself thought about leaving this club...,because I have had multiple members who have attacked me...,because I have said my opinions..."
That's the way this forum starts and it's written by Helene17Norway months ago.
Well,i couldn't believe it when I first saw it and it's ironic that after all these months it's still timely,as it's my turn to say that.
Many times I read comments in this club,which humiliate,insult,offend and degrade ALEXANDER,comments which judge and criticize his private life,comments where members almost gave him a time limit/deadline to decide what woman he wants to be with and indicated him who this woman should be,comments which imply that he's too little for her and he doesn't deserve her,since he's fooling around,acting like child and being inconsiderate and so many others"flattering" comments about Alex. And the funny is that all these are written on his own club (but,is it really still Alexander's club or is it changed to someone else's club?) Maby Alex had these comments in his mind when he was writing his message on his wall about" telling the truth even if people call you heartless...and speak your it is".
And what was my reaction to all these comments? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
And why? Because I was born in Greece and in Greece democracy was born. So I've learned to respect EVERYONE'S opinion and his right to express that opinion,without being afraid of anyone and anything. And that's what I always try to do,sometimes successfully and sometimes not.But I think we all must at least try for that.
I don't know how many people here feel the way I do right now,but it's consolation for me to know that someone else too felt this way once.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
You can just say my name you know, I know you mean me :P
over a year ago elenikabouri said…
About what?
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
That post you just made, I know it was to me, juts write my name, everybody knows it.
over a year ago elenikabouri said…
No Helene,i didn'tn mean only you. I meant many members of this club,who might recognize their own words,phrases and views,including me. I don't attacke you,i don't have any intention to do that,but your own words express what l feel right now
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ajsa said…
In my country a famous bachelor singer boy , he choosen himself one fan girl. He said, therefore he had choosed this girl, because she never tried for a relationship with him and never she asked an autograph from him .Interesting is not it?
Well Thinks Alex so?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago s0nja said…
I wanna say something and I don't want to be rude but:

@ elenikabouri It sounds like you are defending Alex of that he cheated. You think that because we said he should make his mind up, sounds like we hate him or something?

Just because we say something negative, doesn't mean that we hate him. He's a human just like everyone of us, he also makes mistakes.