Alexander Rybak Love is gone...

jana-neso posted on Oct 02, 2009 at 01:56PM
I thought that I'll never say this but I don't love Alexander anymore.I still like him a little,but there is no passion,I don't feel anything when I look at his picture...I guess I'm tired of loving him,and duying for him and all I have is his pictures on my computer.He's not here,with me,I need something that's real,I can't live in dreams forever.If I had a chance to be on his concert,to see him in live,I would still love him,but now I only like him a little...I finally admit-LOVE IS GONE...

P.S. this doesn't mean that I won't stay on his spot on fanpop,I still like him but don't LOVE him.

Alexander Rybak 12 replies

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over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Why don't you try to participate at the contest for winning tickets to one of his concerts :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
i know how you feel, im not the big fan i was in the beginning, but im still a fan, just not obsessed :]
over a year ago cmrm said…
yep, I feel the same as you do.
I use to think about him all the time, now that just doesn't happens and I knew some day that would happen. But I'm still his fan.
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
i have almoust same problem! But i still love him stil confused but someday i realy get it what i feel
over a year ago Alexanderfan2 said…
I still love him the same as I loved him when I saw him the first time of my life. I can't stop thinking about him. Maybe I'm crazy. I don't know.
over a year ago erilar said…
me 2, still i'm love with him and i love him so much i can't stop thinking about him! "i'm in love with a fairytale"!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Okay, girls!We women love to dream because the reality is sometimes too heavy.
The desperate, unfulfilled love can be very nice, because it leaves a memory forever.
"I loved, but I forgot it in my life
torment him"
says the poet, and this is true

over a year ago Ninouchka said…
Personally it's the opposite, my feelings are more profound and sincere as always ... My tender love for Life!

ps: Jeg elsker deg ;)
over a year ago jo135 said…
I agree with Ninouchka and Erilar...I cant stop thinking about him :D:D!!!!!!!
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
he is fairytale to me...nothing else
behind of cute face there is always the ugly truth...
over a year ago janafoxy said…
some of u are only sayin this because you believe sum made up story in a trashy
i know its not true and if you believe it its your loss..
i still think sasha is HOT.<33
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
I love Alex!But I know that he is just a Fairytale and dream!
Sometimes the truth hurts!