Alexander Rybak He got a girlfriend!

LovesRybak posted on Jan 21, 2010 at 03:40PM
Yes it's true. Alex, who have been single since May 2009, do now have a girlfriend! :D And no, it is not Moa, this girl is 21 and comes from Oslo

Alexander Rybak 156 replies

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over a year ago Jenni- said…
Fift33n, I didn't mean that I'm jealous of you. I am not jealous of you at all. But everything is ok. :)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Okey :)
over a year ago Jenni- said…
And btw, Fift33n, because you don't want to answer to my private message I send you, I remind here you about our deal !
over a year ago lillazoogin said…
It was maria one of the violin girl they were just friends and she live in prag
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Why believe many people , that Alex secretly in love with Maria?
He wrote a comment maria's pic,you read .
over a year ago masici said…
What comment?
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
"Alex secretly in love with Maria?" ??? ;)
over a year ago jawjee said…
O_O aw dang! and i was so close! XD
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
And now where is the Truth?
The heart of Alex is he open to the secret of BIG LOVE?
over a year ago clubery said…
He loves everyone:D But yeah they are very close with Maria.)So hu knows...
over a year ago Jenni- said…
@clubery, yes he does. :D

Btw, Maria looked at me once like "Fuck you, bitch" but I haven't done anything bad to her. :o
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I've heard from people that Maria is a bit bitchy. Seems like Alex likes bitches.
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
I like Maria the most. But she smiles the least of them all.

She's bitchy? Maybe. Well, I'm a little bit bitchy too so maybe that's why I like her ^^
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
Oh girls, you're hard about Maria (the poor) but if I remember correctly, it was his first kiss, no?
If this is true, she is not bitches but mare, with the tongue of a horse.

I personally know a beautiful mare who is often compared to a missile or bomb, with a mane satin of shimmering, a terrible rump and eyes brighter than the ocean.
She is a bit wild and lonely and I know that Alexander loves sports, but is he equestrian? :D
over a year ago clubery said…
I never met them but i have always think that Maria is littelbit bitch.i dont know why?Maybe im wrong..But something just say it or but me think like this.
That is intresting that people have never put kathrine and alex togheter..
I like Moa the most,coz she seems so innocent,happy and easy-going.And something says like :she is very nice person,even i dont know her.So yeah,my instincts:D

over a year ago Hanatee said…
she was really nice to us after miljoonarock :o
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over a year ago Jenni- said…
@Hanatee, nice to hear that she can be nice too. :D
Maybe she just has something against me... But what the hell it could be ?! :o
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
No Maria have been bitcy to many of his fans -.-
over a year ago clubery said…
To Helene17Norway-Tell more about Maria bitchnes:D!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Ive talked to people on facebook and many of them says she has been giving them bitchy glares, especially when they have been with Alex O.o
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
o.O so maybe there was something between them and she was just jealous!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
No I think she is actually just trying to protect him. Maybe he have been used by fans/supermodels/other celebrities, and she doesnt want it to happen again
over a year ago aisa07 said…
I think of Maria and Alex have or have had a lot more than just friends. In winter, Alex suddenly did a concert in Prague and it was cheap for a ticket, only 10 euros. Well, Maria studied also in Prague at the university , and they went to lunch together with facebookies too. One girl wrote about, to Alex it was a nervous breakdown after a curative therapy , well more of him as a friend Maria.
If they are more than friends, she is right to be jealous of all the pretty fan.
But I think that Alex feels a inferiority himself to Maria, you listen to the text of the First Kiss.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago clubery said…
Oh,Alex can u pick one girl?:DI think thats jealousy whats pain Maria.I hate bitch look.Thats so humiliating.But i dont get Maria is not typical Alex taste.Coz Moa and Ingrid was littelbit same look.But Maria is so diffrent.She is more serious.But maybe Maria want something more than a friendship and Alexs not.
yeah that is very dirty soup or what?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Hmm maybe, or maybe they are just fuckbuddies
over a year ago pepu said…
Maria is the nicest one of the girls, i have met them all three times, and last time Maria talked us soo much and remember us and was very grateful about our support in consert. :)
I dont have no idea why u think she is bitch? ehh i think that u just dont have experiences and u talk even thought u dont know anything. And for example everybody from Tönsberg said that Maria was so nice to everyone, i think only problem is in you girls and your attitude towards girls! When we heard that Frikar doesnt go on with Alex anymore I didn't like girls at all, but after Miljoona Rock when we met them with my friends they were very kind and friendly. And ehh has Alex ever sya anything about Maria or something like Maria would had hurt him like Moa has? So let's just get know to people before the judgin.
over a year ago kimja said…
Maria is really very nice person once you get to now her. To us shes just like the others and dont give us any bitchy looks? Last time they all talked to us kindly and they are really awesome girls. Have you tought about that maybe disease is in you? And before you get to knoww her you shouldn't talk like thisss. And I agree with pepu!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I think it depends. They are all girls. Girls easily prejudge, and I'm pretty sure they have done it too. IT's a normal girl thing. If they have behaved bitchy against some of his fans, they might either had gotten the wrong first expression of the fan or they simply just don't like them
over a year ago kimja said…
But then its their own bisnes either to like or not to like, what I mean is that nobody likes everyone, which is also normal thing. But I still wonder that why you all talk about Maria this way, 'cause to us all she's so nice and we like her also.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
They are probably talking about her in that way like you are talking about her in your way. She has probably been nice to you but she might have behaved bad to them. For example she could have had a bad day.

