Alexander Rybak 3 minutes with Alex!!!

Magda-Edward posted on Jun 09, 2009 at 09:48AM
Hey everyone!!!

Let's make a great scenery in our minds and travel away from our pc screens for a little while!!

Imagine that you are in one of Alexander's concerts..You just can't get enough of him..You enjoy his songs and his gorgious smile...But then unfortunately the concert is over...Alex says goodnight and leaves the stage..People are leaving the stadium and after a few minutes you are alone there...You are definitely unwilling to go...A couple of seats away there is the stage, where Alex stood while the concert...The temptation is just too big...You get onto the stage and start wondering around...
Suddenly Alex gets back from the backstage and approaches you...''OMG..I'm gonnad die in this stage!!!!'' you think, trying to concentrate...He stands in frond of you and smiles your favourite dazzling smile...
''What are you doing here??You are not allowed to get onto the stage...You have to leave, otherwise security will take you out in thr3e minutes...''
You hold your breath listening to his magical voice and then you stragle to answer to him...or should you straight kiss him??
This is THE chance of a lifetime!!!!
You have 3 whole minutes to spend with Alex ALONE!!!!OMG.....

And here's my question..

What would you say to him in order to remain unforgetable in his memory or even make him fall in love with you???

(Given that every girl that surrounds him keeps screaming ''alex, I love you!!!'' so he doesn't pay much attention to that...)
Hey everyone!!!

Let's make a great scenery in our minds and travel away from our pc screens for a li
last edited on Jun 09, 2009 at 09:52AM

Alexander Rybak 41 replies

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over a year ago FanDlux said…
Have to think about that...

Btw, you should become a porn-novelist. Think you'll do great
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Porn Novelist??'ll think about it!!
over a year ago steamed_flowers said…
Beg and plead him to sing 'I'm Yours' and then melt into a heap.
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Sorry but do you really think that by begging him to sing ''I'm yours'' he would fall in love with you and never forget you??
It sounds a little impossible to me!!!!
over a year ago Jdveld said…
haha, I would sing I'm yours for HIM, no way he could resist me...:P
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
I bet he couldn't !!LOL!!!
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
Suddenly ;0)
I would offer her a poem which I wrote some years ago!

Three minutes of happiness, for a whole life of love..(Oh mg)
I think that I shall say YES in this fairy's tale

Then.. we would make the world tour, by travelling with
our 3 beautiful children....
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Three minutes of happiness for a whole life of love...So poetic...Good answer...Three ha?I would be satisfied with one child too...I would just be happy that Alex would be the father and I would be the mother...:)) ^_^
over a year ago steamed_flowers said…
big smile
Aha i wasn't implying that he should fall in love with me, far from it. I just love that song and love the version he did of it :)i already have a boyfriend so i don't need to worry about other people falling for me HAHA
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
I understand...
But my poetic vision was on the long term!
Although a first baby to entrainer, it is very well also ;0)
over a year ago Jdveld said…
haha, I would already be happy if Alexander was my friend.. but next step is then of course lovers.. XD
over a year ago sieffiepief said…
I would say:

Oh Gosh, I thought everybody had left, so I thought maybe I could get up here and imagine a full stadion and sing, and everybody would love just the way they love you. But I guess I made a mistake thinking everybody would leave that soon. I'm Sorry, Won't happen again. Oh btw while you're here, could you maybe sing a song for me? That would be amazing. I promise to leave after that and never climb up a stage again!
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Oh...that would be a cute answer too...Which song would you like him to sing for you???
over a year ago roxxette said…
3 minutes in front of alex ... I die, I faint ... ... anyway I don't know if I dare to say something ... I think I would apologize that i got up there, I ask for an autograph and I retire ... and I'll always remember those 3 minute magic...i woul be rememberd like a shy fan who realy respect his idol and don-t start to kiss him in a crazy mood
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Com'on roxxette!!
You shouldn't waste those 3 minutes like that!!
Of course I don't think that kissing him passionately isn't always the best choice but that doesn't mean that you should just apologise!!!!!

