Alexander Rybak The day I met Alexander. <3

xProdigy posted on Aug 14, 2009 at 11:58AM
A little late, but here's the report of the day I met Alexander Rybak. <3

We were already around noon in Lommel, almost all alone, so we stood in front of the stage. The rehearsals began at four o'clock and the first band, Jo Hens, was very cool. We cheered for them all the time! A little later they were in the audience to see the rehearsals of the other artists, because there was no one who knew them. Kirsten saw it because on of the boys looked like Katelijn of the Jeremy's, so we went for a photo. They were really surprised, because we were the first ones ever who wanted a picture with them.

At the end of the rehearsals Alexander came to rehearse. He was already a while Lommel, I saw him going backstage. Everybody was yelling when he came on stage and he was really surprised that all those people were there for him. He had never expected that he would have so much fans in Belgium. He was even a little afraid. Before the song began, he stood in front of us and spoke to us from on the stage. He asked what language we spoke. So everyone yelled: "English!", "German!", "Dutch!". He was really suprised, because we have to know so much languages, so I yelled 'FRENCH! " and then he was even more surprised.

After he sung two songs, he started signing, which was not according to the plan. His Norwegian manager came a few times to say that he needed to go backstage, the bodyguards said it too, but he didn't want to go. When he came to us, Kirsten gave her cool Dutch wooden shoes. I gave him a folder, in which were some letters of other fans, and a paper with a link to my Belgian fanclub on. He thought it was really sweet I made him a fanclub and that I remained so calm and quiet while everyone around us were yelling, so he hugged me spontaneously. That was a big deal because he was pretty scared of all the hustle and bustle.

By signing, there was no time left to meet him backstage. But then we could watch the whole show, so that wasn't bad at all. When it was Alexander's turn, he sings really good live, of course, we all scream again. He also had the dancers of Frikar with him, their dance is very tiring. One of the dancers looked frequently to us, because we were cheering for him. The performance for the camera was very good, but then the producer of VTM came on the stage to say that they had to do it all over again, because he wanted more light on the audience. But the dancers were really tired. So while they did the act all over again, on of the dancers, Ulf-Arne, fell on his maw. Luckily enough, he could laugh about it. But a few seconds later, they almost poked Alexander down, so the violin almost fell on the ground and then they were laughing at each other. Ulf-Arne put his thumbs up to us to say that everything was okay, because we were quite shocked. It was really nice to see how they had fun on the stage.

Around half past eleven at night, I got the Belgian manager on the phone and she told me that we could come backstage, so we could meet Alexander again. There was a car and Ulf-Arne stood beside it. Kirsten was talking to him and then I joined them. He had a rose in his hands, which Alexander had received of a fan, and gave it to me. We also went with him on the picture, and laughed a little together. When we asked where the Belgian manager was because I wanted to thank her for all the things she had done for me, He told us how she looked like: 'Cute and little ', but we could not see her, it was really dark there, so he called her. We have talked a few minutes with her and since that moment, my fanclub is the Official Belgian Fanclub!

When Alexander came out, we went to him. I told him that the fanclub was official now and that had to take a look at it. And then he just completely said the link to us by rote to ask whether the link was correct or not. Pretty funny that he knew that link already by rote, while we only had talked a few minutes while signing. He was still very very impressed with all those fans who had come for him, so he was also reluctant. But after a few minutes he relaxed a bit, because we treated him as a normal boy, as it should be. I also had a bottle of liquor for him, which he could appreciate, he had the sense to drink it from the moment he saw the bottle, I think.

He has a T-shirt signed for the fan club, we will raffle it soon. After a few minutes and a few photos with some girls, he really had to go, so we went home.

It was a great day, I have really amused me and the fan club is official. What more can a girl want?

Alexander Rybak 15 replies

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over a year ago JustLikeSoul said…
wooooow!how lucky you are!it should be great!ı don't think that one day ı can talk with him :(
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
i have meet him too in Finland 12.7! And i hug him and i have his autograph, i also give him teddybear! Best day ever!
But you have WOW story too! very WOW!
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
I heard it before ^^'
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
i know i just tell that every time X)
over a year ago JustLikeSoul said…
it is not wrong.if ı were you ı would tell the story maybe hundered times because ı think it would be my best day ever,too(if ı met him) :(
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
no not from you but from xprodigy ;)
over a year ago JustLikeSoul said…
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
no problem :p
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
with pleasure :p
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
okay how did you get to bagstage realy? just call to someone? weird...
over a year ago jana-neso said…
I will never see him....
over a year ago xProdigy said…
@ Rosel_15: No, I spent almost a month mailing with his management etc. It was a lot of work to get it done, and I didn't call just 'someone', I called his Belgian manager.
over a year ago Fairytale09 said…
wow you are very lucky I wish I could meet him :)
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
okay! You are lucky girl!
over a year ago Katyakoka said…
you are lucky...if it try...