And talking about prejudging, people judge by the way others looks. for example if two girls are walking down the road, one is tall, thin, blonde with drawed on eyebrows and way to much lip gloss. The other is chubby with a round face, almost no make up and a more softer look. Which one would you assume was the bitchy one?
over a year ago aisa07 said…
If Alex loved Maria that's good.Because it's better, if he loved one bitch.
over a year ago clubery said…
I dont get problem now...We just say what we are heard,see or think.I was just saing she seems littelbit bitchy not She is bitch and thats the big diffrent.Its everyone own opinion.And we never know good she was with u.And we just discuss every opinion.that kind of attacking is sneaky.Coz this is opinion forum not asslicking forum,.And we never judge someone for that or what?
i feel like u judge us coz we thinking littelbit diffrent about Maria.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aisa07 said…
This is here place of the frankness!No problem if anyone to write the review.
Finally here is not asslicking.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Helene & clubery is right, it's how we think/she was against someone they talked about. But I know someone looks like they are bitches and judge peoples even if they don't do, and when you talk to them they are really nice even if you didn't thought that before. I haven't talked with her, but in Tönsberg when she walked to a place or something, she looked liked that she not was so nice, but when they talked to her she seemed to be very nice to them. But I don't know, it's just what I think, I don't know her so :P
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I know how it feels to be prejudged, I'm punk with nosering, pierced ears and fire red hair. I use dark make up and therefore, I probably looks like spawn of Satan, and therefore, people also judge me and think that " she is a bad person who probably worship Satan " , but if people actually took their time to know me, they would actually find out how nice I am :)
over a year ago clubery said…
I know that feeling too..People sometimes think that im some popular bimbo and self-confident.But im not.I have 1truly friend,i dont have self-confident.
And people are sometimes scared to talk with me coz i seem like angry biatch.But im not bite:Dreally!
Very many persons are saying that first when they met me ,then they prejudged me and was thinking that im cocky and mean.
So maybe i am for them hu dont know me scary- angry -bimbo,Hu dont know nothing about life .Im not so naive and im more mature than my age persons.
I know that sometimes i prejudged peoples fast.But i dont block them ,im always open to new opinion about that people.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silla17 said…
Everyone thinks that i'm a bitch. i don't know why people think i'm bitch, maybe because i'm blond and not afraid to give my opinion. But if someone really get to know me they know that i'm not a bitch. I do not judge about how someone looks, if you are nice to me i'm nice to you 2.

And helene you are VERY nice.
Ther are just jealous of you because you say what you think and not everyone here is like that. ;)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Most of the girls on this forum are great girls :D Silla17 and clubery, you are both GREAT girls, two of my favorite people on fanpop, but you probably knew that :D
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Sometimes people can judge me, like a girl who talk much, and not even shy,maybe sometimes even a bitch, and on internet I maybe looks like a person who say very much and not everytime are nice. (okey. I don't know how to explain ;s) It's sometimes hard to me to get new friends, because I can be very shy, and sometimes people though that I don't want to be friends with them or accept them, but I do, because if I don't know a person, I don't talk so much or talk with them like it seems I don't want to have anything to do with them, but I accept everyone, and I really want to be friend with anyone, and don't want to hurt someone. I can talk to everybody, really, but if someone is mad at me, or talk shit about me or ignore me without reason or without to explain why, I don't want to have anything to do with them. But if I have met someone on internet I talk much with here, I can talk with them IRL like we have known eachother for a long time, and I was very surprised that I could talk with Alex so relaxed, And the most of you seems to be very nice peoples :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I think its wrong to prejudge people, just think about how many friends you miss by doing it..
over a year ago Fift33n said…
exact, instead of prejudging people should learn to try to learn to know the person they think is for example a bitch, they should go and talk with them and see how they really are
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Well I know a gay boy, who so kind and intelligent ,who is better as a female friend,because dont jealous.
I had prejudices, but has passed since I talked to him

communication ...communication
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tianalove said…
I don`t think he have a girlfriend.
But maybe he like someone. ?
When he was in "Bingolotto" show in Sweden, he sang "Cause you`re my sweet sixteen" instead of "unforeseen", so maybe he likes a 16 years old girl?
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
If he likes a sixteen year old, then EWWW. But I think when he means sweet sixteen he means that he wants the sweet relationship with a girl 16 years old use to have, meaning young and innocent together
over a year ago Tianalove said…
Yes..Maybe :)
He have said that he likes young and innocent girls, so who knows? Ofcourse 16 years old is a little bit to young, but I really don`t think he cares about age. If he like someone, then he doesn`t care about details. x)
But ofc, he could never date anyone under 16..
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
Or maybe he just rethinking at the daughter of his sixteen years,
to falling in love again with her, now?
But then is it not Maria's like a first... kiss

Anyway: be happy is the most point lucky for two lover.
over a year ago aisa07 said…
@Tianalove I see you are fall in love with him!
Ohh poor girl!
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
I see she is not alone in declaiming t-his love.
By the fact to feel lucky and rich of this honor... for him
to be able to be in love, without border, I presume
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
But he is in love, (almost certain), not you?
over a year ago aisa07 said…
love is beautiful, if it makes sense, but if not then it hurts

and here's the sense? NO