Btw..I would faint too....His smell wouldn't let my mind think...I won't be capable of speaking...that's why I am thinking about it in advance in case it ever happens...!!!LOL!! :DDD
over a year ago roxxette said…
that is what i'll do...this is me...shy and one more time shy....
ps:tell me roxana
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
ps:I hope that he likes the poetry!? (...) ;0)
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Of course he likes poetry..Look at the lyrics he writes...They are really poetic, beautiful and romantic.. :DD
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
Thus it is so fantastic!
And if he likes as me the surprises(...)
I am already conquered ;0))
over a year ago conzt said…
i would give him a drawing made by myself of something important to me and to him....(i need to discover what xD) and than would say "Portugal is a beatiful place come to vist me!" x'D behind the piece of paper of the drawing i would write my adress and my phone number x'D course II would have the drawing prepared before the concert :P i would also ask for a photo, a kiss and a hug :P
over a year ago lililog said…
you cool
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
I assume you are a good drawer then..But you didn;t let us know..What would you draw him???
over a year ago lililog said…
big smile
i'm ummmmm no i'm happy
over a year ago Wild_silk said…
I think I`ll be the happiest girl in the world...
over a year ago sieffiepief said…
I'd like him to sing 13 horses after that, because I think it's the most beautiful I have ever heard, and ofcourse I'd cry if he started singing it, and apologize a milion time because of my stupid crying
over a year ago kateriinaaa said…
Well well well..
you don't know how much i pray for that moment..
but anyway..
First of all,i think tha Alexander wouldn't be as rude and as hard as you describe him but..if i had that 3 minutes on the stage..I would apologise for being on the stage but i would explain him that i wanted to see the place that he stand and feel him..:$:$:$Then i would ask him for a kiss on the cheek and an autogragh and i would wish him the best..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Only this??
I think I would be moe daring and you for it!!!
Maybe i would kiss the right way and let him know how I feel for him...
I know, though, that If anything like that happened to me..I wouldn;t be capable of speaking...I would probably just scream..cry...and thank god for bringing my baby to me..even for 3 minutes...:))
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
I think that I would trust in our destiny... ;0))
over a year ago lililog said…
i'm love songs favorite song "fairytel" wat's your favorite song?
over a year ago kateriinaaa said…
I can't think something more..And i'm not sure if i could ever do something about what i said know what i wrote was my first thought..I am a realy shy person and as you said i don't know if i could speak that moment..I think my voice would not be there and I would freeze..
Oh My God..As i am thinking it more..I realy don't know how i would react that moment..I realy don't know now..:S:S:S:S:S
over a year ago lililog said…
hou's wanana by fan?
over a year ago lililog said…
hi .......
over a year ago jana-neso said…
I would say to him:"3 minutes? OK,that 3 minutes will be the best 3 minutes of my life.My biggest dream came through,I saw your beautiful face and smile,I heard your beautiful voice in live,and I totally don't care If security kick me out,they can kill me if they want,cause my life dream came through,and now I can duy peacefully...I'll love you forever Alex...Goodbye..."
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Oh sooo sweet and romantic..I think he would melt 4 you instantly!! :))
over a year ago jo135 said…
i would give him a drawing made by myself of something important to me and to him....(i need to discover what is it xD) and then would say "Malta is a beautiful place come to visit me!" x'D behind the piece of paper of the drawing i would write my home and email addresses and my phone number x'D Of course I would have the drawing prepared before the concert :P i would also ask for a photo, a big kiss and a big hug :P xD x'D !!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago alexandra_ said…
i would give him a teddy bear or something like that!!
and can i ask something??
why in the most photos he is kissing people???
over a year ago Magda-Edward said…
Because they ask him for a kiss....Who wouldn't actually??He is adorable..
Apart from that he admitted in an inteview that he prefers being kissed than writing augtographs all the time!! :))
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
Well if he pushes you away, if you kiss him ! think, if he would shout at you after that? ;DD;D;
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
Id Just Ask For many autographs and mayby hug him.. ;D
over a year ago kuutti said…
...and then you wake up and the dream is over.....He is a great artist and composer and a very fascinating person... but girls hold on the reality....
over a year ago carleese said…
i would blush and say, im sorry i just wanna know how it feels, beeing on the stage. then i would look him in the eyes (and hopefully don´t faint) and ask him if he could give me a hug, it would make me so happy. we hug etchouther and i kiss him on the cheek and hopes that he kisses back.then he would probobly ask me to leave but i don´t want to so i would probobly say that i can´t find my way out and laught. then he would smile(i would almost faint) and he would tell me how to get out, i would say,can´t i have a picture of you and me. Alex: shoure. and the picture would be taken and i would say good by and say that i could email the pic if he wanned(ask him for his email) and when(and if) i got it i would leave and i would email him the pic the wery next day