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Alexander Rybak Question

Does anyone get's their fanmail back like I did?

Hey Everybody!

Today is the happiest day of my life! It started as a usual school day boring blahblah. BUT!!!! when I came home I got a postcard. My mother asked me. If there was someone I knew from Norway. And there came the smile! It is a post card which says (on the front) Dear Sifra, You're Cool! and a signature. and on the back it says Thank you very much for your letter=) Don't try to get amous, but try to find a story you want to tell to everybody =) Alex. My head was as red as a tomatoe. But I couldn't be more happier. Now's my question If you have send any fanmail to Alex did you get a reaction?
 sieffiepief posted over a year ago
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Alexander Rybak Answers

MildaViolin said:
Just a couple of weeks ago I met Alexander in Gothemburg in Sweden and on the bus from Stockholm to Gothemburg I wrote a letter teller him about me and why I like about him! really simple and a bit flimsey (cause i wrote it on a bus) So when i met him I gave him the letter! and I didn't think that he would send me something back because I didn't ask any questions or anything! But 4 days later I got a really sweet postcard! What it said it's a secret! but in the end he wrote !PS.Du är söt. witch means in English are cute!
and he said that I was cute too when I met him both in stockholm and I gothemburg! So I was really Happy about that cause I hadn't expect that he would send me something!
and I got it in the morning while I was still asleep so my mother woke me up with a smile and said! "I think you want to read this" haha I just smiled for the hole day! and I put the card on a mirror so everytime a pass it I just smile cause it's such a sweet message he wrote! =D

I like that about him that he takes time to the people that likes him!
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posted over a year ago 
Wauw Cool! Thank you for responding!
sieffiepief posted over a year ago
Rybaklover said:
I was really nervous this morning because at 2:30 i had to have two teeth out :( so i felt really down and worried, when i got picked up my mum gave me this letter saying its from Norway. I felt really shocked because it had been over 2 months since i sent the letter to Alex and i really couldn't believe it. I opened it and i know this is really supid but i felt really emotional because he actually took the time to reply to his fans. I am really happy for everyone else that has got a reply to because its such a nice feeling to get a response.
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posted over a year ago 
Ninouchka posted over a year ago
janailb said:
I did too :):):)
a week ago I think.
I was really bad day because I had headache all the and I got a cold so I went to see a doctor.
When I finished I sat in the car waiting for my parents when suddenly my dad gave me a letter.I was like ,,Letter? For me? " haha because no one uses letters now and I saw my address written but It was dark and I didn't see the stamp. I opened the letter and.....I SAW ALEX FANCARD!!!!
I felt like I had got over the cold from that moment! I was sooo happy :D
Alex is the sweetest :D
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posted over a year ago 
AdaLove said:
Once upon a the middle June Near my birthday day,I woke up and my momma has left a postcard at my bed..she said to me guess you had a postcard from norway!of course i got was alexander's was an autigraph thanking me to be a huge fan of was so nice...
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posted over a year ago 
jo135 said:
Hey :D!!!

So it was the 5th September...I was soooo sad and couldnt stop crying because my 2nd Gozitan(from Gozo, sister island of Malta) cousin had passed away(AND I MISS HIM VERY VERY MUCH :'( :'(!!!!) I had such a bad day and I didnt feel like doing anything, just crying and praying for him.

In the afternoon, I received something and my mum asks me "Here is something for you from Norway :D" and said WHAT???? FROM NORWAY??????? And I said "OMG this is Alexander's handwriting FOR SURE ;)!!!" I opened it and I see a fancard of Alexander and wrote me "Dear Joanna, thank you so much for your letter + for being my BIGGEST fan :D!! You are really sweet :D!!! + he told me HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY too because I told him in the letter that I am going to be 19 on the 12th December and I didnt expect to tell me these words :D:D two smileys (=) =)) and his signature :D:D

OMG...Alex is such a sweet guy I WILL LOVE HIM FOREVER and on that day, he changed my mood and he made me happy!!!!! :D:D(L)(L)
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posted over a year ago 
ALExXxRybakFaNn said:
i was born on 12th december too!!!!!!
i have never send him a letter(i don't know the adress!),so he never send me the letter....:(
i'm sad,and happy for ya! :)/:( :p
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posted over a year ago 
10ks :)! Really???? soo cute :D:D can u please give me your msn??? I would like to know you more :D:D!!!!!!
jo135 posted over a year ago
I can give you he's adress
MildaViolin posted over a year ago
I agree :D
jo135 posted over a year ago
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